Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

BLOG TOUR: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things by Martina McAtee + GIVEAWAY!

HI guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining a Pump Up Your Book blog tour already in progress for a Young Adult title that's a perfect fit for the season.  It takes the paranormal aspect many have come to love and rachets it up to about lie.  The amount of friends, fiends, and foes running around here is enough to make Sunnydale look like a children's playground.  So prepare yourself as we embark on a journey like no other between the pages of today's book of choice is...

Reanimator Series, Book 1

About the book...
17 year old Ember Denning has made an art of isolating herself. She prefers the dead. She spends her days skipping school in old cemeteries and her nights hiding from her alcoholic father at the funeral home where she works. When her own father dies, Ember learns her whole life is a lie. Standing in the cemetery that’s been her sanctuary, she’s threatened by the most beautiful boy she’s ever seen and rescued by two people who claim to be her family. They say she’s special, that she has a supernatural gift like them…they just don’t know exactly what it is. 

They take her to a small Florida town, where Ember’s life takes a turn for the weird. She’s living with her reaper cousins, an orphaned werewolf pack, a faery and a human genius. Ember’s powers are growing stronger, morphing into something bigger than anything anybody anticipated. Ember has questions but nobody has answers. Nobody knows what she is. They only know her mysterious magical gift is trying to kill them and that beautiful dangerous boy from the cemetery may be the only thing standing between her and death. 

As Ember’s talents are revealed so are the secrets her father hid and those in power who would seek to destroy her. What’s worse, saving Ember has put her cousins in danger and turned her friend’s lives upside down. Ember must learn to embrace her magic or risk losing the family she’s pieced together.


First off, let's talk about that cover.  Eye catching and disturbing all that the same time.  I couldn't help myself!  Once I saw it, I knew I had to uncover its secrets.  I mean, why the color choice?  What's with the world being upside down?  Who is that red head on the swing?  Her outward appearance gives off innocence and yet something appears sinister just the same.  So many questions, and that's before you even notice the curious title!  Anyone else get the shivers from it?  *raises hand*  Now, let's dig into the elements...

Story wise, you can't shake a stick at all that is transpiring in this tale.  We have those coming into powers they never knew existed.  We have beings stalking others for unknown purposes that are going to a get a bit too close.  We have a whole town that is missing its memories from twelve years ago...except the vague notion that SOMETHING bad happened and their loved ones perished.  They all circle around Belle Haven, a town cloaked from the outside world and crammed full of paranormal beasties, that's about to become the boiling point for something years in the making.  Can you imagine finding out that you've extended a banshee, the other a reaper?  Or how about that you were suppose to be dead TWELVE years ago and your very existence is turning the paranormal world upside down?  Yeah...quite a bit to deal with and Ember is going to get hit with it all at once.  Good thing she's made of stronger stock than she looks...stronger than your average human I'd say.  Guess that explains why she's NOT actually one...

Character wise, there were so many to choose from, I'd be hard pressed to narrow it down to my favorites.  Ember is an easy choice with her ever present heart guiding her way; it is what makes her human despite all outward signs to the contrary.  Mace is certainly easy on the eyes and even though he's a soulless soul eater, I dare YOU to resist his ways.  (*snicker....good luck with that!*)  Tristan is a firecracker without a doubt (though there is one human in particular that brings her heart to a stand still), once her powers go active...buddy watch out!  Kai a big talking, sassy, soft-hearted soul; perhaps the very reason for his reaper position in the family.  Then there is Isa, Wren, Quinn (love that kid!), Donovan...need I go on?  As you can see, a notepad is not a bad reading accessory with this book...and we've only delved into the better parts of the cast! We've yet to list the true baddies (though Mace's position is certainly debatable), but I'll let you discover them on your own.

This is not a light read in any sense of the word so be warned going into it because once you do, they'll be no pulling yourself back out until you turn the final page.  How do I know?  From experience.  I literally read this over the course of one day and while I'm not a stranger to BIG books, this little pretty comes in at just over 500 pages.  Yep.  I told you it wasn't a lightweight.  Do I feel any of it could have been cut to trim it down a bit?  Not exactly, but I do think for those that gravitate towards quicker reads, may be slightly turned off by the prospect.  If that description fits you, try to push it out of your mind because you'll be missing out on a great read.  Heavy instance number two, the stories content.  We're talking the HUGE cast of paranormal critters and what nots PLUS the story itself because while you may think that the discovery of Ember's power is the end of it, it's truly only the beginning.  At times, it felt like I was trying to describe the beginnings of a really bad joke ... a werewolf, Grim, witch, banshee, and a reaper walk into a bar... but once I got the character tree straight in my head, I was set.

In conclusion, a great pick for the season as well as anytime you wish to indulge the Young Adult Paranormal fan in you.  It's got a little something for everyone...danger, romance, unrequited love, magic, and the classic good vs evil...while still weaving a tale that encompasses them all.  You'll fall under Ember's spell while trying to avoid the charms of Mace (*sigh*), verbally spar with Tristan while Quinn backs everyone up with hard won words of wisdom, even if he was but a teenager.  The fates of everyone here are connected in ways they don't even begin to understand until the you-know-what hits the fan at book's end.  Even then, there's so much we don't know you could fill a book with it....good thing there's more to come.  ^-^ (*adds to wish list*)


About the author...

Martina McAtee lives in Jupiter, Florida with her teenage daughter, her best friend, two attack Chihuahua’s and two shady looking cats. By day she is a registered nurse but by night she writes young adult books about reapers, zombies, werewolves and other supernatural creatures. When she isn’t working, teaching or writing she's reading or watching shows that involve reapers, zombies, werewolves and other supernatural creatures. This is her debut novel ...



Special thanks to Dorothy at Pump Up Your Book for the review copy as well as the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  Be sure to check out the other stops along THIS TOUR and stay tuned for book 2 in the series entitled, His Soul to Take, coming in 2016.

Before you go, don't forget to enter for your chance to win this fun prize pack including a sugar skull coffee mug with Day of the Dead tea and sugar skull shaped sugar cubes, courtesy of the author herself!  Just fill out the Rafflecopter and you're in it to win it.

Until next time...happy reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Expect a Miracle by Jenny Long

Hi there!
Welcome back to another day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're shining the light on a recent release that's sure to inspire many and touch hearts round the world.  It came to my attention thanks to Wunderkind PR and stars a family with the cards stacked against them, yet a spirit to rise above it all.  

A Mother’s Tale of Brotherly Love, Faith & the Race That Changed a Family’s Life
Jenny Long
with Bob Der 
Foreword by LeBron James
Liberty Street

About the book...
In 2012, Jenny’s two sons, Conner, 9 at the time, and Cayden, 7, who has spastic cerebral palsy, were named Sports IllustratedKids SportsKids of the Year after completing 14 triathlons, including two IronKids triathlons. Their story inspired children and athletes across the country, but their family story began long before crossing the finish line.

At 12 years old, Jenny lost her mother to cancer. Still in mourning, she was sent to live with her estranged father. Jenny quickly became a rebellious teen, dropped out of high school and fell in love with a felon. When Jenny finds out she’s pregnant, she promises to make a better life for her and her child, Conner. “Inspiring! They are a championship family.” —Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K) an imprint of Time Inc. Books
A couple of years later and after leaving her abusive first husband, Jenny has another boy, Cayden. Jennydreamed of her boys sharing hobbies and playing sports together, but those dreams were shattered when she found out that Cayden had cerebral palsy. But Cayden’s disability did not deter Conner from finding a way to bond and play with his brother, and through the Long Brothers’ very first triathlon, Conner and Cayden fulfilled their mother’s dream while also providing inspiration for those with disabilities, their caretakers, and anyone looking for a miracle. 

Inspirational and touching, Jenny Long’s story evokes feelings of hope and redemption against all odds.


Sounds like an incredible story, no?
Nothing would keep this little boy down nor his brother and from their resilience, their inability to accept "no this can't be done" as a final answer, their story was born.  Let's dig a little bit more behind the story as we sit in on a Q&A with Jenny Long....


What inspired you to put your life experiences into a memoir?  Were you tempted to censor yourself and not share a particular story or detail with the world?

I was inspired to share my story with the world. I have never been afraid to air my dirty laundry because we all have it, some people just wash theirs better than others.  I believe we are all out there trying our hardest to make the best choices in our lives. There is no such thing as telling someone you’ll never make a mistake because it happens.  It's how you stand up and take off again and the lesson you learned from it that matters. I want people to see that we all have miracles in our lives even when it seems like it's all bad. I want people to not give up when they feel it's the only option because it's not. I am not saying I am the only one that's had bad things happen to them, but a platform was laid out for me and I want to be someone that can help others.  

Your sons have inspired many people with their strength and courage.  What have you they taught you about life?

My boys have taught me so many things about life. How to love beyond faults and differences, how life is about the journey not the destination. I have learned to embrace the small things and not sweat too much in life.  Watching them race gets me every time. Watching them get passed up by others but still have determination and guts to finish no matter what place makes me proud.  

Was writing Expect a Miracle difficult for you in any way?  

Yes, writing this book was very hard! It's hard to read the story of your life and dig deep into the past. There were a lot of dark moments in my journey and no one likes to go back. We are supposed to focus on pressing forward.  So goi

Despite what Cayden’s doctor predicted about his future, you never lost hope for your son. What advice can you give to parents who are raising a child with cerebral palsy? 

It is a journey well worth traveling. It might not be what you had planned but I promise you will be blessed with so many more things you will learn in life. Your child will teach you what true love is. Stay connected with other parents with children who have special needs.  Whether a community or internet groups, you will learn a lot from other parents that understand. And always remember it's okay to go to the dark side with your feelings and emotions, just never be afraid to ask for help.  And last but not least take care of you too.  

What do you hope readers will take away from Expect a Miracle?

I want readers to gain hope in whatever they are facing in their life. Maybe they will take a more in depth look at their own life to find their own miracle around them. 


About the authors...

Author photo, credit Freddy Brown

JENNY LONG is the mother of Conner, 12, and Cayden Long, 10, who have completed in triathlons together as Team Long Brothers since 2011. Conner saw it a way for him to connect with Cayden, who suffers from Spastic Cerebral Palsy and they have competed in multiple triathlons and IronKids Triathlons. In 2012, the brothers were awarded the National Consortium for Academics and Sports (NCAS) Hero Among Us Award. EXPECT A MIRACLE: A Mother’s Tale of Brotherly Love, Faith and the Race That Changed a Family’s Life is Jenny’s first book. 


BOB DER is Managing Director of 10Ten Media and the former Managing Editor and Publisher of Sports Illustrated Kids. He lives in West Orange, New Jersey, with his wife Liz and two sons, James and Connor. 


Special thanks to Danielle at Wunderkind PR for the heads up about this title as well as the chance to share it with all of you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this incredible work, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Liberty Street, an imprint of Time Inc. Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Dragon of the Month Club by Iain Reading

Hi there!
Welcome to another exciting week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're being granted membership to a very exclusive club.  You can only belong if you've been a library patron, currently are one, or have possibly sought refuge in their hallowed stacks from the bullies that inhabit your reality.  (*glares at bullies*)  It's not a club that you find or found, but rather one that finds you.  What's that?  You have your doubts about all that I've said....can't say that I blame you exactly but allow me the chance to change your mind.  Ladies and gents, hold on to your backpacks, bring your imagination, and prepare to explore a few bookish worlds in a whole new way.  Today's book of choice is...


About the book...
The Dragon Of The Month Club is the exciting first installment in a new book series that tells the story of Ayana Fall and Tyler Travers, two best friends who stumble across an extraordinarily magical book and soon find themselves enrolled as members of a very special and exclusive club - The Dragon of the Month Club. 

On the thirteenth of every month a new dragon conjuring spell is revealed and the two friends attempt to summon the latest Dragon of the Month. The varieties are almost endless: Air Dragons, Paper Dragons, Fog Dragons, Waterfall Dragons, Rock Dragons, Tree Dragons - not to mention special bonus dragons for all the major holidays, including a particularly prickly Holly Dragon for Christmas. 

But one day when a conjuring spell somehow goes wrong Ayana and Tyler find themselves unexpectedly drawn into a fantastical world of adventure based on the various books scattered all across Tyler's messy bedroom. Travelling from one book-inspired world to the next with nothing to rely on but their wits and a cast of strange and exotic dragons at their disposal they must try to somehow find their way home again. 

Drawing inspiration from some of literature's most memorable stories - from 19th century German folktales to the streets of Sherlock Holmes's London - the adventures of Ayana and Tyler bring these classic stories to life in delightfully strange and unexpected ways. Filled with fascinating detail and non-stop action these books will spark the imaginations of readers of all ages to inspire a life-long love of reading and seeking out books that are just a little bit off the beaten track.


This is the story of Ayana and Tyler, two everyday kids that are about to embark on one extraordinary adventure.

It reminded me of The Neverending Story with the how-to-conquer-your-dragon book being found by accident as they were hiding from bullies in the book stacks.  (Atreyu anyone?)  Start aside though, that's where the similarities end.  The two stars of our show get to work on creating their first little dragon with skeptical hearts but by night's end, they are beyond amazed and anxious to try again.  Could you blame them?  The little Water Dragon they create is adorable, except when he makes a HUGE mess by dowsing everything in site...then again they are warned to have towels at the ready, not just one.  Anywho, the magic begins with the friendship and the spell, continues with their inauguration into the club, and builds as their skills grow...until one day, something goes awry.  The consequences of their spell gone wrong are beyond what any warning could have advised nor their imaginations conjured, and it lands them somewhere beyond belief.  To escape, they must work together utilizing all their skills and book knowledge to reach the one with all the answers.  Question is when they get there, will they TRULY have those answers and if so, will they be willing to share?  Only time will tell...too bad they don't have much of it to spare.

There is magic, dragon conjuring, secret clubs, and books-come-to-life to explore, but the coolest part to me isn't about all of the fantasy aspects.  It's the dose of reality that still shines through from its pages and warms my heart that really makes it stand out.  It all started with Ayana and Tyler's first meeting in the library as she was escaping that group of mean girls. Their connection was instantaneous as was the knowledge that they'd be lifelong friends.  Tyler's desire to do anything to make her smile and relieve her worries grows and their friendship deepens.  By the time we get to the Wishing Tree, we find we aren't surprised by his selflessness but smiling from ear to ear at the true-ness of his heart...or at least I was.  ^-^  Now I know I've been going on about Tyler, but what of Ayana?  Well now, it's not that she's not emotive but she IS much more of a locked box thanks to the life fate has dealt her.  She's not bad off but in the family department, it's been no walk on the beach, so to read her heart it takes a bit longer.  When it does open though, you can see the gentleness of spirit (despite her amazing accuracy and aggression when throwing fruit at sharks), the desire to believe good in all things (perfect example, the further comment), and the loyalty to those she holds dear all residing in perfect harmony.  She's a tough cookie but with the melty center.  

In conclusion, a curious adventure through the pages in more ways than one.  It will leave you with a new respect for the written word, a strong desire to collect your own magical dragons (some are just so cute!), and a reminder to be careful who we let into our lives but to be sure to let SOMEONE in.  Recommended read for the targeted Young Adult audience and beyond; despite the cuteness in cover design, some parts are a bit too scary for the younger crowd...especially that dude with the the giant scissors!  *-*


About the Author:

Iain Reading is passionate about Root Beer, music, and writing. He is Canadian, but currently resides in the Netherlands working for the United Nations. 

Iain writes young adult novels. He is the author of the Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency Series, The Wizards of Waterfire Series, and The Dragon of the Month Club



Special thanks to Kelsey at Book Publicity Services for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

One Helluva Gig by Kevin R. Doyle

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're going live a bit late but for a fairly valid reason...I didn't have a post pre-scheduled and it's my birthday so I was having a quiet day with the family.  Don't worry though, there was reading and now there will be blogging.  In honor of my day, I have chosen a novella length title for today's spotlight that features an aging (no jokes) rock star discovering that the path paved with platinum records and champagne isn't always what it's cracked up to be.  Ladies and gents, please join me as we welcome today's ebook of choice...

Kevin R. Doyle
Vagabondage Press

About the book...
What if Elvis never left the building, but instead made a living as an impersonator of himself? 

“One Helluva Gig” chronicles several years of the life of newspaper reporter Frank Peters who comes to prominence through a series of associations with the major recording star, Rob Jeffers, who Peters first interviewed when Jeffers was still paying the college circuit. 

When Jeffers dies midway through his stratospheric career, Peters own career takes a downward spiral that ends with him working for a tabloid newspaper chasing years of supposed sightings of Jeffers, still alive. As Peters is sent once more to the middle of nowhere to investigate a Jeffers sighting, he discovers something unexpected - not only about the dead singer, but also about himself.


Alright guys, so honesty wins as always with me.
It's not the most earth shattering of stories but it was moving nonetheless.  It's a quick and slighty crazy ride from start to finish but with life lessons you weren't expecting along the way.  The takeaway for me included several messages though, the likes of which I shall divulge now.  Let the lessons begin... careful what you wish for - you never know that the rainbow you see is going to end in a pot of gold.  It may simply be a slide into the abyss, an evil leprechauns lair, or some other fated place.  The point is, no wish is perfect nor life without strife.  Rob Jeffers certainly didn't see that one coming when he started on his path to musical fame.

...the grass is not always greener on the other side - Peters saw this for himself.  He saw ups and downs in his own career and that of his "friend".  That third meeting with the man of the hour was rather emotional though not a tear was shed.  You could feel the precipice that Jeffers was standing on and despite the millions surrounding him, how much of an island he truly was...not the easiest pill to swallow.  I'm not sure what would be worse though, recognizing the loneliness or walking around oblivious to the truth?

...make the most of every moment - Peters didn't really execute this philosophy in his younger days but then again I respect him all the more for it.  Later in life he once again makes a judgment call that could change his career and while not the life altering decision you might anticipate, it showed his true character.  In the moment, those closing scenes, we see that "making the most" doesn't have to create chaos and scrambling; sometimes it's just realigning what we thought we knew into a more appealing light.

...and it is possible to be alone in a room full of people - again witnessed first hand by both gentleman time and again.  Jeffers had it all and yet he didn't; Peters could have tasted the same fame but chose not to.  Was either man better off for their decisions?  Maybe yes, maybe no.  One small change could have affected the whole outcome for them both but then again, if they never found peace within themselves, what would it have mattered?

In the end, while not a read for all, it's certainly a read for some.  It shows the power that music has to transform all of us.  It reminds us that every meeting, every moment can be monumental in its own right.  It tells us to never stop trying to be all that we seek to be even if it means upsetting the whole apple cart and starting again.  Recommended read for adult readers not for any questionable content but simply for the mindset of the story.


About the author...

 A high school teacher and fiction writer living in central Missouri, Kevin R. Doyle has seen his short stories, mainly in the horror and suspense fields, published in over twenty-five small press magazines, both print and online. In 2012 his first e-book, a mainstream novelette titled One Helluva Gig, was published by Vagabondage Press. 

     Doyle earned a B.A. in English and an M.A. in communications from Wichita State University. He teaches English and public speaking at a high school in rural Missouri and has taught English, journalism and Spanish at a number of community colleges in both Kansas and Missouri.   

    In January of 2014, The Group, a suspense novel concerning political advertising and serial murder, was published in e-book form by Barbarian Books and February of 2015 will see the publication of his new horror/suspense novel, The Litter, by Night to Dawn Magazine and Books.



Special thanks to author Kevin R. Doyle for the ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a virtual shelf of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Max and Marla by Alexandra Boiger

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're facing our fears in true seasonal style with a Children's Storybook that is sure to please both the eye, the mind, and the heart.  Having celebrated its book birthday mere days ago, its fresh off the presses and ready for you to indulge in a little weekend repast.  Without further ado, now arriving at breakneck speed down track one is today's book of choice...

Alexandra Boiger
G.P. Putnam's Sons Book for Young Readers

Max and Marla is an adorable read from start to finish.  The moment my eyes lit on the cover, I knew I was in for something magical.  

No, really!  I'm not overstating about this book or its merry brethren. There's just something about this particular genre that captures your imagination like no other.  It sets your mind reeling in so many directions from the simplest combination of words or beautifully complex illustrations.  Things you may have never pondered come to light while those ideas you've ruminated about on and off over time finally reach a stage of full development.  I'd like to believe that the reason for this magic is as simple as the freedom these books give us to interpret, explore, and change our worlds...and whose to say it isn't?  You can't tell me that you haven't had your melted by or a smile grow from ear to ear after reading a storybook at some point or another.  It brings out the kid in all of us and that's something we should never let go.  Back to the book at hand...

The story is simple yet true.  Dreams are not achieved lying down and life is much better with a friend by your side through thick and thin.  Yes, the words certainly have a shine of their own, a fact I won't discount in the least, but for me, the illustrations had my heart from the start.  I thought I recognized the style of the artwork and upon looking into the author's previous works, I did.  (She's the creative mind behind the art in the Tallulah series!)  That being said, even if I hadn't seen the style before, I would have fallen in love with these two.  Max and Marla are equally adorable as they help each other reach their sledding goals and when the going gets tough, they...pull together even more because THAT'S what friends do!  It was heartwarming to see them work as a team to get the sled back in tip top shape, even if one of them tuckered out before the job was completely done.  When they were preparing for the day, the process of getting all bundled up for the weather had me in smiles for miles as little Marla's was wound up to her eyes in a scarf and Max wrapped his own to match.  Their trips through the winter snow were beautifully represented with backgrounds that easily place you by their side as the wind whips and the snow flies. ~shiver~

In the end, the overall message is should never give up on your dreams, no matter how big or small THEY or YOU might be.  Bookmarks up to the author on her first dual role endeavor.  I can't wait to see what she has in store for us in the future.  Recommended for readers of all ages, shapes, sizes, and species...after all, what would little Marla say if we excluded her woodland friends?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

About the author...

Alexandra Boiger grew up in Munich, Germany as the youngest of seven children.  She studied Graphic Design at the Fachhochschule Augsburg before working in Feature Animation at  Warner Brothers and Dreamworks.  After working in animation, Alexandra decided to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a children's book illustrator, gathering a following as the illustrator of the popular Tallulah series.  MAX AND MARLA is her debut title as both author and illustrator.  Alexandra now lives in Northern California with  her husband and daughter.



Special thanks to Katherine at Penguin Young Readers for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via G.P. Putnam's Sons, an imprint of Penguin Random House, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

BOOK SPOTLIGHT: Molly Lee by Andrew Joyce

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the LATE BREAKING edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

I know what I said earlier, I needed a break and I do in fact need one but I couldn't stay away all day.  So many books, so little time...and this title has been waiting for its spotlight all month long.  Couldn't disappoint now could I?  I think not.  So, sit back, relax, and take it all in. 

Today's featured title comes to us from an author who has a few works out there in the literary world already.  The latest addition to his published titles is a work of Historical Fiction set in Civil War times and staring a young woman on her journey through life, love, and all the twists fate has in store.  Please join me in shining the book spotlight on today's selection...

Andrew Joyce
CreateSpace Independent Publishing

About the book...
Molly is about to set off on the adventure of a lifetime . . . of two lifetimes.

It’s 1861 and the Civil War has just started. Molly is an eighteen-year-old girl living on her family’s farm in Virginia when two deserters from the Southern Cause enter her life. One of them—a twenty-four-year-old Huck Finn—ends up saving her virtue, if not her life.

Molly is so enamored with Huck, she wants to run away with him. But Huck has other plans and is gone the next morning before she awakens. Thus starts a sequence of events that leads Molly into adventure after adventure; most of them not so nice.

We follow the travails of Molly Lee, starting when she is eighteen and ending when she is fifty-six. Even then Life has one more surprise in store for her.

AMAZON  |  B&N  |  iTunes  |  KOBO  |  Smashwords


A little vague perhaps but it alludes to potential excitement, don't you think?  Well, I thought so at least.  Anywho, toting the merit or potential of a title you've not read is well and fine but instead of supposing about it, I do believe I'll let you hear it from the horse's....I mean author's own words.  Take it away Mr. Joyce!


My name is Andrew Joyce, and I write books for a living. Gina has been kind enough to allow me a little space on his blog to promote my new book, MOLLY LEE. The story is a female-driven account of a young naive girl’s journey into an independent, strong woman and all the trouble she gets into along the way.

Now you may possibly be asking yourself, What is a guy doing writing in a woman’s voice? And that’s a good question. I can only say that I did not start out to write about Molly; she just came to me one day and asked that I tell her story.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning. 

My first book was a 164,000-word historical novel. And in the publishing world, anything over 80,000 words for a first-time author is heresy. Or so I was told time and time again when I approached an agent for representation. After two years of research and writing, and a year of trying to secure the services of an agent, I got angry. To be told that my efforts were meaningless was somewhat demoralizing to say the least. I mean, those rejections were coming from people who had never even read my book.

So you want an 80,000-word novel?” I said to no one in particular, unless you count my dog, because he was the only one around at the time. Consequently, I decided to show them City Slickers that I could write an 80,000-word novel!

I had just finished reading Mark Twain’s
Huckleberry Finn for the third time, and I started thinking about what ever happened to those boys, Tom and Huck. They must have grown up, but then what? So I sat down at my computer and banged out REDEMPTION: The Further Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer in two months; then sent out query letters to agents.

Less than a month later, the chairman of one of the biggest agencies in New York City emailed me that he loved the story. We signed a contract and it was off to the races, or so I thought. But then the real fun began: the serious editing. Seven months later, I gave birth to Huck and Tom as adults. And just for the record, the final word count is 79,914. The book went on to reach #1 status on Amazon twice, and the rest, as they say, is history.

But not quite.

My agent then wanted me to write a sequel, but I had other plans. I was in the middle of editing down my first novel (that had been rejected by 1,876,324 agents . . . or so it seemed) from 164,000 words to the present 142,000. However, he was insistent, so I started to think about it. Now, one thing you have to understand is that I tied up all the loose ends at the end of REDEMPTION, so there was no way that I could write a sequel. And that is when Molly asked me to tell her story. Molly was a character that we met briefly in the first chapter of REDEMPTION, and then she is not heard from again.

As I had wondered whatever became of Huck and Tom, I also wondered what Molly did when she found Huck gone.

I know this has been a long-winded set up, but I felt I had to tell the backstory. Now I can move on and tell you about Molly.

As stated earlier, Molly starts out as a naïve young girl. Over time she develops into a strong, independent woman. The change is gradual. Her strengths come from the adversities she encounters along the road that is her life.

With each setback, Molly follows that first rule she set against self-pity and simply moves on to make the best of whatever life throws her way. From working as a whore to owning a saloon, from going to prison to running a ranch, Molly plays to win with the cards she’s dealt. But she always keeps her humanity. She will kill to defend herself, and she has no problem killing to protect the weak and preyed upon. However, when a band of Indians (for instance) have been run off their land and have nowhere else to go, Molly allows them to live on her ranch, and in time they become extended family.

This is from a review on Amazon:

A young female in nineteenth-century rural America would have needed courage, fortitude, and firm resolve to thrive in the best of circumstances. Molly Lee possesses all of these, along with an iron will and an inherent ability to read people accurately and respond accordingly.”

I reckon that about sums up Molly.

I would like to say that I wrote MOLLY LEE in one sitting and everything in it is my pure genius. But that would be a lie. I have three editors (two women and one guy). They kept me honest with regard to Molly. When I made her a little too hard, they would point out that she had to be softer or show more emotion in a particular scene.

I set out to write a book where every chapter ended with a cliffhanger. I wanted the reader to be forced to turn to the next chapter. And I pretty much accomplished that, but I also wrote a few chapters where Molly and my readers could catch their collective breath.

One last thing: Everything in MOLLY LEE is
historically correct from the languages of the Indians to the descriptions of the way people dressed, spoke, and lived. I spend as much time on research as I do writing my stories. Sometimes more.

It looks as though I’ve used up my allotted word count (self-imposed), so I reckon I’ll ride off into the sunset and rustle up a little vodka and cranberry juice (with extra lime).

It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for having me over.



The pleasure was all mine, sir!
The pleasure was all mine.

Special thanks to author Andrew Joyce for the Guest Post as well as the chance to feature his work here today.  For more information about the author, this title, or his full body of works, feel free to click through the links provided above or connect with him via his site, blogFacebook, or GoodReads.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a virtual shelf of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Taking back Thursday...

Yeah. I needed a break day and here it is. I've got some time off coming at work in a few days but today makes day SIX in a SEVEN day straight stretch...and trust me, my current job is no walk in the park. Anywho, enjoy this Hallo-themed pic post and try not to laugh TOO hard.

Until we meet again....

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Saving the Spooniverse one bark at a time...: Space Dog by Mini Grey

HI there!
Welcome back to another exciting edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

As the Halloween holiday continues its fast approach, we press forward with our themed reads perfect for whiling away a blustery afternoon.  Today's selected title may not seem like an instant match but bear with me because I'm seriously seeing the potential for bookish costumes here for both the little ones AND the fur babies...and I mean ALL the fur babies, from the big to the small.  Don't believe me?  Well then, let's get to proving it shall we?  Coming in for a landing is today's book of choice...

Mini Grey
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers

Bark date...October 21st, 2015.
Time...something o'clock in the AM or PM.
Destination...Home Planet, or at least it WAS.

Space Dog was a canine of the first class.  Tried and true, he wasn't a dog to leave a man down...or anyone else for that matter.  Having made his rounds of the galaxy saving this planet, rescuing that race, and introducing himself to a Spaghetti Entity, he was ready to head home once again.  After all, life is space is nice but it can get lonely being a crew of one.  Little did he know that soon his numbers would be multiplied by THREE and that the "sworn enemy" would become his newest friends.

This read was highly addictive, much like milk with cereal or ketchup on your fries.  Okay, well not on MY fries, I'm actually not a ketchup-on-fries kinda girl, but you get the point.  Once you open the cover, the exploration and adventure begins, starting with Space Dog's Official Spacemap and continuing through a glimpse at the Spaceforce Official Training Handbook.  In between, we get to travel the galaxy, rescue fellow astronauts and discover that though we might be told one thing, it's best for us to truly decide how we feel.  Take Space Dog versus the Astrocat.  When push came to shove, Space Dog wasn't thinking that this was his sworn enemy nor did he even consider NOT helping him out.  Indeed, the first thing on his mind was MUST SAVE which his four paws responded post haste.  A few lightyears away, yet another galactic disaster occurs, placing a Moustronaut in peril but never fear, the newly formed duo is here to save the day...and make a new friend.  That to me is the best part of all.  Showing the power of acceptance, of inclusion to the next generation can only spark the togetherness we need to help bring us all one step closer to truly understanding one another.

Overall, it may sound cliche but I would say this read was out of this world.  The story was both humorous and sweet, with the unexpected message of inclusion and acceptance for one and all.  The illustrations were top notch and kept the tale moving nicely, adding yet another layer of enjoyment and extending the reach of the story to even the wee ones.  A great balance, if I do say so myself, and a must read for your wish list.  Oh and back to the costume thing....can't you just see your fur babies dressed as astronauts or your kiddos dressed the same but with puppy ears or a cat tail? Come on!  It'd be adorable and one of a kind!


About the author...

MINI GREY is the creator of the Boston Globe–Horn Book award-winning picture book Traction Man Is Here!, as well as Traction Man Meets TurboDog and Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey. Her brilliant, quirky humor can also be seen in Toys in Space, Hermelin the Detective Mouse, Three by the Sea, The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon, and Ginger Bear. Mini’s books have received 23 starred reviews. She is a former elementary school teacher. Visit her at


Special thanks to Cassie at Random House Children's Books for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is set to release October 27th, 2015, via Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Random House Children's Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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