Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, where we're putting the HO-HO-HO in HOliday this reading season as often as we can.
Today, we're shining the jolly jinglin' spotlight on a surprise arrival to my doorstep from Doubleday Books for Young Readers. It stars a song turned Picture Book from a well known female artist that's sure to have you karaoke-ing along as the pages flys like snowflakes from the sky...somewhere other than my hometown seeing as it's 84 degrees outside. *-* Needless to say no white Christmas for me, but enough with the Scroogey demeanor, let's get on with the show! Today's book of choice is...

Mariah Carey
Illustrated by
Colleen Madden
Almost everyone knows the song this book was inspired by, even the version from this particular musician. Every year it plays and every year we sing along to it, pinning our hopes for the season to the lyrics. I enjoyed seeing the song play out on the page, truly I did! The illustrations were sweet and magical. The dusting of glitter here, a rosy cheek there. You already know I'm a sucker for puppies, so it was a given that I would "ooh" and "aah" at the little guy pictured here. I mean, how adorable is it that the sweet little girl at the story's center wants nothing more than this little puppy, adopted no less! I also loved the way the family was portrayed. There were no carbon copies here. Instead, we find it filled with diversity much like many of today's families; definitely something children of all ages can relate to. Truly a gem in both picture and word.
There was but one problem for me though. For those not having encountered the song as an adult, it may be easier to fall completely in love because the whimsy of it all can be felt from the book's start to finish. In truth though, the song wasn't really aimed at a child's wish for a pup, but an adult's wish for someone to kiss under the mistletoe. There was a time or two that I would hit a snag as I read along and thought...that is SO not about a puppy. Does it work still? Yes...you just have to keep your childlike wonder dialed in full strength is you've been exposed to the original release previously.
Overall, it's certainly a memorable addition to your holiday reading list this year. Just try to keep the smile off your face as you see our little "heroine" of sorts making her case for Santa granting her heart's desire this year, or as you catch a glimpse of the pure joy on BOTH their faces by book's end. Better yet, just enjoy it for all its worth and then carry the fun over to the musical aspect of things with a listen to the original release. It'll add another layer of warmth to that glow the season instills in all our hearts.
Special thanks to the team at Doubleday Books for Young Readers, for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, illustrator, or those releases on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.
Until next time...happy reading!
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