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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're playing host to an iRead Book Tours starring a work of Fiction that displays the bonds women share across age, background, and general life differences. It shows the strength of our hearts, the firmness of our convictions, and just what happens when you back us in a corner. Lashes and gents, make way for today's book of choice....
Alice Hayes
About the book...
Sherice is a new mother, a sonographer, quilter, and wife; an overworked young woman whose elderly mother is slipping away from her.
Sylvie is a newlywed and recent immigrant, unemployed and virtually penniless. Her husband’s paycheck can’t even cover prenatal care, let alone a baby, and her due date is only drawing nearer…
Joanne’s unconventional pregnancy turns her world upside down, redefining her career and relationships, and even bringing to the surface long-buried demons from her past.
Payton is seventeen, pregnant, and on the run. She flees to her uncle in Georgia with the hope of making a fresh start, but discovers making it on her own is harder than she could ever have imagined.
Gloria is trapped in an unhappy marriage; in love with someone else. Her life is falling apart. With a baby on the way, would it be selfish to flee?
Five women, once strangers, form bonds. Set in modern day Georgia, this is the story of friendship that blossoms in the land of country music, sweet tea, and secrets kept locked tight behind closed doors. Moving, funny, and at times heartbreaking, The Thread That Binds is a lesson in empathy, strength, and the beauty of love.
Sylvie is a newlywed and recent immigrant, unemployed and virtually penniless. Her husband’s paycheck can’t even cover prenatal care, let alone a baby, and her due date is only drawing nearer…
Joanne’s unconventional pregnancy turns her world upside down, redefining her career and relationships, and even bringing to the surface long-buried demons from her past.
Payton is seventeen, pregnant, and on the run. She flees to her uncle in Georgia with the hope of making a fresh start, but discovers making it on her own is harder than she could ever have imagined.
Gloria is trapped in an unhappy marriage; in love with someone else. Her life is falling apart. With a baby on the way, would it be selfish to flee?
Five women, once strangers, form bonds. Set in modern day Georgia, this is the story of friendship that blossoms in the land of country music, sweet tea, and secrets kept locked tight behind closed doors. Moving, funny, and at times heartbreaking, The Thread That Binds is a lesson in empathy, strength, and the beauty of love.
This is a story that truly shows the strength of women and the power of friendship.
Each of the ladies in this novel are connected to one another through that ever present "circle of life". Some have little ones already and are enjoying the time spent with them as others in the family begin reverting back to that stage of life. Some have a little one on the way but whether seen as a planned event, blessed miracle, or unplanned (but LOVED) consequence, all depends on which set of eyes you are looking through. There are those that have it easier (notice I didn't say EASY) and those that struggle through every step they take. The common thread amongst them all is that they are not alone in what they face no matter how grave, joyous, or somewhere in-between their current situation is. Every one of them has survived things, whether easily seen from the outside or not, and each woman has an inner strength that will be found or rediscovered by book's end, ready to share with the next soul in their path's that needs a shoulder regardless of the reason.
I suppose the woman I most connected with was Sherice. Her heart was so large, her spirit so buoyant, and her giving nature just bubbled over with enthusiasm to help those in need. It was so hard to watch her rock, her steadfast matriarch be hit by the curveball that is Alzheimer's, and the effects it had not only on her mother but her entire family, but heartwarming to see everyone pull together. Sylvie's situation was disconcerting. I guess I like most others assumed the military would "take care of their own" but she had a unique situation and watching them struggle while fighting the good fight was a real eye opener. Now Joanne is a character that really left her mark. My favorite scene in the book is actually when she is entertaining Payton's parents and backs the girl's dad into a corner after he REALLY shows how "Christian" he and his wife are. Let's just say the quotes are there for a reason but she really does a girl proud. Payton I had a harder time liking at first, typical teen with all the angst to go along with the 'tude, and a pregnancy to add a few more hormones to the mix, but by book's end we'd made our peace. She's a smart girl who got into a sticky situation and wasn't allowed to let it play out the way it should have. It's not all her fault. Gloria my heart went out to for all she endured. Grant it, she wasn't completely in the right, but Hal NEVER had a right in any way to do what he did. NEVER.
In conclusion, a great group of women one would be lucky to call friends with a story that will touch you heart and soul. It reminds us that we are not truly alone in this world no matter the circumstances and to always keep the faith even when things seem their bleakest. A tough lesson for certain, but one we can all benefit from...myself included. Recommended read for Fiction and Women's Fiction fans from older teens through adults due to some content and concepts covered.
About the author...
Originally from Winchester, England, Alice’s plans to read law at a British university were disrupted when she fell deeply in love with Georgia, USA, while studying abroad. After moving all over Georgia, Alice has finally settled in Athens and has no plans to go anywhere else.
She is a single mother to a three-year-old girl and a 65 lb hound dog. She likes coffee, wine, and anything edible with the words ‘salted caramel’ in its description.
At the time of publication, Alice is a 24-year-old history student working full time in a law office, and writing fiction at every stolen moment. She hasn’t slept in approximately two years. Her first published novel, The Thread That Binds won third place in World's Best Story contest.

Special thanks to Laura at iRead Book Tours for the copy for review and chance to bring this blog tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on THIS TOUR (which includes a GIVEAWAY!), this title, the author, or those promotions forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available in print and ebook formats via FastPencil, so click on over to Amazon to pick up your copy today.
Until next time...happy reading!
You don't. Know how strong You really can be until life shoves you beyond you usual barriers This book is an inspiration unleashed to all
Having a family member with a form of dementia many people are surprised that I tend to seek out books with this theme but I'm intrigued by how authors deal with the subject.
Definitely one I'll make a note of, thank you.
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