Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're joining a Blog Tour already in progress starring the sequel to a rather fun fairytale adventure we embarked on once upon a time....*ahem*. It went by the title of Happily Ever After High School and starred one Albany French. Now, I don't intend to take you completely through the pages of the first installment, but let me reacquaint the two of you and we'll move forward properly, okay? Good! here goes...
Though her name doesn't scream fairytale, her life was about it....with ALL the ups AND downs. We're talking finding out your grandmother is ACTUALLY a bit magical, discovering you've got a fairy godmother watching your back, and that your parents didn't merely die but were MURDERED...and the one who put them in their graves was now after you. Eek! Time to hit the yellow brick road and get the hay out of dodge, right? Wait...wrong fairytale...or is it? You see HEAHS was a place where all types of fairytales converged to learn their parts, hone their skills, and find their own happily ever afters, so whether you were descended from a long line of Cinderellies (just don't call Cindy that... *-*), or raven haired-red-lipped-poisoned-apple-eating beauties, you could feel at home. Of course, it was still high school, thus the usual jealousy, cliques, and rivalries arose, but Albany fought her way through (quite literally) and discovered true love's kiss...as well as her true love...thus leading to her happy ending..sorta. Which leads us to book 2, today's blog tour guest, and ebook of choice...

Savannah Ostler
Howling Wolf
About the book....
The enchanting sequel to “Happily Ever After High School”.
After graduating Happily Ever High, eighteen year old Albany French was living the perfect fairy tale. She had her very own fairy godmother, a delightfully eccentric grandmother, and her boyfriend was her dream knight in shining armor.
At first, it seemed like a flawless freshman year for her at Once Upon A Time University. The campus was magical and enchanted, her classes were extraordinary, and she made surprising new friends.
A chain of unsettling events followed by a twist of fate sends Albany spinning. She is forced to make the most difficult decision of her life- one that could potentially break her heart. The perfect happily ever after was still within Albany’s grasp... or so she thought.
The second (final...maybe?) installment, has us catching up with Albany and Ben (her true love...aawww!) on their way to OUTU or Once Upon a Time University. Here they will spend their days gaining knowledge and insight into the fairytale world in which they live, gain new skills to add to their repertoire, find ways to make their formerly unlikely dreams come true, and making lifelong friends...and enemies. Hmm...it seems from the start one that something or someone is out to get Albany and just how is a rather twisted surprise.
Story wise, the natural relationship that developed between Cindy and Albany was sweet. For those who read the first book, no one could have guessed these two would be besties in this lifetime...but it felt right. The connections they forged leaning on each other and sharing their own experiences for the betterment of the other was touching and speaks to the whole concept of never giving up on your fellow man...or princess. I was quite taken aback by the big break up with Ben though as I definitely didn't see that coming or the logic in her decision, but it is Albany and she's not always the most logical in matters of the heart. She causes herself some undue heartache yet in the end, shows just how strong she really is...love or no love. Curious how that works out considering true love seems to be the key to all that happens in this fairytale world and she's without at the moment...
*dun dun dunnnn*
Moving forward....I love how the college world was brought to life. Everything from the stores and shops surrounding them to the school grounds, the classrooms and rooms that only some could see. It had a bit of a Harry Potter feel to it in these places, but not so much so that we couldn't see its own splendor. I was definitely suspicious of the green apple drink Albany favored but more so of the apple cider she and Cindy were served by their former Fortune Telling professor. I'm sorry, but good natured or not, she's a descendent of the Evil Queen in Snow White's tale! Remember? Poison apples and all that? Would you REALLY take a chance? Especially with an APPLE drink? *-* I think not.
Overall, a wonderful follow up to the original we fell in love with just over the rainbow that reminds us being true to our hearts is never wrong and we have the power to write out own happily ever after. The only drawback I can list is that a time or two we get a tad overindulgent in describing the surroundings. At one point, I experienced deja vu as the interior of the main hall was described...but I can understand why Albany was impressed by it all as it was rather decadent. Recommended read for Young Adult fans of all ages that like a little fairytale magic in their reads, don't mind a knight in shining armor, and believe that while true love may be hard to find, it's well worth the risk of heart.
About the author....

Savannah Ostler was born in Alpine, Utah. Since childhood, she has enjoyed many forms of the arts. It was from her love of performing that she decided to attend East Hollywood High, a school in Salt Lake City dedicated to film, television, and writing.
In addition to acting for both stage and film, Savannah is also a singer, having released several original pop singles, and performing at well known venues in Hollywood such as The House Of Blues, and the Roxy theater.
Although Savannah is incredibly diverse with her talents, her first love is, and has always been writing. She has been writing ever since she learned how to read and write. She enjoys many different forms of writing: poetry, lyrics, fiction, and screenplays. To date, Miss Ostler has written hundreds of original poems, six original songs produced and performed by Savannah herself, hundreds of lyrics not yet produced, over a dozen produced short films, five feature film screenplays, two television pilots, and of course, her first novel Happily Ever After High School.
Savannah has always been a day dreamer and a true kid at heart. When she is not buried in her writing projects, she can be found at Disneyland, living out all of her fairy tale
She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband Steve and their two mixed Chihuahua pups.

Special thanks to the team at Ravenswood Publishing for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ebook for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the previous release, the author, the publisher, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it at an online retailer of your choosing.
Until next time...happy reading!
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