Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...
Showing posts with label Julia Dweck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julia Dweck. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

STORYBOOK SUNDAY: Boomer at the Bat by Julia Dweck

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.

Today, you're in for a double treat as we explore the latest release from author Julia Dweck!  If the name isn't familiar by now, you may have been out of the country, out of WiFi reach, or forgetting to indulge the kiddo in you as of late, but that's can change all that now.  Why?  Because...there are two things you can always count on with her books....a fun story and awesome illustrations.  So, if you're ready...I think it's your turn at bat!  Please join me as we welcome, today's ebook of choice...

Woodville Tails, Book 1
Julia Dweck
Illustrated by
Chris Kennett
Stan Lee's Kids Universe

This is the story of...well, Boomer at bat.  Kind of guessed that from the title, huh?  Well, that's not all!  Yes, Boomer gets his chance at bat, which is well and fine because really, he swings, misses, swings, misses, and well, let's just say it's going, going, going for quite some time.  What he also gets though is a much needed lesson in sportsmanship, and how to have FUN!  

So many kiddos (and let's face it, adults) get lost in the pursuit of WINNING that they forget to actually enjoy themselves.  After all, baseball (among other sports) was not invented to see who has the highest batting average, number of strike out pitches thrown, or the speediest feet on the was a GAME, to pass the time and have a little FUN!  Being a sore sport doesn't make it enjoyable for anyone, so I was oh-so-glad to hear Coach Wuzzle help our little Boomer out with his sage advice.  After we get a little adjustment on our focus, the outcome of the swing, hit, and maybe miss or maybe not, doesn't seem nearly as important, but the enjoyment gained, and the friendships those are some headlines to write about.  

All in all, another fabulous release from an author whose work I know and love, as should you!  Every adventure has an element of fun, learning, and those wonderful illustrations that you simply can't take your eyes off of.  No, really!  I'm still looking through the virtual baseball cards at the end of the story.  So cute!


Special thanks to author Julia Dweck for the ecopy loan for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, or the wide world of Stan Lee's Kids Universe titles, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so click on over to Amazon to snag your ecopy today!

Until next time, remember... if it looks good, READ IT!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fairytales BEWARE: Snitch & Sneer Hit the Hood by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're taking a look at the latest release from Sleep Sheep Productions and author Julia Dweck.  That's right!  She's back and bringing the humor in the first volume of an all new series for readers of all ages.  Ready to take the plunge?  Here we go!  Ladies and gents, get ready to meet our fun-yet-crazy hosts for this trip through Fairy Tale Land and today's eBook of choice...
Fairytale Crashers, Volume 1
Illustrated by
Daryll Collins
Sleepy Sheep Productions
Once upon a time,  There was a little girl who ADORED wearing red.  She loved it SO very much that they called her Little Red Riding Hood...whether or not it was her color was debatable though.  So goes the story of Snitch and Sneer crash landing in their first Fairytale Land adventure.  With as much humor as can be mustered (and let's face it, that's A LOT of humor), they reveal the story of Little Red for what it truly imaginative tale for certain, but fraught with much absurdity.  Hey, it's not truly my statement, the author says as much at the close!  If you really think about it though, I mean REALLY dig into it, it is pretty hard to believe.  Who is really going to mistake their Grandma for a wolf?  Why on earth does the wolf want to wear old granny clothes just for another meal?  Of course we can always start with the obvious question of how in the world of make believe is the wolf TALKING to begin with....but that's beside the point, we are in the land of imagination after all.
As we skip merrily through the epages, one can't help but love the sarcasm, chuckle at the whit employed, and smile at each bright and cheery animated drawing.  From Little Red's outrage of a BLUE hoodie being suggested for her wardrobe to Grandma's outrage at missing out on her lottery check (don't ask, just read!), each page is depicted in an almost comic book panel styling works!  You can follow the flow of the story accurately while taking in all the details and subtleties utilized in bringing the underlying FUNNY out of this story.  Bookmarks up to both the author and illustrator on a job well done!
ARC eBook for review received courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her other works, the publisher, or the illustrator, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is becoming available as we speak in eBook form with the paperback book following soon, all via Sleepy Sheep Productions.  Want to reach out to Snitch & Sneer with your questions or comments?  Visit them on FACEBOOK and while your there, don't forget to enter to win an S&S T-shirt (one of which will be given out randomly over the next two months!).  Be sure to keep an eye out for the next release coming soon, entitled Storm the Castle!  Can't wait to see what this duo has to say about THAT one...
Until next time...happy reading!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cold outside? Best time to catch....Frostbite by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, the place that is MORE than ready for the holiday reading season...aren't you?

Seriously, though I'm wishing it was colder out, I'm all ready with my cup of hot chocolate (mini-marshmallows and/or whipped cream required) and today's ebook of choice.  Ah, but what's this?  This particular title isn't just being released in ebook form, but PRINT form and from an author you've come to know and love.  So, if you're ready to embark on a frosty reading adventure, join me in front of the fire for today's book of choice...

Drawn by



I love how our leading lad is not only a reader (*high five*) but a DOG lover!  I mean his room speaks for itself, even if it could use a little straightening (boys will be boys).  Today, he is setting out to find a four legged friend to call his own.  Will he be near or far?  High or low?  Buried in a snow drift...or perhaps MADE of one?  The possibilities are endless when you believe....

Call it a Frosty for a new generation, filled with the same magic the top hat of old brought us, just with a shorter stature, and an actual bark.  Frostbite is the perfect winter time friend and though he must be wary of climbing temperatures, I'm glad to see that in the end, Mom comes through with a solution for one and all.  (Good call Mom!)  

Last but not least, one can never leave a Julia Dweck book without mentioning the artwork.  She always finds amazing talent that deserves to be showcased, and this tale is no exception.  Each scene captures the essence of what's transpiring, whether it's the little boys search for a furry friend, the snowball fight with Frostbite and the sledding kids, or the ending where a surprise awaits one and all.  Every page will capture your imagination and draw you in for a closer look with all the detail included.  Well done indeed!

So, if your heart has love to spare, your imagination room for magic, and you're jonesing for a fun wintery read, I'd definitely recommend this one for you and yours, the young and young at heart.  After all, there's no age limit on the fun you can have between the pages nor minimum to begin indulging in it.  


Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as those past and future from Sleepy Sheep Productions, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is in stores now so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf, or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Friday, October 24, 2014

HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY: Crowned! by Julia Dweck

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place that begins and ends its day with the turning of a page.

Today, we're exploring the latest release from author Julia Dweck and the FIRST time her NEW PUBLISHING company is being featured on my site!  Yep....that's right.  CONGRATULATIONS (belated but heart felt) on making the jump Ms. Dweck and more power to you that your pen is marching on.  So, let's get to this latest and potentially greatest release, shall we?  Today's book of choice is....

Julia Dweck
Pictures by
Beth Trott
Sleepy Sheep Productions

About the book...
...a tale of fantasy, adventure and bravery. Quinn is a fairy sprite who dreams of becoming queen. But how does one become a queen? All the books Quinn has ever read claim that damsels in distress are rescued by princes and then live happily ever after. Quinn’s search for a handsome prince is brought to an abrupt halt by a nasty two-headed ogre who threatens the safety of Fairy Land.  Can Quinn summon the queen inside her heart to outwit this evil foe?


Okay, you gotta love the forward thinking message in this one.  It was definitely written for today's youth in mind.  Think about it, the fairytales most of us grew up with DO in fact have a damsel in some sort of distress that is saved by a dashing knight, prince, insert-big-strong-handsome-stereotype here.  There's nothing wrong with that but giving girls another option of saving herself, her friends, AND the day, definitely couldn't hurt...especially when it's set to rhyme and combined with charming illustrations.

That's right!  The flow of the story as well as the verses are as smooth as the velvet gowns of green Quinn dreams of for her royal garb.  The pictures are colorful and magical allowing the creativity of the illustrator to shine through, much like Quinn's resourcefulness in saving the day.  It all works together to provide a seamless experience of joy and wonder for readers of all ages.  While one age may be glued purely to the images dancing before their eyes, the next will take that wonder one step further as they follow the turning pages from story to message and beyond.  A great read with pure fun for all just waiting for you to, what are you waiting for?


About the author...

Quinn is a little fairy who dreams of becoming a queen. When I was a little girl, I wanted to become an author. This dream began as a tiny flicker of hope inside my heart. I remember reading my  ories to anyone who would li en—even my dolls. Each time I shared one, I felt that  ark to become a writer grow  ronger inside me. You don’t need a prince or a good fairy to make your dreams come true. Stand up and conquer any na y ogres who try to  and in your way. When we work hard and believe in ourselves, anything is truly possible. Come visit me on Facebook at:

About the illustrator (Beth Trott)....

For as long as I can remember I’ve loved to draw. Growing up, no matter how busy I became or how much homework I had to do, I made the time to draw and paint. It was my dream to become an arti , and now here I am illu rating  ories to share with you. Today, my dream is  ill alive, but now it has grown into something much bigger. I want to become an even better arti . Ju like Quinn, I am always setting new goals for myself. Belief in one’s self is the fuel that keeps a dream alive.  Do your be and you will f nd the happily ever a er you so richly deserve. To see more of my art, come visit me at


Special thanks to Julia Dweck and Sleepy Sheep Productions for the ARC ebook for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their growing catalog of electronic AND print wonders, be sure to stop by their official site.  This title is available TODAY (*blows party horn*), so be on the lookout for it on a virtual shelf or shipping dock of your choosing....or just click here.

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Zippity-Zoo by Julia Dweck!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that loves nothing better than to wake up, stretch REALLY big, and settle down with another bookish adventure (and if you admit it to yourself, you'd like it too!)....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

So, today we are taking a step into the online world for a review of author Julia Dweck's upcoming release.  What's that?  The name sounds familiar?  Why, I should hope so! If you don't know her from your own reading adventures, then you've had to have seen her here on the site because her collection of works keeps growing by leaps and bounds.  No worries though...the quality suffers not from the frequency of the releases; in fact, it's been getting better and better.  Ready to take a gander at this next title?  Let's!  Today's ebook of choice is...

Illustrated by
Xist Publishing

We start off making the acquaintance of Ryan, the young lad invited to spend the whole zippity day at the zoo.  How fun!  Remember your trips to the zoo?  All the animals you'd see, the farmish ones you'd feed, and the memories you'd collect.  I myself have a story or two I could share about some unexpected animal interactions but that's a story for another time.  Back to Ryan...

Mr. McGranimals takes our young friend for a tour of the Zippity-Zoo, he won't soon forget.  For you see, my dear friends, this isn't any old tour, where the guide starts to talk and visitors doth snore.  This zoo has a magical secret, for one hour's time you become whatever animal you choose!  Talk about experiencing it all first hand...or is that first hoof?  Ryan's animal choice makes him big and tall, yet life in this state is not all leafy meals easily reached and drinks down by the waterhole.  He discovers that our furry friends have trials and tribulations too, and that lending a helping hand (or hoof!) in any state is well worth the time it takes.  A saved giraffe and a celebration later, it's time to go home, in mostly the same state he arrived in (check out the pictures!), but the lessons learned, will stick with him long after the Zippity-Zoo shuts down for the night.

Aside from the fun story with a rhyming scheme that pushes the envelope at times while still reigning it back into shape, we have the illustrations.  As mentioned, they are adorbs!  Each one gives you something bright and cheery to visually explore while learning about our reticulated friends of the savannas.  Oh and speaking of learning, the "amazing but true" facts section at book's end makes this an educational read too!  Can you imagine giving birth to a 6 ft tall baby?  Giraffes do!  How about living on only 30 minutes of sleep a, I'm tired just reading that!  More facts are waiting to be discovered along with an activity page or two....all great additions to an already fun read.

Author Julia Dweck
In conclusion, another win for Mrs. Dweck AND readers too!  You can always count on a well illustrated and unique story when downloading one of her titles. not to mention the learning boost from the great add ins.  It's a fun read for all ages indeed....all you need is a love of animals and a healthy imagination.  This title is set to release November 26th, 2013 an several online platforms via Xist Publishing.  For presale information, check it out over on Amazon.

ARC ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck and Xist Publishing.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her growing catalog, be sure to stop by her official site.

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who or what will YOU be?: FAUX PAW by Julia Dweck

HI guys!
Welcome back to the Sunday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that aims to speak to the reader in each and every one of you, one book at a time.

Today, we're bringing to the forefront a familiar name from the Children's Picture ebook arena that  you've seen featured here quite a few times. You know why?  Because I can, that's why!  Just kidding..though still true.  ^_^  No, it's also because her work is so much fun, keeps getting better with each release, and consistently grabs my attention in a head turning grip of steel.  Don't believe me?  Don't worry...we're almost to the actual book and you'll have your head turned in a moment as well.  Ready to set your sights on today's featured ebook of choice?  Put your brave face on as we meet today's imposing title choice...

Julia Dweck
Illustrated by
Walter Carzon
Xist Publishing

Scary cover, right?  ^_^  Okay, so NOT!  I mean, it's un-BEAR-ably cute.  Utterly adorable.  Beyond the cutest of the cute...and that's saying something since her covers tend to be pretty darn huggable historically.  Anywho, back to this beary cute tale...

This is the story of Walden Bear....a little boy who when presented with the question of what he wants to be when he grows up, answered simply....a BEAR.  Unusual?  Certainly.  Impossible?  Not truly...though his teacher would have him believe otherwise.  (Bad teacher!  Where is your imagination?!)  Push comes to shove, Walden's mother gets involved (REALLY involved) and when all is said and done, suffice it to say that Mrs. Hunter (ironic are the rest of the kids in the class considering their animal choices) is out...but Mrs. Lions is in!  A perfect fit if I do say so myself.

The real glory behind this amazing story besides the obvious and the illustrations (LOVE THEM!) is the message.  Ms. Dweck is notorious for including something for kiddos (well, and readers in general) to take away from the read besides entertainment value and in this case it's a BIG can be ANYTHING you want to be!  All it takes is dedication, heart, perseverance and determination, and you can achieve any goal you set and surmount any obstacle placed before you.  Of course, it never hurts to have "mama Bear" in your corner as well (love her portrayal of the Mom character here), but you, yourself and I are the ones that will get the job done.  Don't let others squash your dreams just because they say it can't be...if those folks won out all the time, we'd never have many of the wonderful things around today!

So, if you're looking for an adora-BEAR read that is PAW-sitively wonderful in both story and visual content, THIS...this is one for you.  Recommended for little ones just discovering the world as well as those up and coming in number still finding themselves.  It's a wonderful read with much to enjoy and filled with imagination to boot.  Oh...and one more thing.  At story's end, there are also some playful add in's and edutainment pages for further learning opportunities.  Talk about a great combination.  I can BEAR-ly contain myself.  ^_^

Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her complete body of works, be sure to stop by her official site, or follow along on Twitter.  To check out the wonderfully illustrated world of Walter Carzon, stop by his site.  This title will be available OCTOBER 22, 2013 from Xist Publishing so be sure to mark your calendar and snag a copy from your favorite online retailer.
Until next time...happy reading!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

JUST BE YOU: Humpfree the Humpless Camel by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the place that aims to please readers of all shapes, sizes, and ages every day of the week....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

Today, we are heading back into the digital wild to read and share te latest Children's eBook from an author you've seen featured on the site time and again.  Why do I feature here work so often?  Well, that should be obvious, but to those that are new to the site, it's because while they were good to start with, they've grown better and better over time.  This newest release is no exception!  Ready to meet your next pick for the little reader beside (or inside) you?  Let's do this!  Today's ebook of choice is...

Humpfree:  The Humpless Camel
Julia Dweck
Illustrated by
Young-Min Yoon

This is the story of Humpfree Camel and his quest to find his humps.  Once you get done laughing at that sentence, let me know...because while there is humor abounding within these pages, there is also a distinct message of JUST BE YOU because you are special, you are important, you are a one of a kind original...and in Humpfree's case, he really is.

He grows up knowing he's different but not in the "I'm-good-with-that" sorta way.  It makes him uncomfortable, so much so he embarks on a quest for his humps.  He looks everyone. High. Low. On top of...and below. He finds many a makeshift substitute and yet nothing feels meant to be. Down in the mouth and head hanging low, he's just about given up.. until "redemption" comes in the form of a snappily dressed explorer with a little food for thought to share.  The rest as they say is history. the most smile inducing way possible.

Perhaps the coolest part of this little beauty outside of the AWESOME illustrations and ADORABLE story is the fact that it has a tie to real life. There is actually a "humpless" camel that has more recently been discovered, a fact readers are encouraged to investigate at story's end. Ms. Dweck includes a few fun facts to entice the curious thinker in you along with a warning to NEVER irritate a camel (*-*) should the occasion arrive. It's fun, it's informative; it's a beauty to behold and another reading treasure of Ms Dweck's creation I'm proud to say "been there, read that"...and highly recommend for all ages.

ARC ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!) For more on this title as well as her growing catalog of bookish wonders, be sure to like her on Facebook ( or follow along on Twitter ( This title is coming to an ebook retailer near you October 5th via Xist Publishing, so mark your calendars or simply preorder it now (!  You won't be sorry.

Until next time...revel in the you that is you...and happy reading!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mary Had a Sleepy Sheep by Julia Dweck

Hi there.
Welcome to the place where wearing your footie pajamas in the daylight is still PERFECTLY acceptable, especially considering today's featured title....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Yes siree.  It's time to take a walk on the ebook side of things once again with a Children's author that keeps showing progress with each and every release.  This time we have a sleepy sheep to contend with (hence the invitation to don the footie pj's) and as I understand it, the little guy was inspired by her husband!  Shock and awe?  Naw.  He's got a good sense of humor according to Ms. Dweck and well, if you were immortalized in as cute a story as this, you probably would too.  Ready to embark to dream land with a curly haired wonder, and her human friend Mary?  Let's do this.  Pillows at the ready, today's featured ebook of choice is...

Julie Dweck
Illustrated by
Wilson Williams, Jr.

You heard the one about Mary and her little lamb, well, this time her little guy's a sheep and boy is he EVER sleepy!  No seriously.  He sleeps through fiestas, sambas, winter storms, shaving cream, raucous laughter, and everything in-between.  I mean, when I crash, I crash but my goodness...that's one sound sleeping sheep!  Oh but Mary, she's a crafty little girl, persistent too...and you know what they say, slow and steady wins the race, or in this case, awakens the sleeping ewe-ty.

I laughed, I smiled, I "ooh'd" and "ahh'd".  I did all of this and more while curiously waiting to see just what Mary would try next...and what would finally work, if anything!  Structure and layout wise, things were walking the brick road of gold as the rhymes were spot on and the timing matched in equal measure. As per her usual "mo", the author doesn't let the fun end JUST because you reached the end of the story.  Nope.  Just not going to happen.  As it turns out, we're in for a little history about the real Mary from the original poem, as well as a seek-in-find, coloring time, compare and contrast...and for the readers seeking to be writers, actors, cartoonist and the lot of creative individuals that help our world go round, there's a resource page of interesting sites to check out.  Good stuff!  Now, moving forward....

I gotta say, the story stands on it's own, though I am a tad perplexed by the ending (is the sheep energized by the leaping men, is Mary simply working reverse psychology on the wooly fella?) and the add ins at books end for parents and readers are wonderful, but the illustrator gave things an added lift with his wonderful illustrations.  I'm not sure how she finds all of these great artists but they bring an extra joy to an already fun read.  My fellow readers of pictures books both "e" and non can attest to the fact that while the story is important, the rhyme and meter execution vital, the pictures are the blood line to some degree.  Here...we have another winner.  Mary and her mother are equally represented in their various emotional states while Sheppard can be seen dozing at almost every twist and turn.  I'll tell you what though, for such a sleepy little guy, he gets around!

In conclusion, a great addition to author Julia Dweck's catalog of ebook wonders and one I most certainly recommend for readers for all ages.  This title is set to be released September 5th, 2013 via Xist Publishing...but can be pre ordered now!  Special thanks to author Julia Dweck for the ebook copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her full body of works, stop by her site, like her Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To discover more about the illustrator, friend him on Facebook.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Show your true colors with...Blucy by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to another week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place where reviews are written while often listening to Pandora and shared with a smile in my heart.

Today, we're exploring an upcoming ebook release from a Children's author we've featured here a few times over.  This time around,  she's letting things go to the cats, or rather one particular kitten whose coat is a peculiarly pretty shade  Ready to read all about it?  Today's ebook of choice is...

Illustrated by

The tale begins with a little girl named Mandy on a special mission.  She's at the pound and ready to bring one lucky little fur baby with her to their new forever home; a happy feeling indeed.  However....the kitty chosen is no ordinary cat.  No really!  When the newly named Blucy feels happy, sad, mad, or in-between, her fur changes color to match her mood,  leading to a blue tinged adventure filled with mischief, exploration and finally understanding as two hearts from different worlds come together to form a bond of love that will only grow.

Known for her talent in rhyming tales for little ones, author Julia Dweck hits the nail on the head once again with Blucy.  The rhymes are spot on and though the combinations at times are surprising, (but in a good way) it allows the story to come across loud and clear.  Let us not forget the amazing illustrations!  The color palette is rich, the blues varied as need be to fit the events transpiring, and the texture will make you want to stroke Blucy's fur right on the e-page.  You'll get lost with Blucy as she hides among the forget-me-nots, shake off the pool water when she dives in for an impromptu swim, and gasp in mock horror (okay, somewhat mock) when she has an encounter with the curtains (which I don't truly think she intended, but still!), all on a quest to find a place where she truly belongs.  Little does she know it, it's closer than she thinks....good girl, Mandy.

ARC ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her growing catalog of ebook wonders for readers of all ages, be sure to stop by her official site, like her on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  To discover the world of illustrator Erika LeBarre, click on over to her official site.  This title will be available for download beginning August 13th via Xist Publishing, however you can pre-order it now via this link for easy access on release day.  You can even plan a blue themed party to celebrate Blucy's arrival; how cool would THAT be?!

Until next time...happy reading!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Where Are the Dinos? by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be no matter the bookish curiosity you wish to indulge; we understand...BOOKWORMS FTW!  ^_^

Today, we're taking a peak behind the electronic pages of a newish kid lit ebook that's really making its mark.  I mean it is SO BIG...and I'm not just referring to the critters that inhabit it.  It comes to us from author Julia Dweck...recognize the name?  You should.  She's really creating a niche for herself in the ebook world and this being her latest release shows great growth and merit...hence why I am singing its praises.  However, you know you don't have to take my word for it alone...bring on the review!  Today's ebook of choice is...

Illustrated by Bob Ostrom

I don't know how anyone can read through this work and not come out one of several things...educated, entertained or just plain smiling.  If you've ever even had a teeny tiny inkling of interest in dinosaurs, no matter your age, no matter the level of education you've achieved, this ebook is for you.

The rhyming this time around is spot on which nary a break in the prose nor a hitch in the flow (WAY TO GO!).  The story progresses through the curious mind of our lead character at just the right pace...after all, when one has a question about something of interest, does not the mind start piling one on top of the other on top of the other until you've a slew of question marks in search of periods?  Too right...or at least, that's how my mind works.  ^_^  The illustrations...oh the illustrations....TOO ADORABLE!  Yes, I said CAPS.  The combination of word and image creates bookish magic with something to appeal to the senses with every flick of the page (flick, swipe, tap....whatever ebookish action you prefer).  I loved the "tricera-tops" and the "T-wreaks" inquiry, as well as the pondering of dino-mite parties and recreation.  Oh let's face it, I loved it all!

I was always the one to ask the dreaded "why" question when I was younger (and admittedly still to this day) and whether voiced or simply in my head (to which a need for research would be sparked and a trip to our local library), it opened up an endlessly fascinating world.  Having someone patient enough to understand that part of you and satisfy those desires is a wondrous thing (thank you teachers, and thank you MOM!).  Mrs. Dweck makes mention in her "author notes" that she was a curious kid herself but I have it on good authority that she didn't just create this one for the kid in her, but the child in each of YOU.  Yep.  True story.

Last but certainly not least, let's talk extras.  What?  You thought simply because it was an ebook, there wouldn't be any?  Pfft!  There are definitely some great add-ons at book's end that you'll want to take note of.  First, the how-to-draw a dino section with the illustrator!  Too cool and now I can draw a little dino buddy whenever I feel like it.  ^_^  Despite the fact that pen and paper (or crayon and paper) will be required for those on the go, it's a definite plus...unless you want to digitally draw it, then I'm sure your mobile device can handle the request.  Second, "Mrs. Dweck's Fun Facts" highlights a few key points for curious readers while opening the floor up to new questions....LOVE IT!  Last but not least for those readers a little older than "just beginning" there's a word scramble where you can test your dino-mite memory while uncovering words from the book.

Author Julia Dweck
All in all, another release of Jurassic proportions from a kid lit author whose proving herself one ebook at a time.  Mrs. Dweck's work can be counted on to educate, entertain and just plain add a smile to your day...and a little rhyme and meter never hurt anyone.  If you're looking for a dino-mite read to break up the monotony in your day or you've little ones with a curiosity that dives back into days gone by...or maybe even as "prep work" for the release of Jurassic Park in 3D this week...this is definitely a recommended read for you.  Oh and by the case you haven't heard, this title is available for FREE on Amazon TODAY (04/04/13) so head on over to claim your copy now and SPREAD THE WORD!

Special thanks to author Julia Dweck for the heads up on this title and congratulations on the release.  To discover more of Julia's worlds, seek her out at her official websiteYouTube channel, Facebook page, or send her a tweet!  To say hello to the illustrator, check out Bob Ostrom's Twitter feed.  This ebook was released the end of March via Kite Readers.  To find out more about the publisher, stop by their site, like them on Facebook, or look them up on Twitter.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pandora's Box by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!

Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when the need to read strikes and you're in need of inspiration; don't worry, we've got you covered.

So, how was YOUR weekend my friends?  Exciting?  Relaxing?  Just another day that starts with an "S' and ends in a "Y"?  Here's hoping it was something to remember one way or the other.  As for me, a usual work weekend...but I did manage to scratch in a little reading time; grant it not as much as I would have liked, but some is better than none some days!  Surprisingly though, today's post features none of the books read over the past two days but something NEW...something EXCITING...something adorably cute that you simply must see!  Oh, and it also happens to be available as a FREE DOWNLOAD today over on Amazon.  Yep...totally is.  So, care to read all about it?  Let's!

Today's featured title came to my attention from the illustrious author of such works as Caarina the Cooking Fairy and Scram-pire but this time around features a slick feathered friend with great fashion sense itching with curiosity.  Believe me, you would too if you stumbled upon what she does!  It's another Children's ebook published with Kite Readers that will keep the kiddos young and young at heart enchanted for many reads to come.  Without further ado, today's book of choice is....

Illustrated by

Now hold's not what you're thinking.  It's not THAT Pandora's box...but rather a box frozen in ice that a little girl penguin named Pandora stumbles upon one day in her chosen outdoor adventure.  Hmm...a box frozen in ice at the bottom of the ocean...okay, so maybe there's a chance it IS that box after all... *-*  ...but no warning needed for the kiddos because this ebook is reader friendly.  Though everyone can walk away with a different impression on a book's message, my mind retained the proclamations of following the path that suits you best is ALWAYS the right option, believe in yourself and stand proud for who you are!  Of course, there is also the reminder that a little help from a friend (or they flippered, beaked or feathered) can go a long way...which always makes me think of those I hold dear and inserts a little smile into an otherwise unpredictable day.  ^_^  Quite heart warming while at the same time being chill-fully, let's talk format and design.

This being an ebook, we know it's not my first reading platform of choice, but I do make exceptions from time to time and this one is TOTALLY worth it.  The illustrations are bright and vivid before your eyes...not to mention Pandora, her brothers and fellow seas critters couldn't be more adorable!  The illustrations lend a lot to the narrative so that in the end the balance between story and picture is struck with an even foundation; neither one carries the other but they are equal parts in a "marriage" that works for all.  I can imagine little ones ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the penguins, slightly older readers marveling at her independence in a normally group mentality situation, and finally adults mulling over the messages, the rhyme and meter, and the surprise ending given to the story.  Another great addition to the Children's Lit scene from an author leaving her mark all over the ebook world.

So, in conclusion...a quick read for anyone that enjoys a story of trusting one's self, curiosity, and the results that can be gleaned from such actions; of course a love of picture/storybooks would definitely qualify you as well.  ^_^  Don't believe me?  Check out the book trailer below and catch a glimpse of Pandora's story in action....

Cute, right?  ^_^

Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her growing list of bookish wonders, be sure to visit her online, like her on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To discover more about the illustrator, seek him out at his official website.  Interested in uncovering other Children's ebook gems?  Be sure to pay a visit to Kite Readers official site, Facebook page or Twitter feed.  

...THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE AS A FREE DOWNLOAD TODAY OVER ON AMAZON so be sure to stop by, snag a copy, and share your thoughts on the read!
(Just click on the word 'AMAZON' there and it'll take you right to the page.)

Until next time...happy reading!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Julia Dweck & Kite Readers support the Sandy Hook School Fund

This is a public service announcement...
(in my eyes at least) light of the recent events that have had the world's eyes locked on Newtown, CT, the SANDY HOOK SCHOOL FUND was created with United Way to provide support services to the families that have been affected.

Donations can be mailed to:

Sandy Hook School Support Fund
c/o Newtown Savings Bank
39 Main Street
Newtown CT 06470
...or submitted online here.


In this spirit of giving, children's author Julia Dweck has joined forces with Kite Readers for a SPECIAL ONE DAY ONLY EVENT!

TODAY ONLY ANY of Ms. Dweck's titles on Amazon (the list of which can be seen by clicking HERE) and her portion of the profits will be donated directly to the SANDY HOOK SCHOOL FUND.  Inspired by her efforts, several of the illustrators she's worked with are following suit...and every little bit helps.

So, friends, readers, those whom I know and those who are only just discovering my site for the first time, sift through her collection of works and make a purchase that will not only further your reading enjoyment but touch the lives of those affected by this most recent tragedy.

Until next time...SPREAD THE WORD...and happy reading.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Caarina the Cooking Fairy by Julia Dweck

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....where the books are always fresh and warm like a chocolate chunk cookie from the oven.  *yum*  Sorry, writing this post after a full day and then some of work without a lunch break....yeah, food references are SO tasty right now!  ^_^  Anywho...

Today's featured title actually plays right into the food arena but in a kid friendly literary way.  How so?  Well if you take one part magic, a little ingenuity, and a dash of adorable come out with this winning beauty.  From an author that's earned her stripes in the children's picture ebook arena and an illustrator that gives a distinctive personality to her creations, I give you today's book of choice...

illustrated by

That's right....the COOKING fairy and boy does she know her way around the kitchen!  She's one of many fairies in her realm that prefer a wooden stirring spoon to a magic wand...and she's the one to have around this time of year for certain.  Why?  Because...she specializes in BAKED GOODS. Can we say cookies, brownies, cakes and more?  Oh yeah.  Anyway...

Fast forward a bit and we have a special feast that needs to be made of the sweet variety; lucky Caarina!  Now's her chance to shine....or is it?  It seems that something is amiss in this kitchen (*cough*  GREMLIN  *cough*)...well that or she's lost her touch COMPLETELY!  Heavens forbid!  I mean her honey cake is suppose to be A-W-E-S-O-M-E, so much so that I want to try it!  But Caarina is one fairy whose head is full of more than simply magic dust; she's smart, so when things don't add up (and a strange chuckle is heard), she devises a way to make things right once again.  Will her plan work?  You'll have to read it to find out but let's just say that good cooking is hard to resist...even if it's the worst thing for you.

In conclusion, another lovely tale filled with whimsy and rhyme to delight readers of all ages.  From the family cook to the fairy-princess-in-training, there's something for everyone to enjoy with every flick of the page.  Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  To see the other bookish delights that await you from this prolific children's author, be sure to visit her online, like her on Facebook or follow her Twitter feed.  This title was released earlier this month and is available now over at Amazon via Kite Readers.  For more information on this work as well as their complete catalog, please be sure to visit their official website, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.

Until next time...happy reading!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

UPDATE: Zombie Apocalypse 2012: Zombie-Kids!

Hi guys!
Okay…so I’ve managed to keep my current location hidden from the masses so far but I’m not counting on that lasting forever.  

For the latest on Zombie Apocalypse 2012, stop by the official site when you can and follow Twitter hashtag #zombieapoc2012

In light of the current events unfolding round the world (known as Zombie Apocalypse 2012), I’m going to risk it all and bring you today’s review on a title that …*gulp*… really fits the bill.  It features a kid-sized bite of undead goodness that will leave you seeing our current invaders in a whole new light.  Now readers, I warn you…take the messages learned here to heart but I’d wait to apply them to any real life situations until this wave of zombies is over…which will hopefully be soon… -glances out window- 

Without further ado, today’s daring book of choice is….

Illustrated by
Mark Draisey

Here comes another rhyming wonder from an author that loves to entertain the masses with her often educational, almost always charming, and seriously fun works of bookish wonder.  This time we have a tale PERFECT for this time of year (and today's invasion.... *gulp*) that just so happens to shed a little light on the green-ish youth of the walking dead.  Yes…it’s ZOMBIES!  A precarious topic to say the least with the apocalypse going on right now…  –peeks out window- …but one I think we are safe to pursue provided we keep the noise down.

Zombies zombies everywhere and not a one of them is munching on brains!  According to our young friend and narrator, zombies are our friends or at least friendly so long as you don’t come between them and their next meal...oh and they like mac and cheese!  (Hey, me too!  Now that doesn’t mean I’m inviting any over for dinner any time soon…)  With all things considered, they are much like us only with less blood pumping action going on in the hearts and a penchant for stumbling and bumbling A LOT more.  In fact, the not feeling cold and never getting tired bit (well, at least until the sun comes up, rather vampire-ish trait as it is) would work rather well for many folks I know, but the undead part….umm, I think I’ll pass.  Seriously though, zombie-tag while not necessarily fair on their part totally sounds like fun and I can really see my pups getting in on a game of fetch, an unintentional game from the looks of the pictures.  (LOL! … ooh….too loud!)

Aside from the fact that zombies are apparently a lot more fun than most of the brain eating hoards lead you to believe (though if that tapping on your window just now is one, I don't know that I'd take my chances...just sayin'), there is another message here that rings loud and clear; acceptance.  Acceptance and understanding, tolerance and an open mind; it speaks of allowing those that are different to BE different and accepting them for who they are without hesitation...provided they aren't gnawing on your leg.  It’s a lesson that needs to be taught early to have the most impact and hopefully carry through to their adult years because really…we could SERIOUSLY stand to have a great big injection of it in today’s world; you know what I mean?

In summary (and before this approaching mob of zombies reaches me…what’s that they’re saying?  Story time?  *-*), a great story for readers of all ages that will have you delighting in the illustrations (they really are good!) and reveling in the rhyme this Halloween and throughout the year.  The quirky twist of having the focus on zombies makes it not only good fun but an instant draw for many boys who might not otherwise be inclined to pick up a book over a video game…even at a young age (sad but true!) …while the rhyming employed will at times ties your tongue in knots (in a good way!).  It’s a sure bet for an enjoyable read in my mind and …or, shouldn't have mentioned “mind”; I think they heard me!  Eek!

Ebook for review courtesy of author Julia Dweck.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as her complete and ever growing catalog of storybook goodness, feel free to visit her online.  Side note…be sure to look for the “author/illustrator” page at the end of your read, for what you will find will delight you indeed.  (Sorry, this rhyming thing is CONTAGIOUS, I swear!)  This title is available now from your favorite online retail outlet via Kite Readers.  To find out more about the publisher, check out their official site, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.

Until next time…provided there is a next time and I’ve managed to escape being turned myself….happy reading!

-dashes off-

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