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It's another day and another post here on the site, but we have a special book featured today as it makes it's way through the blogosphere on it's current book tour via Pump Up Your Book Promotions. It stars a wonderfully furry main character and the antics that tend to abound around these particular critters. Today's book blog tour feature is....
Jack's Dreams Come to Life
Dreams can be powerful things and such is the case for our little pal Jack. You see he is quite the precocious pup (hmm, reminds me of my own little fuzzies) looking for trouble and finding it in all the right places (well, right for him, wrong for whatever is happening). One afternoon after a rather full day of frolicking, Jack falls asleep and find himself in the land of dreams, only like us he doesn't realize it at the time. All seems well as he takes in the sights and sounds. Upon spotting a squirrel to chase, Jack's REAL adventure begins. As the squirrel disappears down a hidey-hole, it looks like this portion of fun is over. To Jack's surprise and utter dismay, the squirrel reappears, only this time...he's a towering hulk of a squirrel about ten feet tall. (Yeah, that's pretty frightening and we're not even looking at it from the viewpoint of little Jack.) What's a pup to do? Will Jack make it out of this dream unscathed? Check out this cute children's title to find out...
Let me say this, I love dog books. If you haven't figured it out by now, the little fuzzy lovelies hold a special place in my heart and that being said, when I see what could potentially be a great read about dogs, I'm hooked! Now grant it, this is a children's book through and through, but it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy Jack's little adventure (well, BIG adventure given that squirrel's size). Author Sara Jackson has put together a great book for those little ones just starting out on their reading journies. The illustrations will keep their young eyes tantilized, while their adult "helpers" enjoy the charcoal effect utilized in their creation (or at least that's the artistic medium used as I see it...they look like colored charcoal drawings throughout the story, very nice...). The story is creative enough to tantilize young minds and encourage the use of their imaginations...a skill that will serve them throughout their lives....not to mention it's main character is a dog (no humans at all!) and really, most children LOVE dogs. (and adults...and adults!) Overall, I would recommend this particular find to the younger set or parents with blossoming young readers looking for a cute story to wile away some time.

Cute! :) Nice review :)
Oh, my gosh! This is the PERFECT gift for my daughter's birthday. I am off to buy it right now! Thanks, GMR. :-)
Juju: Thanks! ^_^
Shannon O'Donnell: YAY! I'm glad the book connected with someone and I hope she enjoys the book! ^_^ (Happy birthday wishes to her!)
So cute! My Turkeybird would love a book like this! Definitely going to have to share it with him. Great review!
The1stdaughter: Hi there! ~waves~ Yes, from what I've seen of the Turkeybird's reading selections I'd tend to agree....he'd probably enjoy this cure tail...I mean tale. ^_^
I absolutely love the faces of the dogs on the cover - so cute!
Sounds adorable! You're right - who doesn't love dogs? :D
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