Hi there! (~waves~)
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers! Today is a very special day here as it marks the passage of my....

It's hard to believe that one year has come and gone but alas....it has! It's been fun, it's been a blast, it's been rewarding in all the right ways. Sure there have been a few ups and downs, but what doesn't have that balance?
I remember the early days of making my tentative start and wondering if anyone was going to visit my site, let alone read what I had to say or heavens forbid leave a comment! Ah yes....those initial newbie issues that once time and experience come into play, seem to blow away in the online whirlwind. Okay, so not really....we all still wonder at times, but it helps to see you, my lovely readers in both page counts, Google Followers, and especially comments.
It is you that help to make this blog more of an enjoyment to me and less of a one way wall of words to stare at. Without your visits and insights, sure...the posts may continue, but they wouldn't make me smile have as many times as your words and visits do....so THANK YOU. Thank you to all that "follow", lurk, and comment. You are a bright spot in the world of blogging and may you continue to shine as bright on your own sites and all those you visit. (~tear~) Now, on to the part you came to see....
Blogoversary celebrations are a great time to reminse but they are also about celebrating YOU. That being said, guess what time it is? Why yes....contest time! We're going to keep this one simple. There will be one winner that will get to choose 2 titles from a selection of books. What's in the selection? Glad you asked!
The books to choose from include a little bit of this and a little bit of that...
How to (Un)Cage a Girl by Francesa Lia Block (PB)
Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow (PB)
Godmother by Carolyn Turgeon (ARC)
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman (ARC)
Winnitok Tales: The Hunt for the Eye of Ogin by Patrick Doud (ARC)
Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy by William Irwin (PB)
Back to Bed, Ed! by Sebastien Braun (HB)
It's made up of books that I have read and reviewed here on this very site. From poetry to adventure, picture books to chick-lit...there's a little something for everyone. Some I've loved, some I've loved-not-as-much, but in the end they were all worth the read. In case you need a refresher about any of the books listed, just click on the title to read my review. There are finished copies and ARC's, all of which have been ever-so-gently read but once by yours truly. If not for full disclosure, you would have never known! (Yeah...I'm kind of picky about the condition of my books...lucky for you guys!)
The big question that looms for anyone entering a contest is to whom is it open to...well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that my-funds-are-low so I can truly only have this one open to US/Canada entries because of the lovely shipping costs. The good news? Those of you that fall outside of that range still have a chance to win!
For those international followers, you have not been forgotten! My lack of extra fundage right now may have prevented me from providing another prize, but the world of book blogging is about more than individuals posting their opinions, it's about a community and friends across the miles...and it just so happens that one of my good blogging buddies recently celebrated her 1 year blogoversary as well and agreed to team up with me to host an international contest on her site! So, US/Canada friends....enter here, on my site directly. International friends....enter at Nayu's Reading Corner. Of course, if you fall into either category you can always check out her site anyway as she always has something new to discover and who wouldn't want to add a blog like that to their reading rotation?
Alright so, you've read through the event, now let's break it now one more time....
The prize:
(2) books from my mini-stash as shown above
To enter:
Fill out the FORM.
(just click on the word "form" and a new window will open)
The rules:
Entries will only be accepted through the form. No form submitted = no entry.
Open to US/Canada entries only. No P.O. Boxes please. International readers, please see Nayu's Reading Corner for your chance to win!
Entries will be accepted from Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 through midnight CST Monday May 31st, 2010.
Instead of random.org...the winner of this contest will be drawn the classic way...numbers tossed in a hat, shaken not stirred and one winning number selected.
The winner will be contacted via email Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 and have 72 hours to respond with their mailing address. Should they fail to respond in the given time, a new winner will be chosen.
That's it! No fuss....no muss. One way to enter...take it away!
Good luck to everyone and thanks for making year one memorable!
Until next time....happy reading!
Congratulations on your Anniversay!!! Good job WTG!!!
CMash Loves To Read
OH Congrats on your bloggoversary!
May you have many, many more!
Yayy! Happy Blogoversary!
Congratulations on the blogoversary! Well done!
Happy blogoversary! You're doing a great job!
Happy Happy Blogoversary!!! Couldn't be happening to a better blogger, in my opinion of course! :o)
Happy Blogoversary! :D A whole year, that's awesome! Here's to many more!
Happy Blogoversary! I don't know what I'm going to do for mine in a month. This means we started blogging at about the same time. How cool is that?
Thanks everyone! ^_^
Cara Powers: Really? That IS cool! ^_^ Can't wait to see how you celebrate it's arrival...
Bill ;-)
Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:
Then stop by:
http://thehomeplaceseries.blogspot.com/ Seek Followers, ...
Wow, congratulations! That's so great!
Just wanted to say Happy Blogoversary!!
Congrats! Happy blogoversary! :P and more to come ...
Happy Blogoversary to you!
You have accomplished a lot in one years time! You have an awesome blog! Enjoy your day! Congrats.
Awww...you guys! You are the BEST! I mean it....
Be sure you enter the contest too....there are some great reads in there if I do say so myself...
Happy Bloggoversary! I just celebrated mine, which means we started roughly the same time. Can you believe it's been a whole year already? Time flies when we're having fun, right? Enjoy! :D
Happy Blogoversary!! You're doing an amazing job with your blog. *hugs*
Alexia561: Exactly! Happy early blogoversary to you!
Melanie: Thanks for the kind words and the hugs... {{hugs}} ^_^
Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary!!! I love your blog and have to say that it is one of the most fun looking ones around!
It's only in blogging that the birthday people give others presents. :)
April: Aw...thanks! **blushes** I try to keep it fresh so readers like yourself keep coming back for more!
Marian: Tis true! But it is oh so much fun to share the bookish wealth. ^_^
Congrats on the anniversary. Way to keep it going with great content. :)
Congrats on the anniversary! May you have MANY more years ahead of you!
wishing you a great anniversary.
eileen wise owl
Congrats to you!
Congrats on 1 year! :)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Happy Blogversary!
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