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Friday, May 18, 2012

Today...I turn THREE!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to celebrate books EVERY DAY of the week!  Today, I'm celebrating and sharing it with you in a big way.  Why and how?  We're getting to that, hold your horses....



Unlike my usual posts which I KNOW you love and adore...(*pauses for confirmation*)...I'll keep this one short and sweet.  Three years ago today I entered the bloggy world and 1095 days later...I haven't looked back (well, regretfully at least!).  It's been a GREAT experience and I have no plans on withdrawing from this community in the near future so I guess what I'm saying're stuck with me.


THANK YOU all those who friended me from the start...

THANK YOU all those who I've met along the way and made this journey a memorable one indeed...

THANK YOU the casual reader AND the consistent visitor as your comments and pop ins are what make this more than simply a sounding board but a place for discussion and genuine appreciation of the books that we love, not-so-love, and something in-between.


On that note of THANKS, I present this year's blogoversary contest!

There will be TWO stateside and one from anywhere else that Book Depository ships to so that ALL of my followers (and soon to be followers? ^_^) can participate!  Here's the scoop...

The prize...

US entrants... have a chance to win a few of my favorite reads from the past three years in a FOUR BOOK prize pack!  The titles included are...

(If you aren't familiar with these titles, simply click on the links embedded above to be whisked away to my review or the author's site!)

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NON US long as Book Depository ships to your location, you are welcome to enter as the prize for YOU will be...

...a book of your choice from Book Depository up to $10 (US)!

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Sound good?
I thought it might.
Now, here's how to enter....


Simple enough, right?
There are MANY opportunities to earn extra entries (both one time and daily options), so please...feel free to take full advantage of any and/or all of them.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

The rules...because you know there have to be a few...
Entries accepted Friday, May 18th, 2012 through Friday, June 8th, 2012 at midnight CST.  Why three weeks?  That's easy, one for each year of blogging!
No P.O. Boxes please.  FOUR BOOK prize pack is for US entries ONLY. The $10 Book Depository book of choice option is for EVERYONE outside the US that the sites free shipping option covers.  If you're not certain, just click over to their site and have a looksie. 
Winners will be drawn and contacted no later than Monday, June 11th, 2012 and they will then have 48 hours to respond with the required information for prize send out.  If a response is not received in the given time frame, a new winner (or winners) will be chosen.


So there you have it.
A blogoversary celebration that I hope YOU'RE as excited about as I.
(You are, right?)

Until next time....good luck....and HAPPY READING!


Tales of Whimsy said...

Aw great contest! happy anniversary! :) *invisible confetti* *toast*
(not an entry)

Charlotte said...

Happy Blogoversary (on the right day, this time!)! :) (not an entry)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Wishing you a happy blogoversary again.

A generous giveaway, you do realise it is us who are supposed to be giving you gifts though. x

By the way, what was the name of that book site where we first met? I'm trying my best to remember but it isn't there.

Unknown said...

Congrats on three years with the blog. A heckuva milestone. :)

The Cozy Mystery Journal said...

Happy bloggy birthday. What a wonderful milestone. I've been with you for a while and its been so much fun checking out what you are reading :)

fredamans said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!!

The1stdaughter said...

Wahoo! I'm so completely thrilled for you! Wow! Has it really been three years? Time flies when you're having fun, right?!

Well, this is one reader who is thrilled you have stuck with it and continue to be a huge inspiration to me. I'm so grateful for your friendship and wish you many years of continued fun & blogging success!

Much love and hugs! xo

roro said...

Congrats on three years with the blog.

Vivien said...

Congrats!!! You're doing a great job :)

Elaine G said...

Happy 3rd Blogiversary!!!!

Vera Godley said...

Happy 3rd - great giveaway and really nifty post you wrote. I like the "form" you are using for the entries, too. If I win this giveaway, I will most likely give the books to the Alamance Christian School library. Here is hoping they are suitable reads for a school library. <3<3:)

Alexia561 said...

Happy, happy blogoversary my friend! *throws confetti*

Here's to another awesome three years! Then another...and another...and another... Yes, I hope you hang around for awhile. :)

DMS said...

Congrats on your 3 year anniversary! How exciting. You are so kind to do this giveaway. I haven't read any of the books so I am very curious about all of them.


Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Happy 3rd Birthday!! :D And here's to seeing you around for many more years to come. :D

Tribute Books said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blog and can't wait to see what the next three years bring - LOVE the CeeCee giveaway :)

Victoria said...

Happy 3rd Blog Birthday!

I love your penguin with his party hat - so cute!

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Birthday!
tis-so at hotmail dot com

intensev5 said...

Happy birthday -- thanks for the chance to win

Beth Hoffman said...

Happy Blogiversary! And thanks so, so much for including my novel in your terrific giveaway!

Melanie said...

Can't believe I've almost missed your blogoversary post! Better late than never, I guess. :)


Your blog is without a doubt one of my favorites to read. I wish you plenty more years of blogging. :D

Stiletto Storytime said...

A very Happy Blogoversary to you! It's always been nice to "see" you around the blogging world. Here's to three more wonderful years! Happy Reading!

Stiletto Storytime

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