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Today, we're cheating...but just a wee bit. You see, it's the first Storybook Sunday of the year (New Year's Day didn't count...for posting at least ^-^), and while YES, today's featured title IS in fact a storybook in presentation, it actually calls Children's Biographies home. Shocked? Don't be because it's only the latest addition to the UBER AWESOME EDUTAINMENT series, Ordinary People Change the World from none other than Brad Meltzer...nothing to be excited about or anything. (JK! Seriously, BE EXCITED....I know I am!)
If you're not in the know about this fantastic series, you surely need to be because although it caters to the younger set, there is much to be learned by one and all. So, if you'd be so kind as to join me for a few moments longer, I'd like to introduce you to a title set to release this Tuesday that will have you GREEN with envy (not really, though is a prominent color), yet looking for the rainbow connection between us all. Ladies and gents, children of all ages, here comes today's storybook of choice...
Ordinary People Change the World series
Brad Meltzer
Illustrated by
Christopher Eliopoulos
Dial Books for Young Readers
This is the story of how one young man enamored with the marvels of storytelling, imagination, and television, turned his dreams into reality. It's a tale of perseverance, pushing back against the odds, letting the real you shine through even in the murkiest of times, and of ultimately bringing joy and learning to generations of children round the world. Did Jim know that his dreams would one day build an empire of sorts? No, who REALLY knows that's going to happen...but it didn't stop him from taking one day at a time, conquering each obstacle as they came, and continuing to believe that focusing on the good in everyone could help bring us together.
Each release in this series has been a treasure to read and share; this one is certainly counted among them. The illustrations are just as friendly and lively as always; the life shared in such a way that one doesn't even realize how much they are LEARNING while being entertained. The fast fact bubbles keep you poised and on your toes while young Jim leads us through his noteworthy trip down memory lane. For instance, did you know that Sesame Street grew out of a show initially called Sam and Friends? Or how about that the very first Kermit was made from his mother's old wool coat thanks to the skills taught to him by his dear grandmother? These fascinating facts and more await you as you take a stroll down the life path of Mr. Henson...with the man himself.
"I will keep believing and pretending..."
In conclusion, I can see this as the perfect addition to any classroom or school library, but also a wonderful read for the whole family while gathered round for storytime on a cozy afternoon. We learn about the man behind the Muppets while being reminded that our imaginations can take us far and wide, but it's up to us to share the wonders it creates with the world.
Brad Meltzer is the author of the New York Times bestselling Ordinary People Change the World series for children, as well as six New York Times bestselling thrillers for adults: The Tenth Justice, Dead Even, The First Counsel, The Millionaires, The Zero Game, and The Book of Fate. He is also the #1 bestselling author of the critically acclaimed comic books Identity Crisis and Justice League of America, and is the co-creator of the TV series Jack & Bobby. A graduate of the University of Michigan and Columbia Law School, he currently lives in Florida.
Christopher Eliopoulos began his illustration career as a letterer for Marvel, and has worked on thousands of comics, including Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius, Pet Avengers, and Cow Boy, all of which he wrote and illustrated. He is the illustrator of the New York Times Bestselling Ordinary People Change the World series of picture book biographies. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and their identical twin sons.

Special thanks to Chelsea at Penguin Younger Readers for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, the publisher, or the ever-growing series, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is set to celebrate its BOOK BIRTHDAY this Tuesday, 01/10/17, via Dial Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group, so mark your calendars or pre-order it today!
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
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