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In light of the historic events unfolding around us, I thought today's Storybook Sunday selection to be a perfect fit. If you have to ask what I'm talking about, you might want to check a social media or news site briefly because it's EVERYWHERE. Alas, it does not do well to dwell on politics when there are much better topics of choice at hand....such as this book! It's a tale told in pictures (mostly) versus words and if my Facebook and Twitter feed are any indication, the old adage of one being worth more than a thousand certainly holds true. Ready or not, here comes today's book of choice...
Drew Sheneman
Viking Books for Young Readers
At its most basic level, it's a story about a young bird on the cusp of teenage-dom. All that stands between him and "freedom" is about 100 feet of air...and a thousand obstacles and deadly dangers ready to snatch him up before he even gets out the next tweet. What's a bird to do? He can't stay in the nest forever...can he? Let's just ask mama bird what SHE thinks... *wink* With humorous full color panels adoring every page, even the youngest of gravity plagued flyers will appreciate the little bird's plight, but they'll also get the chance to soar...if he ever makes it out of the nest. (Yeah, let's just say motherly encouragement comes in many forms.... ^-^)
If we look beyond the basics though, as fine as they are, we see the story take on a new shape. We go from a tale of growing up and exploring the world to a wonderful visual reminder that we can accomplish anything, so long as we don't let our imaginations scamper away with us (that is unless you're a writer and then please, let your imagination scamper towards the fantastical, not the "will-I-be-published" side of things), nothing can stand in the way of a determined mind, and a little help from Mom can go a long way. Considering the events unfolding round the USA as I type this, none of those are bad lessons to walk away with...
About the author...
Portrait of author w/novelty glasses and costume ^-^ |
Drew Sheneman has been drawing professionally since 1998 and amateurishly since he could hold a crayon. He is a nationally syndicated editorial cartoonist whose work appears in newspapers across the country through the Tribune Content Agency. He was the staff editorial cartoonist for New Jersey’s The Star-Ledger until 2010 and continues to draw for the newspaper on a weekly basis. He earned his BFA in illustration from Central Michigan University and has received a number of awards including the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists John Locher Award, the Charles Schulz Award, and two Deadline Club Awards. In addition to editorial cartooning, Drew's clients include Hasbro and Dungeons and Dragons. Drew lives in New Jersey with his wife, daughter, and large collection of comic books. NOPE is his first book for children. To learn more, please visit www.drewsheneman.net.

Special thanks to Kaitlin at Penguin Young Readers for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title celebrated its book birthday this month via Viking Books for Young Readers, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
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