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Today, we're celebrating the latest release from author Susan Mallery that just so happened to celebrate its BOOK BIRTHDAY this past Tuesday. (Woo hoo!) It's the third installment in the Mischief Bay series and while I'd always recommend reading them in order (come on...it's SUSAN MALLERY!), this one can definitely be read as a stand alone. How do I know? Well, you see, I read the first one when it released, and planned on reading the second one in preparation for this post, but though my intentions were good, my calendar just wouldn't allow the inclusion. (*darn*) NO worries, though...it just means I have another of this author's works on standby whenever I need a "fix". *wink* Anywho, let's get back to the story at hand as we welcome today's book of choice...

Mischief Bay, Book 3
Susan Mallery
About the book...
From the bestselling author of The Girls of Mischief Bay and The Friends We Keep comes a twisty tale of family dynamics that explores what can go terribly, hysterically wrong when the line between friendship and family blurs…
Zoe Saldivar is more than just single—she’s ALONE. She recently broke up with her longtime boyfriend, she works from home, and her best friend Jen is so obsessed with her baby that she has practically abandoned their friendship. The day Zoe accidentally traps herself in her attic with her hungry-looking cat, she realizes that it’s up to her to stop living in isolation.
Her seemingly empty life takes a sudden turn for the complicated—her first new friend is Jen’s widowed mom, Pam. The only guy to give her butterflies in a very long time is Jen’s brother. And meanwhile, Pam is being very deliberately seduced by Zoe’s own smooth-as-tequila father. Pam’s flustered, Jen’s annoyed, and Zoe is beginning to think “alone” doesn't sound so bad, after all.
Friendship isn’t just one thing—it’s a million little things, and no one writes them with more heart and humor than book club sensation Susan Mallery!
The girls are BACK and closer than ever...
...well, EVENTUALLY.
Yes, when I last left them, the initial bonds of friendship had been cemented, routines created to include all three "members" stayed in touch, and life was smooth sailing, for the most part. True, there was tragedy, and heartache, but with a little leaning on each other and the help of some new friends, they pulled through. Ah, yes....another satisfying ending, Susan Mallery style. Skip ahead a book (because that's what I did) and this trio is looking anything but completely in tact...
Now, it seems priorities have shifted and while that's a part of life, the almost severing of their familial ties (because family is not just BLOOD but who we CHOOSE to be in that inner circle) is not nor should it be...and yet, that's where we stand. Let's catch up, shall we?
First there's Jen...
...she's wound so tight from focusing on the development milestones of her son, worrying about the safety of her husband, and contemplating if his new work partner is leading him astray in his personal life, she doesn't know if she's coming or going, let alone have time for her mother or best friend. Well, she probably does (know where she's going at least) as long as it's on the schedule for the day, but otherwise, we're talking about her leaving her head at home if it wasn't attached. Some of her worries are easy to understand, but others are coming from some deep seeded place that if she doesn't get it under control, she could seriously lose it all. It's gonna take a serious intervention to bring her down to earth...but maybe not in the form of the two people she counts on most. *nervous chuckle*
Next, we have Zoe...
...of all the girls, I identify with her the most, and not just because she almost becomes one of those stories where the departed was only found because of the smell. *-* Yes, she has a close call that even her fur baby can't solve for her, but things are starting to look up despite the meddling of a certain best friend's mother in her love life. Note to readers, the old guy is a cad, the new one is a dream! Seriously...love him! Pam sure knew what she was doing when she started that ball rolling, especially since the downhill portion for Zoe is coming faster than you might think, and not in the best of ways either.
Last but not least, we've Pam...
...she's the matriarch of the group in age, life experience, and the fact that she IS the mother of Jen, but that doesn't mean she always knows what best. I know...don't tell her I said that. She's a great lady by all accounts, but the Jekyll and Hyde routine that her "loving care" takes this time around was enough for me to question my loyalty to her. (Sorry Pam!) It was heartbreaking to watch her go through the emotional roller coaster she was riding and refused (for some time) to break free from. Seriously, she is one stubborn mama bear when she wants to be! My book's end, my faith in her, though shaken, was not destroyed and we were once again on good terms. Good thing her stubborn streak rubbed off on her children too....
To conclude, this is a story that is indeed about "a million little things" that tie our lives, our loves, and our friendships together. It reminds us that we will have bad days, and times that aren't to our liking, but if we use the experience to grow, and lean on our circle of family/friends, there is nothing we can't accomplish, conquer, or rise above. I can't wait to catch up with these ladies once again, after all...we have to see what happens with Jen and Kirk, how things with Zoe and her little surprise turn out, and if Pam finally learns that moving forward does not always mean leaving things behind.
About the author...
#1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery has entertained millions of readers with her witty and emotional stories about women. Publishers Weekly calls Susan’s prose “luscious and provocative,” and Booklist says, “Novels don’t get much better than Mallery’s expert blend of emotional nuance, humor, and superb storytelling.” Susan lives in Seattle with her husband and her tiny but intrepid toy poodle.
Special thanks to Meg at Tandem Literary and Harlequin Books for the ARC for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the series, the publisher, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now via MIRA Books, an imprint of Harlequin Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
I'm definitely adding A Million Little Things by Susan Mallery to my TBR list! The synopsis really drew me in!
When written by the woman and icey author you just know the6book will rock you I as many many others cant wait to get between the leaves
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