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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When 'Karma Bites', Hold Your Own....CONTEST!

Welcome back to a what is it...the third post of the day? record for me I think but hey, this bit of fun needed to be shared, pronto.  You may have heard about a new book that made it's way into the literary world know the one.  What?  You don't recall?  GASP!  No worries, I shall remind thee.

Karma Bites
by Stacy Kramer and Val Thomas

Ring a bell now?
Thought it might.  I mean besides the great cover and fun title, reviews and BUZZ have been everywhere...including right here!  Yes, that was a shameless plug but it is what it is.  Anywho...

The wonderful author team behind this latest fun release have devised a contest within a contest idea, but gave book bloggers free reign on how to present it and what exactly to present.  Confused?  Let me explain.  For those bloggers that participate, the prize up for grabs is the chance to win an ARC of one of their two upcoming titles...not bad, right?  There's more.  The GRAND PRIZE winner will get their blog's name incorparated into the story line of one of their upcoming books!  Excited yet?  I am.  But wait...

Originally I wasn't going to participate in this contest.  Why?  Well, although the concept is interesting and the "free form" of it all, different to say the least....I just wasn't certain what to present as an appropriate prize for you, my readers.  Luckily for both of us, a very special and very fun package landed on my doorstep just yesterday. 

Have you caught your breath yet?
No...your eyes are NOT deceiving you.
I was fortunate enough to snag an ARC of The Secret of Ka by Christoper Pike via Twitter thanks to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (yes, the same great folks that published Karma's THAT for karma?)!  If that wasn't wonderful enough, the great folks over there included a few extra copies for me to distribute to other readers...YAY ME and therefore YAY YOU!

Now I know what your do these two books tie together?
Good question and a valid one at that.  Besides sharing the same publisher, they both deal with magic in their own unique ways.  Plus, the author of The Secret of Ka, Christopher Pike, happened to pen a 'Chain Letter' series which is so beyond perfect for this contest (you'll see why when you see how to enter) that it can't merely be viewed as a coincidence

Welcome to the official start of my entry into the contests for a contest....

When Karma Bites, HOLD YOUR OWN - CONTEST!

Like the title?  Hope so...I was trying to go for something catchy.  So, let's get to the nitty gritty details of it all, shall we...since this one requires a bit of work on both our parts.

The prize:

(1) ARC of The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike

A little about the book straight from the back cover:

Could finding a flying carpet change the course of your life -- in a bad way?

One minute Sara's bored out of her mind on vacation in Istanbul.  The next, she's unearthed a flying carpet that cleverly drags her to the mysterious Island of the Djinn -- or genies.  By her side is Amesh, a hot boy she has a crush on but doesn't yet trust.  When Amesh learns the secret of invoking djinn, he loses control.  He swears he'll call upon only one djinn and make only one wish.  The plan sounds safe enough...

But neither Sara nor Amesh is any match for the monster that swells before them.  It quickly hypnotizes Amesh, compelling him to steal Sara's flying carpet and leave her stranded on the island.

Discovering the carpet has sparked a new path for Sara, one that will lead her to battle creatures even deadlier than djinn.  In this fight, Sara can save mankind, herself, or the boy she cares for.  Who will she be forced to sacrifice?

Sounds good, right?


How to enter:

I need you to send an email.  No worries, you won't be spamming someone or anything, this is all strictly by the book from the guidelines as received from the authors!
Here's what it needs to include....

Subject:  Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers - "chain-letter"


Fill out this FORM.
(I've kept it simple...promise!)


The rules:
*Open to US mailing addresses only (sorry guys...I'm footing the postage).  No P. O. Boxes please.
* Entries will be accepted from Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 through Sunday, August 29th, 2010 at midnight CST. The entries will be tallied and entered into the randomizer, after which a random number will be picked by their number generator. (This way all the entries are mixed up nicely.)
* All entries must be submitted using the form accessible through this post. You MUST include your email address in order to be counted as well as contacted should you be chosen as the winner!
*The winner will be announced and contacted via email by Monday, August 30th, 2010 and will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address, unless of course it was provided in the entry form initially. Should they fail to respond in the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.
*Winner's name and address will be used by yours truly for prize send out only and then discarded.


Not so bad.
YOU help me...and I reward YOU with bookish goodness.
Good trade!
So, get your entry in and spread the word both about the book AND the contest!

Until next time....happy reading!


stacy said...

So happy you're playing!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome contest!(:

RivkaBelle said...

This is awesome! Totally cool :o)

Jodi Webb said...

This is so fun. Now I want to go find all the other blogs particiapting and see what kind of contesat they have.

Valerie Thomas said...

love this so much, thanks!

Arena said...

What a fun surprise! Thanks for the contest!

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

awesome contest!! thank you!

Heather said...

This is a fun contest. I am in Canada, so not entering. Will have to mark this book down TBR. Thanks.

Gina said...

Not a bad start! Not bad at all...
Thanks for the comments guys and thank you to BOTH authors for making an appearance here! ^_^
Sorry about the shipping bit Heather...but stay tuned for another giveaway coming soon that you can certainly enter!
Keep those entries coming...and happy reading!

The1stdaughter said...

Love this! So glad you threw your hate in the ring. It's such a great contest!

A'lina said...

Good luck and thanks for the great contest!

Meredith said...

Great contest! Thanks!

k_sunshine1977 said...

what a neat contest! thank you!

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Thanks for this contest!

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