Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Friday, October 18, 2024

AWARENESS TOUR: Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal by Ryan Cowan, Illustrated by Halo Rife - GUEST POST + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. Today, we play host to an AWARENESS TOUR currently running with The Children's Book Review that features a title that seems perfectly matched for the reading season. There's magic, a secret world, a Halloween Crystal, and an evil witch that needs stopping...I mean, it practically screams 😱  READ ME, and don't worry, I'll let you get to it, but first, a little something extra. Let's take a look at the author's journey from educator to writer in a special GUEST POST from Ryan Cowan himself, and don't miss your chance to win in the tour wide giveaway before you head on over to the other fabulous sites participating in today's tour. Ladies and gents, may I present today's featured title...

Ryan Cowan
Illustrated by
Halo Rife
For the Northern Star Publishing (2022)

About the book...
Elliott attends his third-grade class like any other boy, except that Elliott isn’t like any other boy. Endowed with magical powers, Elliott belongs to a secret world called Moonstone—and trouble is brewing. When the evil witch Noir steals The Halloween Crystal, it’s up to Elliott and his third-grade teacher, Mr. Moonbeam, to stop Noir from invading the non-magical world on Halloween night. But can Elliott learn to master his powers in time?


~~~   GUEST POST   ~~~

Balancing Education and Creative Writing:  My Journey as an Educator and Children’s Author Ryan Cowan 

It all started with a thesis…

July 2011, I had just completed a master’s degree program at UCLA where I wrote about the importance of culturally relevant pedagogy in inner-city schools.  This work became the beginning of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal.   

How so?  

Because when my time at UCLA ended, I realized that I didn’t want to stop writing.  Writing had become a daily routine for me and despite the difficulties of writing, I realized that I loved the struggle!  Writing became a way to express myself…a way to be creative.  And so, one day, on a whim, I sat down at my computer and wrote the first sentence of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal —  
“Elliott watched as the wind and rain came crashing down against his classroom window…”   

I had no idea who Elliott was.  I had no idea who Mr. Moonbeam was.  But, as the first scene unfolded, it became clear to me that I was writing about my own experiences as a third grader growing up in Middleport, Ohio.  I was reaching into my past, remembering the spooky cardboard cutout from my elementary school days and the smell of fall leaves.  I was remembering the Halloween toys and costumes and of course the smell of Halloween candy (Smarties and candy corn).  Soon an entire slew of characters, a ghost, a haunted house, and a new world developed within my imagination.  In time, the characters became family to me and their world — Moonstone — my adventure.  

Finding balance between work and writing isn’t easy…
I carve out small spaces of time each day for writing.  I often edit my sequel in the mornings before work and on rare occasions after work.  I draft on the weekends or during my vacation time.  Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal was written mostly during my summer vacations in Ohio.  But to be perfectly honest, I don’t remember many of the details about writing Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal.  It just happened and I’m grateful!  

What’s next…
Around October of 2019, I started writing the sequel to Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal — Mr. Moonbeam and the Legends of Moonstone.  This time I’m keeping a clear record of my writing process — where, when, and how — along with all the drafts and edits.  The first draft of my sequel is done!  Parts of it were written in hotels and airplanes.  Other parts were written while sitting on my parents’ porch.  Some parts were written in Palm Springs.  Much was written during the pandemic.  Sometimes I write at 5:00 a.m.  Sometimes I write at 5:00 p.m. 

 All in all, I write when I have time, in small increments.  I love to watch my stories develop and grow!  My stories are fictional diaries of my life because there is truth behind the fiction.      



Ryan Cowan works as an educator in Los Angeles. He received his Master of Education in Urban Teaching degree (EdM) from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.


---   GIVEAWAY   ---

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal and an exclusive, limited-edition themed T-shirt!


Special thanks to Bianca at The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this tour to you and to the author for sharing a bit of themselves with the guest post. (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by Ryan Cowan. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour for more bookish fun!


Monday, September 23, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Interview with Ryan Cowan

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Friday, September 27, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Monday, September 30, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Friday, October 4, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Interview with Ryan Cowan

Monday, October 14, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Book Spotlight for Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Thursday, October 17, 2024
Book Review of Mr. Moonbeam and the Halloween Crystal

Friday, October 18, 2024
Guest Post by Ryan Cowan

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, October 14, 2024

AWARENESS TOUR: Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary by Stephen G. Bowling, Illustrated by Vitali Dudarenka - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Hello again!
Today, we're playing host to a stop along the AWARENESS TOUR currently running with The Children's Book Review that features a timely title for the season with a great message. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey through the cornfields with a Scarecrow that might be anything but his namesake, pull up a blanket and a hot cup of cider because you've come to the right place! Ladies and gents, crows and non-scarecrows alike, let's take a closer look between the epages of today's featured title...

Stephen G. Bowling
Illustrated by
Vitali Dudarenka
Ages: 4+ | 34 Pages
Valley of Mexico

About the book...
 He’s friendly as can be! But when his kindness causes a stir, can this cornfield guardian use his noggin to make everyone happy?

Winslow, the scarecrow, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Full of song and wearing a silly hat, the bespectacled fellow stretches out his arms and welcomes the crows to rest their weary wings. But he’s shocked when the other straw-filled-scarers get upset because they think he’s falling down on the job. Listening to his brightly dressed pals argue over what is proper; he thinks hard to come up with a better way. And hoping to find an agreeable solution, he spies the fallen corn on the ground going to waste, and the kernel of an idea begins to sprout. Can Winslow protect the farmer’s crops and still welcome the rascally rooks?

Winslow Scarecrow is a charming children’s picture book. If you or your child like resolving conflict, seeing problems from all sides, and bringing people together, then you’ll adore Stephen G Bowling’s beautifully illustrated tale. Buy Winslow Scarecrow to be a ray of sunshine today!


Picture Books leave an impression no matter the topic, but this one really hit the mark. We've got a perfectly timed story for the reading season that stars Winslow Scarecrow who questions exactly why he has to be scary. A few of his field mates explain in so many words that he is what he is, and scare he must... it's in his name for goodness sake...but Winslow disagrees. He believes there's a better way to do the job he was given without being frightful, and still get the results the farmer is looking for. What do you think? A friendly SCAREcrow? Unheard of, right? But sometimes, the best things come from the most unexpected of places, and Winslow shows his fellow Scarecrow gals and fellas that together with the crows, they make a better team, and no one has to be scary to accomplish it.

I loved the message of being true to yourself, and never being afraid to buck the status quo. Just because something is done doesn't mean it's right. The beauty of the world we live in is that everyone can have a voice, express an opinion, or share an idea. There always room to grow, for improvement, and the chance for change. Winslow and his scarecrow friends show us this in action with all the beautiful and colorful illustrations throughout the book. It makes it that much easier to see their personalities, how some accept their given lots in life, while others want to step out of the box, but need someone to help show them the way. Winslow was that friendly soul, and I, for one, am glad to have met this cheery fellow... and I think you and yours will be too! A great addition to your autumn reading list and a story for for all ages. 





Stephen G. Bowling is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Much like Peter Pan, Steve never wanted to grow up. Or rather, while he didn’t mind getting older, he never wanted to lose the child-like enchantment of imagination and wonder. Creating colorful worlds and stories for children has allowed Steve to preserve his own imagination while sharing the joy of learning with children worldwide. He currently has six children’s books published, and his books have also won several illustration awards.

Steve has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Brandeis University. He is an entrepreneur who has worked on and holds several U.S. Patents. He heads The Prometheum Foundation, a non-profit philosophical organization that helps teach students critical and analytical thinking, freedom of thought, and entrance into the marketplace of ideas. He is a lifelong weightlifter, an avid student of history and philosophy, and fascinated with astrophysics.

For more information, visit


!!!   GIVEAWAY  !!!

Enter for a chance to win one of six prizes! Four people will win a paperback of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary and two lucky winners will win the grand prize of Winslow Scarecrow, Grandma’s House is Haunted, and Calvin the Christmas Tree!


Special thanks to Bianca of The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this title to you and for the ecopy for review! (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by Stephen Bowling.  The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this author, her other works, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!


Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Friday, September 27, 2024
Book Spotlight of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Monday, September 30, 2024
Instagram Post about Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Instagram Post about Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Friday, October 4, 2024
Book Activity for Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Monday, October 7, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Friday, October 11, 2024
Interview about Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Monday, October 14, 2024
Book Review of Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows are Supposed to be Scary

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

RRR presents... The Little Provence Bookshop by Gillian Harvey - REVIEW!

Today on the blog, we welcome Rachel's Random Resources as we play host to the latest release from author Gillian Harvey.  Known for her works of Contemporary Fiction that also fit nicely into the Women's Fiction category, this one doesn't disappoint.  So get whisked away for a while as we take a trip to the French countryside through the pages of today's featured title and blog tour guest...

The Little Provence Bookshop
Gillian Harvey

About the book...
Everyone’s story has some magic. You just have to turn the page to find it…

As the sun rises over the little Provence village where single mother Adeline has escaped with her little girl Lili, she breathes deeply. This is their new beginning. Here, she can forget the lies her family told her. Here, she can start her story again.

Later she opens the door to the town’s tiny bookstore, where she is to work, ready to meet the mysterious owner Monique for the first time.

She expected an ordinary bookshop. But this bookstore feels somehow different… magical. Breathing in the smell of books, she feels a jolt of something. It feels like a new chapter beginning.

As she gets to know the villagers – including the handsome Andre and friendly Michel – she starts to believe in the magic of this new start. But can a runaway like Adeline ever find what she’s looking for? Or is a happy-ever-after just another fiction?

A totally gorgeous, escapist, romantic novel – set in rural Provence – by the bestselling author of A Year at the French Farmhouse and The Bordeaux Bookclub.


I don't know about you, but I ADORE a book that's BOOKISH.  You know what I mean? A story where the power of the written word can be felt not just from the page but IN the page.  The characters understand the magic that resides within a story, and when you add a bookshop to that mix, you're knocking on the doors of heaven!  While beginning with heartache, it doesn't remain there.  The magic of the town, of the bookshop, of the characters throughout the town we've yet to meet as well as those that become more than just passing acquaintances, and even that of our leading ladies, permeates every page urging you to fall more and more in love as things progress.  Is her past truly laid to rest?  Not quite, but once faced with the newfound strength of the connections made, running is no longer the desired option, and her future looks that much brighter.

So be intrigued by the gorgeous cover (because let's face it, it IS gorgeous!), step between the pages to discover the little bookshop that's wielding more than dusty tomes on shelves, and fall in love with the people, the place, and the hearts of the little village that will do more than offer a safe haven, but a chance to heal.


About the author...

Gillian Harvey is a freelance writer and bestselling author who lives in France. She writes escapist fiction set in France, including bestsellers A Year at the French Farmhouse and A Month in Provence.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. as well as the ebook for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, October 7, 2024

AWARENESS TOUR: Sea Without a Shore by Barb Rosenstock, Illustrated by Katherine Roy - INTERVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Today, we welcome The Children's Book Review as their latest AWARENESS TOUR makes its way through the blogosphere.  The star of the show is a Non-Fiction Picture Book about the beauty and majesty of the sea, revealing how the smallest of organisms can have the most extraordinary and far reaching effects beyond our wildest dreams.  Come for the journey between the pages, but stay for the special AUTHOR INTERVIEW to catch a glimpse behind the pen, and be sure to enter the tour wide giveaway for your chance to win!

Barb Rosenstock
Illustrated by
Katherine Roy
W. W. Norton

About the book...
A single piece of seaweed buoys a fascinating ecosystem in this nonfiction picture book from award-winning creators Barb Rosenstock and Katherine Roy.

From bryozoans and snails to shrimps, eels, swordfish, and whales, the Sargasso Sea provides a home to countless types of marine life, thanks to the prevalence of microalgae called sargassum. Following a single blade of this extraordinary seaweed as it grows and spreads, readers see what it provides for the sea’s organisms: a base for hydroids and tube worms to filter and feed, shelter for anemones and nudibranchs and their nutritious waste, hunting grounds for crabs and amphipods, and a source of nourishment and protection for the fish, birds, whales, and reptiles that feed on these smaller creatures.

Through a widening scope on this intricate interdependence, Barb Rosenstock celebrates one of our planet’s most diverse and important ecosystems and the unassuming seaweed that sustains it. Gorgeously illustrated with Katherine Roy’s rich, eye-catching artwork, Sea Without a Shore is as fluid and rhythmic as the currents that shape this tidal home.


🌊  INTERVIEW with Author Barb Rosenstock  🌊

      1) Fast Five Intro... five facts about me!

I was born on April Fool’s Day (if you know me, that says everything!).

I have lived my entire life in the Chicago area.

I was a musical theater nerd in high school and still love to sing and dance.

I love my family first and the smell of lilacs and marigolds second (or maybe eating pizza).

I never met an author until I was an older adult, and never thought someone like me could be a writer.

2) What inspired you to write about the Sargasso Sea?

I tripped on the idea. Seriously. I was walking with my grandson on the beach in the Dominican Republic and tripped on some seaweed on the beach. While pulling it from my feet, I noticed it had what we thought were berries and searched on my phone. I learned that I had tripped on some rotting Sargassum, and that much of it was created in the Sargasso Sea…and a year later, I was still fascinated by this place and its creatures.

3) Of all the formats out there, what about the Picture Book drew your heart?

It’s the idea of specificity and teamwork. A picture book requires an author to be intensely specific in their use of language. Writing a picture book is like working a puzzle. The work also requires the author to leave room in the story for the illustrator, even before they know who that person is!  Great picture books are ART DEPENDENT, the story is told half (or less) through words and half (or more) through art. I love that words and art working together create something more than either could have created alone. 

4) Reading is subjective, and everyone gets something different out of the experience, but if you could have readers walk away with one message from SEA WITHOUT A SHORE, what would it be?

That every creature on earth, no matter how strange, no matter how far away, has a home, and that those homes deserve protection.

5) Any words of advice for writers in the making in our reading audience?

I used to think that I couldn’t be a good writer because I could never get my words as perfect as the writing in the books I read. But, what you see on the page when you are reading your favorite authors is the result of thousands of hours and typically dozens of people working together. I think sometimes trying to make “good” writing, stops young people from writing at all. At the start, you are not trying to write a “finished book,” you are learning how to get an idea or experience in your head down on paper. And, just like sports or dance or music,  writing requires lots of practice and lots of “do overs.” The drafts of the most famous books by the most famous authors STINK! All us authors stink at writing, until we do it over (and over!), get help, and keep trying to say what it is we have to say. Because YOUR experiences, and what YOU have to say about them is important for everyone to hear.



Barb Rosenstock is the author of several children’s books, including The Noisy Paint Box, which received a Caldecott Honor. She lives in Chicago, Illinois.

- - - - - - - - - -


Katherine Roy is the creator of the Sibert Honor Book Neighborhood Sharks and, most recently, Making More. She lives in Corvallis, Oregon.


Enter for a chance to win a hardcover edition of Sea Without a Shore, autographed by both Barb Rosenstock and Katherine Roy.


Special thanks to Bianca of The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this title to you! (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by W.W. Norton. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this author, her other works, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!


Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Thursday, September 12, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Friday, September 13, 2024
Book Spotlight of Sea Without a Shore

Monday, September 16, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Book Activity Paired with Sea Without a Shore

Wednesday, September 18 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Thursday, September 19, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Friday, September 20, 2024
Interview with Barb Rosenstock

Monday, September 23, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Friday, September 27, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Monday, September 30, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Friday, October 4, 2024
Interview with Barb Rosenstock

Monday, October 7, 2024
Interview with Barb Rosenstock

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Book Review of Sea Without a Shore

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, October 4, 2024

RRR presents... SISTERS OF THE RESISTANCE by Jina Bacarr - REVIEW!

Hello, fair readers!
Today, we welcome Rachel's Random Resources and author Jina Bacarr as we step between the epages of her latest Historical Fiction release.  For those that prefer them, consider this your trigger warning as there are acts of violence remembered and referenced at points throughout the tale, but they act as a catalyst for the actions taken by the innocent souls after the fact.  Fans of the genre, and the author's previous works, know exactly the story they are getting into, and those just being introduced certainly won't be disappointed.  Ladies and gents, today's ebook of choice and blog tour guest...

Sisters of the Resistance
Jina Bacarr
Boldwood Books

About the book...
Paris, 1942: Two sisters in Paris had their lives torn apart. Now they must choose – save themselves, or fight the Nazis to the very end…

I’d given up everything to fight for the Resistance. But nothing prepared me for discovering my sister was a traitor. Kept by a Nazi SS officer, outwardly she barely resembles my beloved Justine anymore.

But I guessed her secret. About her beautiful, fragile little child. The baby she’ll do anything to protect. And I believe that deep down she still knows what is right.

As the Nazis threaten everything we ever held dear, I know I have one chance. I must convince her to betray the evil she seems to have chosen. I need her to find her true self once more.

Because I need her to join the fight…

Could you choose your country – and what is right – over the person you once loved more than anyone in the world?

Unmissable, heartbreaking, gripping WW2 fiction, perfect for fans of Soraya M. Lane, Ellie Midwood and Jean Grainger.


Once upon a time, I read the first book in this series...and I was ripped apart.  The danger and uncertainty, the violence and heart stopping moments, the times you didn't know how they could carry on and yet they still managed to...all pieced together, it made for one heck of a story.  

This follow up is no slacker either.  From page one, you're thrown right back into the thick of things, so if you needed a refresher, or chose not to read the first one for one reason or another, you won't be lost; in fact, I was having a bit of a deja vu moment when I first started reading this one BECAUSE it plops you right back in the closing scenes of the first.  From there, you're on your own, or rather you're riding out the story between the two sisters and the very different, and yet only just, trajectory their life paths have taken.  While they both felt they had lost the other, the truth of the matter couldn't have been any more different.  They both made choices given the circumstances they were in, and for better or worse, they have to live with the consequences.  Can the bond of sisterhood heal the wounds inflicted by war?  Is there any way for a lost soul to return to the beautiful life they once lived when the landscape has changed so much?

Step into the pages of history for a story you won't soon forget filled with characters you'll want to remember.  It's dark, and violent at times, but such are the results of war.  The important thing to remember is that victory is never out of reach as long as one still has HOPE.  


About the author...

Jina Bacarr is a US-based historical romance author of over 10 previous books. She has been a screenwriter, journalist and news reporter, but now writes full-time and lives in LA. Jina’s novels have been sold in 9 territories.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

AWARENESS TOUR: Sophie and the Swans by Holly Peppe, Illustrated by Aeron Cargill - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

TODAY on Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers, we indulge in flights of fancy with a touching storybook that has plenty of lessons to share.  Currently on tour with The Children's Book Review, let's step between the epages of a tale that has just as much beauty as it has heart...

Holly Peppe
Illustrated by
Aeron Cargill
Lincoln Square Books

About the book...
Sophie is a little girl who lives beside a lake and makes friends with a pair of swans who visit her every day. One day, when a bully starts to torment the swans, Sophie rushes to defend them not by attacking the bully but by showing him kindness when he gets into trouble on the lake.


This is the story of a little girl who enjoys the beauty of the wildlife that surrounds her.  She takes the time to see them for what they are, understands their habits, and willingly shares the natural world with them.  There's a lot that can be said about a person that is kind to animals.  Their hearts are often THAT much bigger, THAT much more open to opportunities, new experiences, and relationships.  Sophie definitely embodies all of those things even at her young age, and it shows when she encounters someone that is quite the opposite.  The thing is, the young boy that's acting the part of a bully isn't truly one at heart, but rather a result of circumstances that befell him...he just didn't know how to express himself in a healthful versus harmful way.  Our gal Sophie knows that the best way to react to his actions isn't with equal acts of violence, but rather kindness, and a bit of information/education too.  She takes the higher road, when she easily could have fallen into a similar pattern in retaliation, but that's what makes the difference between a bully, a victim, and a hero.  Sophie shows us that there are better ways of fighting injustice, and that sometimes there is something more behind people's actions besides blind hate.  Sometimes they just need someone to listen, to understand where they are coming from, to help set their world to rights once again.

Through lovely illustrations and the heartfelt tale shared, readers are in for a wonderful story time selection, while also being reminded of the importance of spreading kindness in the world.  Wherever we go, whomever we encounter, whatever the situation, we always have a choice in our actions, our reactions, and how we feel.  We CAN choose kindness even in the face of something much less than.  That kindness could be just the thing to turn a situation or person around, and keeps our heart in a place of happiness too.  So go ahead, share a smile...and remember, the next time you're faced with adversity, a little kindness can go a long way.



Holly Peppe is a writer and editor who lives near a lake full of colorful ducks, noisy gray geese, and elegant white swans who take to the sky when they feel like flying. Her published writing includes essays about the Jazz Age poet Edna St. Vincent Millay; a memoir, Mum’s the Word: The High-flying Adventures of Eve Branson; and two Young Adult books about Barrington Irving, the first Black pilot and youngest person to fly solo around the world.


!!!   GIVEAWAY   !!!

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Sophie and the Swans. Don’t miss your chance to enter and win!


Special thanks to Bianca of The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this title to you and for the ecopy for review! (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by Expound Publicity. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this author, her other works, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Friday, October 4, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Monday, October 7, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Book Spotlight of Sophie and the Swans

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Instagram Post about Sophie and the Swans

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Friday, October 11, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Monday, October 14, 2024
Instagram and TikTok Post about Sophie and the Swans

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Thursday, October 17, 2024
Book Review of Sophie and the Swans

Friday, October 18, 2024
Book Activity of Sophie and the Swans

Monday, October 21, 2024
Interview about Sophie and the Swans

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
An interview with Holly Peppe

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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