Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Sunday, December 31, 2023

For Auld Lang Syne: Say Goodbye to 2023 with a Few Great Reads!

HI there!
Long time, no blog post...I know, I know. Tis the season for all the holiday hubbub, and between getting things ready at home, surviving the chaos at work, my fur kid being in the hospital, etc...this Christmas didn't exactly turn out how I might have hoped. But I digress, one area that HAS been good is the READING, and so, I give you today's roundup of titles that are a great pick for your personal reading, gift giving/exchanging ideas, or an easy peasy way to spend those gift cards that you might have received!  So wish 2023 adieu and welcome 2024 with a start on your MUST READ list.
 Ready? Set? READ ALL ABOUT IT...

Carol Fisher Saller
Duckweed Books

Labeled for the upper-Middle-Grade crowd, this touching story tells the tale of Lainie Stanton and Madeleine, her infamous great grandmother.  I won't go into details on the story itself as it definitely keeps its air of mystery throughout, but I will touch on a few factors that endeared it to me.  I loved the family ties that were built into the story.  From her many uncles to the echoes of the past, Lainie was not alone, and that's important to know at any age or stage of life.  I appreciated the other side of the story presented when we were investigating Madeleine's past.  True, it was touch and go because of the ghostly memories leading the way, but it reminded us that a story has more than one side, and what may have been presented as gospel truth could in fact be hiding something much bigger, much more important.  I enjoyed the chance to uncover the truth alongside Lainie, never once feeling like we were kept in the dark.  I admit I had my thoughts on how things would turn out, but it didn't lessen my enthusiasm for the moments of discovery as they occurred.

A great read with a touch of paranormal for the designated age group and beyond!


Tessa Harris

Oh my word!  My only regret with this one is not having had enough time earlier in the month to bring it to you.  I quite literally finished reading this just the other night, and, if you're a Historical Fiction fan, you don't want to miss it!  I find myself reading a lot of works in this genre that took place around WWII, and this one is no exception.  The tale opens with a moment in the future with an immediate jump to the past to reveal how we ended up where we were; all because of a madman, and a notebook that could betray him.  When I say I started this one and didn't want to put it down, I am not exaggerating.  The characters come to life right off the page, the settings whisk you away to see them firsthand, and while the events transpiring are tragic to say the least, there is still beauty found, moments of hope, and pockets of resilience to fight for another day.  I cried for Katja more times than I can count.  I worried for Doctor Viktor and yet silently praised his delayed bravery.  I took a shine to Daniel who was still trying to heal, and yet so ready to share the darkest corners of his heart.  I befriended Sylvia because she was such a force, and yet a very good friend.  My book's end, my emotions were raw from the seemingly endless roller coaster, and yet there were surprises STILL to come...but I wouldn't trade a moment of it!


Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
Avon Books

Okay, so we're stepping away from the historical and right into Contemporary Romance, but, and I don't say this lightly, it comes with A LOT OF SPICE.  We're talking cinnamon candy canes served with hot chocolate spiked with Tabasco sauce (if ONLY that!), so if you're strictly a closed door reader, do not embark on this read.  Capisce? (Understand?)  Good, good, now let's talk about a story that's a bit more naughty.

As I said, there is A LOT going on here, but despite the front and center "stuff", it's not JUST about that.  There's so much more going on than who's riding in Santa's sleigh tonight (*ahem*).  It's a story about family, and not just those related by blood because they don't always turn out to be the ones that have your back.  It's about being comfortable being you, and not accepting the shame others put on you for being or doing something different than they think you should.  It's about finding your own path in this world regardless of your upbringing.  Let's face it, parents are winging it too, and Winnie really got the cream of the crop in that department, but once she fell from grace, so to speak, she was inadvertently freed from having to tow the line they laid out.  Once she took a step in a direction that was of her own choosing, she experienced more of life, and love than she believed possible.  Of course, we also get a bit of an education in the adult film industry, and see the unfortunate side effects of having one too many and dancing on a stage with "Santa's helpers", but even those moments have their place and time, and really a lot of those involved were better to her and for her than any of the "clean cut" crew she was formerly attached to.  Basically don't judge a book by it's cover, or a person by their line of work.  We all have multiple sides to us, and we all deserve to be loved for our whole selves.


Shannon Messenger
Adapted by Celina Freen
Illustrated by Gabriella Chianello
Aladdin  |  Simon & Schuster

A young girl different from others at her school, and for most of her life, who is simply trying to fit in when she was meant to stand out, comes into her own in a world she didn't know existed, where her abilities are powers, and there are others like her, yet perhaps not as powerful...but the truth of why her past was hidden from her, might be the best kept secret of all...with unknown consequences if revealed.

This is a book series that I've always been curious about.  That being said, this is my first venture into it, and while I appreciated the grand scale of the artwork as well as the storytelling, I'm not certain that it was my best choice for giving this one a chance.  I liked it, I truly did, but I think I needed the details that a novel tends to have, and a graphic novel tends to drop.  There's nothing bad about the latter option, but this reader needed a little more "meat" to get by.  So, if you're a fan of the series, I say GO FOR IT.  If you're a Graphic Novel lover, take a chance!  If you're interested in the series, but new to it, and only dabble in the visual side of reading, I think you'd best stick with me and go for the full length novel first.


Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton
Illustrated by Elly MacKay
Abrams Kids

In this GORGEOUSLY illustrated storybook, we gain visual clarity of the loss we suffered as a people across the world when COVID-19 struck its mighty blow.  It shut the world down in portions at a time, and made gathering impossible for the sake of saving lives, and while that hurt us on a personal level, we still had electronic ways to connect...but what about those that made their living performing.  What about those that gave of themselves to bring joy, entertainment, and moments of escape to our lives?  True, you can tune into a recorded performance, download a movie, or listen to a collection of songs, but the impact of experiencing those live and in person, sitting/standing alongside others ensconced in the moment...there's nothing quite like it.  Whether you're listening to the masters of the age, seeing an on Broadway or way off Broadway performance, or collectively viewing the latest Hollywood has to offer, the moments are much different when experienced first hand.  COVID-19 stole those moments, and the livelihood of those that put them on display for us...but accepting defeat was like turning the lights off on the stage, or drawing the final curtain.  We had to hold on.  We had to have hope.  This story tells of the efforts of an artistic director in Barcelona, and the celebration they threw in honor of the an audience of plants.  Sounds absurd?  Well, so does having everyone in lock down 24/7, but it still happened and the world was better for it.  A tale to be shared with the young and young at heart, today and always.


Julie Tieu
Avon Books

It's an opposites attract, grumpy/sunshine romcom that doesn't exactly end as brilliantly as I would have liked, but it stays true to characters just the same.  Elise and Ben are not the most obvious pair, and, quite honestly, I had a hard time picturing them together with the amount of time they spent apart, but I enjoyed getting to know more about each as the story progressed.  She had dreams and aspirations while being unable to say no to her friends, to the point that she was putting her own business on the line.  He had dreams, but the plans kept changing, and with his family in the political spotlight, it was pretty hard to catch a break away from that arena.  They both wanted to make it on their own, and oftentimes got in their own way, but the good, the bad, and the ultimately ugly they go through, brings them closer to the reality they both are reaching for.


Nashae Jones
Aladdin  |  Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
RELEASE DATE:  01/02/24

This one is just getting ready to hit bookstore shelves, so I'm SO HAPPY to bring you the scoop pre pub!  (*yay me!*)  Cue the hearts and arrows aiming at mere mortals just looking for a connection...but get ready to change your mind about the diapered baby supposedly firing them!  This Middle Grade Fiction title is bringing the house and hallowed school halls down on the myths of old, as cupid turns out to be dear old mysteriously not around dad, and apparently his offspring get a bit of the power side of things as a kickback from that parentage.  I mean, it's the perfect time to unleash emotionally charged magic on a kid, right?  I mean who wouldn't want to throw the fate of happiness and love into the hands of a potentially angsty THIRTEEN YEAR OLD?!  Oye, I'm face palming here if only you could see me.

The thing is...this book not only brings the diversity in books readers are looking for, but the FUN too!  It may not appear to be relateable, but check this out...embarrassing parental units, uncontrollable feelings, uncertainty in love, unwanted face offs with friends, frenemies that shouldn't have been, and all while simply trying to navigate this one righteously individual life we've been I right?  Are you feeling Erin's "pain" yet?  Don't worry...we all share it, in some fashion, and she's a smart cookie.  She'll figure it out in the just might take a little extra embarrassment on her part, a little more truth shared with others as well as her self, and a bit of admitting she may not have been totally right (in using those powers without reading the handbook!).  Fans of the genre, make this the top of your list!


Many many thanks to all the publishers, publicists, and authors that contributed to this final 2023 review roundup.  (THANK YOU!)  For more information on any of the titles listed, feel free to click through the links provided above.  All are available now with the exception of CUPID, but it's just about to join the others on a bookstore shelf near you.  I'd also like to thank my readers for sharing in this bookish journey with me.  We're sending 2023 off with a bang, but there's plenty more in store come 2024.

Until NEXT YEAR 😉, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... BOOMER THE CURIOUS BUNNY by Diann Floyd Boehm - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!


Time to check out a title currently touring with Silver Dagger Book Tours that's fun for the whole family.  It's a Picture Book featuring a curious little bunny that's about to have an adventure OR TWO!  Ready or not, here comes today's title in the spotlight...

Boomer the Curious Bunny

by Diann Floyd Boehm

Genre: Children's Animal Picture Book 

What will Boomer find?

Boomer is a curious bunny who loves excitement. Staying home doesn’t offer him the same fun it gives his brothers and sisters, so he hops off to see what he can see. When he does, what do you think awaits him?

Join this adorable furry rabbit as he heads off into the city where he meets a range of characters and goes on a variety of adventures. Will his discoveries be the joyful experiences he expects?

Written for children ages 3 to 9. This is a delightful tale for parents to read with their kids or for young readers to enjoy.

**Get it direct from the publisher for Only .99cents!!**

Norns Triad Publications

Amazon * B&N * Kobo * Bookbub * Goodreads

Diann Floyd Boehm is an award-winning, bestselling author. Her books inspire not only imagination but also self-empowerment, kindness, and inclusion. As a humanitarian, Diann has traveled extensively, meeting many people, and experiencing many cultures. She believes in sharing the joy of diversity, the beauty of individuality, and blessings of community with her readers.

Diann is the co-host with Dr. Jacalyn on USAGLOBALTV. Together, the duo brings entertaining topics alive, aspiring to spread global knowledge, awareness, and hope. They welcome various guests to discuss relevant issues to modern living, including everything from books to business.

Another wonderful endeavor of this amazing lady is Story Garden. Being a professional educator, Diann understands the importance of literacy.  She knows reading aloud has a vital impact on oral and written communication skills. Therefore, she coordinates a program for authors to read books online for kids and adults alike to enjoy!

Diann is a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She enjoys quilting and singing. In addition to spending time with her loved ones, she treasures the opportunity to meet new people and experience new things.

Website * Facebook * X * Instagram * Amazon * Goodreads

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$20 Amazon

Monday, December 11, 2023


Hello again, fair readers!
Here's hoping you're all ready for the coming holiday, and ENJOYING yourself, not simply stressing.  That enjoyment part is exactly why my blog has been quieter this month because life is hectic with the holiday hubbub and a little down time is just what the doctor ordered.  That being said, when opportunity knocks, one must answer the door...and today's featured guest was just that moment to bring to the forefront a title that just might fit your reading or gifting needs this season, while also giving us the chance to get to know the author just that little bit more!  Sound good?  FABULOUS!  Then let's get the introductions under way.  First, the book...

The Bravest Among Us
K. S. Moore
Heartshine Publishing LLC

About the book...
Aria Whitmore thought she had it all. Risen from the bowels of poverty, neglect, and violence, she’d finally attained a meager slice of the American Dream. Now, brokenhearted and destitute following her husband’s death, this intrepid businesswoman is barely holding on when Eli Van Drie, a rising film star tired of meaningless one-nighters, swaps his plane ticket home for one on her flight. And twenty-four hours later, neither of them will ever be the same.

Drawn from her despair and inspired by the actor’s commitment to mentoring inner-city kids, Aria finds hope in a bold, new future. Then, at a fundraiser for Eli’s beloved LA boys club, Aria’s wrongly convicted high-school sweetheart shows up, and she remembers two things: One, a long-ago vow to save young men like him caught in the poverty-to-prison pipeline, and two, how much it hurts to lose someone you love.

All three unlikely heroes have a heart for kids in crisis, but which man has what it takes to join Aria's daring quest to become a warrior for social justice?

Universal, vibrant, and emotionally rich, The Bravest Among Us confronts fundamental beliefs about motherhood, love, courage, and poverty. It’s a brilliant, heartbreaking novel that captures both the stunning pain of loss and the restorative power of hope. This is K.S. Moore at her finest, with an unforgettable story about the need to belong, the strength of the human spirit, and the raw courage it takes to love again.


If this sounds like your cup of tea, or perhaps a match for a reader in your life, you know what to do!  In the mean time, let's get to know K. S. Moore a little more as she takes us through the inspiration and writing process behind this very book...


GUEST POST with Author K. S. Moore

As writers, I believe we’re called to not only tell a rollicking good story but also to use our narrative, our characters, and our gifts to inspire. Our readers ought to feel better, be better, and live better because they felt our words and took them to heart. The world should be a better place because our story came alive for our readers and still burns in their hearts long after the last page was turned or swiped. 

The inspiration for The Bravest Among Us came when my adventure-seeking husband bought a motorcycle. But the story also includes many of my own experiences: growing up poor, a devastating sense of not belonging in high school, and a lifelong struggle with self-doubt. Even now, I wonder if I am enough to have written and published this book. 

Needless to say, my husband and I had a serious conversation about the motorcycle, and he assured me he had no intention of riding it. He simply wanted to fix it up and resell it, make some money. He promised he wouldn’t even register the thing. Still uncomfortable with the idea, I wrote a short story about what it would do to our family if he were to get injured or killed riding that motorcycle. 

A few years later, I took that short story and turned it into The Bravest Among Us. A broken-hearted widow seemed like a good beginning for a starting-over love story. 

Part Casa Blanca, part Hillbilly Elegy, and with underlying themes of self-doubt, shame, and the war on poverty, The Bravest Among Us is a work of romantic women’s fiction about three unlikely heroes with a heart for kids in crisis. Devastated by her husband’s death, will my heroine dare to love again? Or will she finally pursue her lifelong dream to become a public defender, the warrior for social justice she’s always longed to be? And which man has what it takes to join her daring quest—her wrongly convicted ex-con teenage crush or the up-and-coming actor with a questionable reputation? 

With every story, we writers put ourselves out there. It takes a great deal of courage and confidence. We must constantly tell ourselves we’re enough to write the story that’s in our hearts. Editors often comment, “This will offend,”—in my work, anyway—and I’m reminded of something Oprah once said: “Do not think you can be brave with your life and your work and never disappoint anyone. It doesn't work that way.” 

Am I risking a negative review or two (or God forbid, many)? Maybe, but if only one of my readers signs up to mentor an inner-city kid this fall, I’ll know my story meant something because at least one at-risk child has a chance at a better life. 

And that makes being brave totally worth it.

-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

About the author...

"To inspire, comfort, and breathe faith and hope . . ." 

An avid lifelong reader, I consume at least a book or two a week. When I’m not working, reading, or writing, I spend my free time enjoying the outdoors with my family, mostly at our home on a small lake in Southwest Michigan, occasionally visiting a rustic hunting cabin in Colorado and every once in a while, when we’re blessed with the means, a vacation in the Caribbean. 

My stories are contemporary character-driven tales of ordinary everyday people and the challenges we all face in life: love, friendship, parenthood, morality, mortality, compassion, and faith. My favorite novels are those that reach down deep, wrap up my whole heart and soul, and make me laugh, and cry. And those are the stories I strive to write. I want to touch people’s lives. I want my readers to feel better, be better, and live better because they read my words and take them to heart. 

Through my words, I endeavor to inspire, comfort, and breathe faith and hope into anyone who may despair that they’re alone in this world.

Website / Blog:
Social Media: X | Instagram | Facebook | Goodreads


Special thanks to K. S. Moore for the chance to feature her work on my site and the opportunity to share the guest post above.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, or the author, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer or check your local brick and mortar to snag your copy today.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Hi friends!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining the masses as we welcome Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books to celebrate the latest from author Judy Leigh.  If you're a frequent visitor to my site, you've probably seen a post or two featuring her work before, so you know what a treat you're in store for; if not, surprises are grand too...especially when they're good ones!  Ladies and gents, grab a cup of tea and a freshly baked scone with jam or cream as we take a look between the pages of today's featured title...

The Vintage Village Bake Off 
Judy Leigh

About the book...
Now in his seventies, Robert Parkin is stunned to find himself the unlikely sex symbol of the village gardening club.

Living in happy solitude with his cat Isaac Mewton in the Devon village of Millbrook, entertained by his mischievous chickens and goats, Robert has never figured out the rules of romance. But as the local ladies vie for his company, it soon becomes clear that Robert’s Victoria Sponge cake is the lure, and as his baking prowess grows, so does his confidence.

Cheesecakes, meringues, puddings, Robert can do it all, but his real masterpieces are his scones – ginger, rosemary, coconut, fruit, his recipes are inspired and soon come to the attention of the local media. Which county does the best cream tea – Devon or Cornwall? It’s time for an age-old debate to be settled with a competition.

Robert’s sisters Bunty and Hattie are both at crossroads in their lives, so news of their brother’s baking competition is the perfect excuse to bring them to Millbrook. And as the siblings relish each other’s company, and Robert relishes being at the heart of his community, a summer of scones may just light the way to long-lasting happiness for them all.

Enjoy Judy Leigh’s wonderful world of family, friendship and feasting in this perfect feel-good story for all fans of Maddie Please, Dawn French and Caroline James.


Okay, okay, as much as the synopsis makes this seem like the story is predominantly about Robert, it's not!  Yes, he's a key player, but his siblings share the spotlight equally as much, if not more so...and that's just the way we like it.

This is a character driven story...that is to say there's a story/plot line, but without this fascinating sibling trio, it'd be just another story.  Robert is the brother that was always there, but more so in the background.  He is a lovely man with a kind heart, knowledge to share, and great baking as well as gardening skills.  What he lacked was more in the presence department.  He didn't speak up, stand out, or rock the boat...for better or worse, or in this case, for the worst of his sister Hattie.  No, she was pressed into a doomed marriage because no one had the gall to stand up for her, let alone would she stand up for herself.  Which brings us to Hattie...whom I was rooting for from the very start.  I love how we meet her, though the emotional turmoil she's in isn't pleasant, because we can see that while her sparkle may have been dimmed by the louse she was married to for so long, she was still there shining like a diamond underneath.  All she needed for a little care, and her moment to shine...which THANK GOODNESS she gets in spades.  In the mean time, her soft heart allows more shenanigans from her younger sister, Bunty, but it's not a kindness that goes completely to waste.  Realizations are made, progress is reached for, and when the cards eventually fall, everything is as it should be.  As for Bunty, she came off as the spoiled younger sibling that she was, not taking anything too seriously unless it was all about her, and yet she still had some redeeming qualities even if they were harder to find.

So you see, they were all STRONG characters, and they certainly left their mark on me, which can be a hard task considering I read so much!  It's hard enough at times to remember the character names, let alone specific traits, after a book ends, but I have a feeling this trio will stick with me for a while.  If you're looking for your next read this holiday season, or perhaps a gift for the Women's Fiction fan in your life, this is definitely a book I wouldn't pass over, and an author I'd make room for in your reading world!


About the author...

Judy Leigh is the bestselling author of Five French Hens, A Grand Old Time and The Age of Misadventure and the doyenne of the ‘it’s never too late’ genre of women’s fiction. She has lived all over the UK from Liverpool to Cornwall, but currently resides in Somerset.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you, and for the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Merry GIFT-mas...for one and all!

It’s the most MAGICAL time of the year and you know what that means...the holidays have arrived! In all the rush and the fuss, it’s easy to forget to make your own list and check it twice because we all know you’ve been nice...or at least naughty in a “still-on-the-nice-list” kind of way, right? Right! If not, you know you know someone that has, and I’m here to give you a little nudge in the direction of a couple titles that should be on those MUST BUY lists for your gifting needs. So whether you’re shopping for the kiddos, your grandparents, friends, or even yourself, there’s bound to be something bookishly delightful in today’s MERRY GIFT-MAS post! Ready, set, here we go… 

by Phillip Pullman
Illustrated by Chris Wormell 
Knopf | November 13th, 2023

Once upon a time, I read the His Dark Materials trilogy.  Once upon a time, I was ensconced in the world of the North, Lyra, magical companions, DUST, and so much more.  Once upon a time is here once again in this beautifully rendered tale that sweeps us back into the story with gorgeous illustrations to steal your breath away.   If you read (or watched) any of the first stories, you'll remember Iorek Byrinson (the battle ready bear?) fondly, and even perhaps Lee Scoresby with a kind smile on your face.  This is the story of how they first met, so it's technically a prequel to the original trio of books, but that just means that those familiar and those just stepping into this magicial world are on equal footing.  You get to see the adventure before the biggest battle/quest has begun, while meeting those that will play memorable parts in the tales to come...all while having your eyes dazzled along with your mind because of the rich illustrations throughout.  It's an edition that collector's will adore, but readers will cherish just the same.

by Eoin Colfer
Illustrated by P.J. Lynch 
Candlewick | October 2023

Dragons are definitely a thing right now (well, I guess they were always a thing, but I digress), and so it should come as no surprise that this tale of knights, dragons, and a maiden with magical powers (of a sort) caught my attention, and I think it might do just that for the readers in your life (even yourself!).  The illustrations are grand, the story one of the ages and yet new all the same, and it's something that can be shared with kiddos embarking on their own knightly quests because who doesn't love a challenge, especially when you get to turn the tables on the one's that sent you!

by Kate DiCamillo
Illustrated by Julie Morstad 
Candlewick | October 2023

The author alone would have drawn my attention, but when combined with the curious cover and illustrations, and I was sold.  It's a shorter story in length, but big on presentation, and the first in a projected trilogy of tales.  Puppets of different walks of life, sharing a journey to a most unexpected end...but along the way they draw strength from one another, and build courage within to face whatever comes their way.  A tale that begs to be experienced, whether on ones own, or with an audience!

by Jorge Cham 
Amulet | September 2023

An 11 year-old boy taking on middle school while tackling subjects like the Big Bang, Mercury, and sun burps?  I can definitely see this one being a draw to fans of the Wimpy Kid series, and even MacKenzie Blue.  It totes the fact that Science is not a subject to be shunned, nor the person who has an interest in it (score one for STEAM!), and elevates the leading lad for his brainy triumphs.  Grant it, he has a side that could end him on the Naughty List, but who doesn't love a challenge, am I right?

by Jason Shiga 
Amulet | August 2023

Part book, part graphic novel....part story, part literary escape room, this is definitely a CURIOUS read indeed!  Although it is book 2 in the series, it seems to read perfectly fine on its own, and I'm loving the fact that we, the readers, only become privy to things along the way that the author and illustrator want us to.  We don't start out with all the facts, merely a direction, and it's up to us to follow in order to uncover where we are, why we are, and find a way out.  A good selection for hesitant readers, or those wanting to crossover from one reading style to another without embarking on a lengthy tome.

by Emma Carroll
Illustrated by Lauren Child 
Candlewick | September 2023

Most have heard of the classic Little Match Girl, and while it's a story that spans the ages, this one was written for a new generation.  This one takes the sad tale and spins it in a new direction.  No longer is the little girl doomed to spend her last match on dreams and visions, but empowered to spark change in her circumstances and bring about a revolution (of a sort).  I love the powerful retelling, and the striking illustrations scattered throughout where the pops of color really bring it to life.   A great way to introduce the story of yesteryear, while setting the light of forward motion in the hearts of those taking those steps towards the future. 

by Claire McFall 
Walker Books US | October 2023

OMG.  When I saw this one land on my doorstep, I legit did a happy dance.  No, you don't understand!  If you haven't read any of the Ferryman trilogy, you really don't know what you're missing.  I've read the first, and second...the third (TADA!) is happily added to my own reading list, and I can't recommend this series of books enough for YA lit fans that love the lush world of folklore and legend brought to life, love found against impossible odds, strength found that could conquer death itself, and ultimately the realization of whether all that fighting, all that pushing against the norm was worth it in the end.  DON'T WALK, RUN TO SNAG THIS TRILOGY!

by Elodie Harper 
Union Square & Co | November 23rd, 2023

Book three in The Wolf Den trilogy...of which I have still only read the first (don't judge!).  It's not that I didn't like the first one (you can see how much I did or did not right here on my site if you type the title into the little search bar over there on the left), it's just that it took me a bit because it was darker, and heavier than I imagined, and ye olde reading schedule has been a bit overbooked this year (hence to purposefully open December, and a bit of January...but watch out for February! 😁).  Perhaps I can catch a break and sneak back into the set, but this is definitely one for those that like some historical in their fiction, some romantic elements in their literature, but also keep it to the ADULT READERS because some of the topic matter is definitely geared in that direction.  Don't miss what I've heard has been a trilogy that has gotten better and better with each release!

by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone 
Avon Books | October 2023

A holiday rom-com with some steamy fun?  Yes please!  Sounds like just to ticket to heat up those cold winter nights...not that it's actually cold down here (we joke that our winter weather passed us last week), but that doesn't mean warming up is frowned at either.  😉  I'd come in from the cold to check out this tale of opposites attract, where catching feelings is easier than dodging a snow ball!

by Vivienne Lorret 
Avon Books | November 28th, 2023

I won this little beauty over on GoodReads (yeah, can you believe it because I STILL can't!), and I'm happy to say it was definitely a title on my wish Merry Christmas to me! 🤶 Spinsters, dukes, enemies to lovers, and fake engagements...color me trope happy!  All I can say is that I love a good Historical Romance and this sounds like a great add to MY reading list, and even more so because it's the first of a new series!  Woo hoo!  Also...GORGEOUS cover, no?


Special thanks to the publishers, and publicists for the copies for review and feature here today, and to the authors and illustrators for sharing their amazing talent.  (THANK YOU!)  For more information on any titles featured above, feel free to click through the links provided.  Don't forget to snag your copies when you're out and about this holiday season because books are definitely the gift that keeps on giving!

Until next time, happy holidays and remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, December 1, 2023


Another day, another MONTH, but I'm happy to see you every day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  We're kicking off December with an AWARENESS TOUR currently making its way through the blogosphere with The Children's Book Review.  It features a curious Picture Book that seems to honestly take the old adage of a picture speaking a thousand words to heart...because sometimes words can fail us where images take flight.  Ladies and gents, come in for a closer look at today's title in the spotlight, then KEEP READING for a special Guest Post with the author about Censorship in Children's Literature....

34 Pages | Publisher: Fontreal
ISBN-13: 9781989661215

About the book...

Art is autistic and artistic.
Art has just one friend – his teddy bear.
Art does not speak, but he makes art. Art that dismisses gravity.

The publication crowns the artist and turns royalty into a mere audience. The sophisticated illustrations inspire readers to express their emotions, verbalize their feelings, and create their own stories.


~~~ GUEST POST ~~~

Next page: Censorship in Children's Literature
By Marin

The shelves in the children’s section of libraries and bookstores often paint a vibrant tableau of imagination, adventure, and learning. Yet, they also occasionally become battlegrounds for freedom of expression—a place where some seek to challenge and even ban books. As librarians, educators, booksellers, and parents, it is imperative to address the intersection of youth literature and censorship, particularly within the delicate framework of nurturing young minds.

Books are sometimes challenged and banned for various reasons: the depiction of controversial themes, the inclusion of difficult subjects, or the presentation of ideas that run counter to particular societal norms or values. Historical texts might be contested for outdated or offensive language and perspectives that reflect a different era's biases. The rationale behind such actions is often the protection of young readers from ideas deemed harmful or inappropriate.

Yet, books are inadvertently potent lessons of our past as well as our present. They serve as mirrors of the mistakes we've made and the strides we have taken. Stories once banned for addressing issues like racial injustice or LGBTQ+ themes now provoke discussions about how human societies develop and learn from history. The path to progress, paved with both good intentions and flawed executions, is starkly outlined in the controversial margins of literature.

Parents, as natural protectors, play a pivotal role in their children’s development and have the prerogative to guide their reading. However, when individual preferences shift to dictate what should be available for all children, we enter a gray area: if parents are responsible for what their children read, do they also possess the right to restrict the literary landscape for others? This delicate balance between parental guidance and collective censorship is a nuanced debate in our communities.

Challenged and banned books often become victims in the larger context of our cultural wars. These wars are waged on a scale that encompasses much more than literature, reflecting deep societal divisions over morality, ideology, and values. Books for young readers become symbols in these conflicts, with each side attributing to them the power to shape young minds for better or worse.

In the midst of this, one might argue that it is more beneficial to discuss openly with young readers themes that challenge but remain age-appropriate. By sweeping under-the-rug emotional themes such as death, abuse, injustice, racism, war, refugees, and residential schools, we deny children a chance to understand and engage with the complexities of the world they inhabit. Books that address such themes do not aim to corrupt innocence but to equip the young reader with empathy, knowledge, and the critical ability to navigate reality.

Censorship, at its core, is the suppression of ideas. The question looms: does the book ban movement genuinely protect children, or inhibit their cognitive, emotional, and cultural development? Censoring what children read suggests a sort of discomfort with the dynamism of thought. When ready (with proper guidance), literature addressing challenging themes should be welcomed to nurture development of mind, morals, and emotion. In protecting our children from certain ideas and/or realities, we may also inadvertently be withholding the tools they need to build a more understanding and informed world.

In an age inundated with information from countless sources, the role of the book as a medium for conveying ideas remains significant. The power of a book to stimulate thought, provoke questions, and encourage discourse is unparalleled. A book in the hands of a child is not just a repository of words; it is a vessel for exploration, growth, and learning.

As gatekeepers of children's literature, we must weigh the intent and impact of censorship. Are we carving a path for our children to become thoughtful, discerning adults, or are we simply carving out sections of their world, leaving them with an incomplete map? In fostering environments where difficult topics can be discussed with care and respect, we do not weaken the moral fiber of our young. Instead, we strengthen their capacity to empathize and their ability to discern right from wrong in the complex tapestry of human experience. Let us, therefore, champion the books that challenge us, for they are the ones that will truly teach us.

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Marin is proud to be a self-published children’s book creator. He writes his stories, illustrates the books, designs the covers, formats the pages, and publishes the volumes. He even creates new fonts for his publications to make them one-of-a-kind. To achieve a world-class status for his books, Marin “marinates” them in a special creative compound.

Marin lives with his family on the Canadian East Coast. He is very thankful that the weather there is often bad and gives him more chances to sit in front of a computer and create. His works are available in several different formats:

HARDCOVER: books are cataloged and can be ordered in any bookstore or library in North America. A book title, author’s name, or ISBN is needed for placing an order.

SOFTCOVER and EBOOK: available on Amazon, Kobo, Google Books, Barnes & Noble, and other big and small book retailers.

AUDIOBOOK: obtainable from Audible, iTunes, MagicBlox, and other vendors.

For more information, visit


Enter the giveaway for the chance to win an autographed hardcover copy of Art and $50 sent via PayPal! A complimentary download of Marin's book The Smile is also available to everyone right now on Amazon.


Special thanks to Bianca at The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this tour to you and to the author for sharing a bit of themselves with the guest post. (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by Fontreal.  The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour for more bookish fun!


Monday, November 27, 2023
Book Tour Kick-Off

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Book Review of Art

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Author Interview with Marin

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Book Review of Art

Friday, December 1, 2023
An Article by Marin

Monday, December 4, 2023
Book Review of Art

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Book Spotlight of All the Small Wonderful Things

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Book Review of Art

Thursday, December 7, 2023
Book Review of Art

Friday, December 8, 2023
Book Review of Art

Monday, December 11, 2023
Book Review of Art

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Book Review of Art

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Author Interview with Marin

Thursday, December 14, 2023
Book Review of Art

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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