If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog. Make a list of the last 5 books you read and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies!). Please also identify the blog from which you got the award and don't forget to tell them they have a blog award!
Title: The Versatile Blogger
Received: 06/12/10
This award is for....
....although not specifically listed, "versatile" by definition means "having great diversity or variety", thus I am deeming it to be given to those that show great diversity or variety in their content!
The rules:
When you receive this award, you must share seven things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 blogs you read.
Title: The Versatile Blogger
Received: 06/30/10
This award is for....
....although not specifically listed, "versatile" by definition means "having great diversity or variety", thus I am deeming it to be given to those that show great diversity or variety in their content!
The rules:
When you receive this award, you must share seven things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 blogs you read.
Title: Thank You Award
Received: 07/26/10
From: Dorothy Dreyer @
We Do Write
This award is for...
...saying 'Thank You' to all those that visit, comment, and otherwise make your blogging days that much more enjoyable!
The rules:
Recipients pass the awards on to five more bloggers, link back to the giver of the award, and let the awardees know you gave them the award.
Title: The Circle of Friends Award
Received: 07/26/10
From: Dorothy Dreyer @
We Do Write
This award is for...
...increasing you circle of friends!
The rules:
Recipients pass the awards on to five more bloggers, link back to the giver of the award, and let the awardees know you gave them the award!
Title: From Me to You Award
Received: 07/26/10
From: Dorothy Dreyer @
We Do Write
This award is for...
...passing a little cheer throughout the blogosphere!
The rules:
Recipients pass the awards on to five more bloggers, link back to the giver of the award, and let the awardees know you gave them the award.
Title: The Versatile Blogger
Received: 08/06/10
This award is for....
....although not specifically listed, "versatile" by definition means "having great diversity or variety", thus I am deeming it to be given to those that show great diversity or variety in their content!
The rules:
When you receive this award, you must share seven things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 blogs you read.
Title: The Versatile Blogger
Received: 08/09/10
This award is for....
....although not specifically listed, "versatile" by definition means "having great diversity or variety", thus I am deeming it to be given to those that show great diversity or variety in their content!
The rules:
When you receive this award, you must share seven things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 blogs you read.
Title: Stylish Blogger
Received: 12/31/10
This award is for...
...passing on to recently discovered bloggers of greatness!
The rules...
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Title: Making Smiles on Faces Award
Received: 01/21/11
This award is for...
...sharing with those blogs/bloggers that make you smile!
Just keep passing the smiles across the miles.
Title: Memetastic Award
Received: 01/28/11
This award is for...
...umm, it's kind of unclear but I think it's mainly to spread a smile across the miles and see just how far one award can travel. For more insight, check the rules that follow...
(These are word for word from the original author's post. For their content, do not blame me...I am merely the recipient and messenger. ^_^)
“1. You must proudly display the absolutely disgusting graphic that I have created for these purposes (put it in your post, you don’t have to put it in your sidebar, I think that would seriously be asking too much). It’s so bad that not only did I use COMIC SANS, but there’s even a little jumping, celebrating kitten down there at the bottom. It’s horrifying! But its presence in your award celebration is crucial to the memetastic process we’re creating here. If you need a higher resolution version… I totally have one!!
2. You must list 5 things about yourself, and 4 of them must be bold-faced lies. Just make some shit up, we’ll never know; one of them has to be true, though. Of course, nobody will ever know the difference, so we’re just on the honor system here. I trust you. Except for the 4 that you lied about, you lying bastards! But don’t go crazy trying to think of stuff, you’ll see by the example I’ve set below that we’re not really interested in quality here.
3. You must pass this award on to 5 bloggers that you either like or don’t like or don’t really have much of an opinion about. I don’t care who you pick, and nobody needs to know why. I mean, you can give a reason if you want, but I don’t really care.
4. If you fail to follow any of the above rules, I will hunt you down and harass you incessantly until you either block me on Twitter or ban my IP address from visiting your blog. I don’t know if you can actually do that last thing, but I will become so annoying to you that you will actually go out and hire an IT professional to train you on how to ban IP addresses just so that I’ll leave you alone. I’m serious. I’m going to do these things.
5. This one isn’t actually a rule, but once you do the above, please come back here and link up to the Memetastic Hop so that I can keep track of where this thing goes.”
Title: The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award
Received: 02/10/11
From: Freda @
Freda's Voice
This award is for...
All those blogs you find irresistibly sweet!
1. List 4 guilty pleasures
2. Reward other bloggers
Title: Worth Your Weight in a 'Gator Battle Award
Received: 02/18/11
From: Alexia at
Alexia's Books and Such
This award...
...was created in honor of (at least according to them) the real stars from “Alien Tango”. No, not Katherine “Kitty” Katt or Jeff Martini. Alliflash and Gigantagator, Alligators Extraordinaire!
The “Worth Your Weight in a ‘Gator Battle Award” is only given to the wily, the brave, and the cheeky, so get down with your bad self, you’re deemed worthy to run with the A-C’s!
Now you get to spread the awesome by nominating other bloggers who would also be worth their weight in a ‘gator battle. Battling ‘gators is not for sissies or wimps -- only the strong survive -- so choose wisely!
1.Slap the graphic on your blog post.
2.Give link props to the person who gave you the award (don’t rile a ‘gator fighter -- it’s dangerous).
3.Spread the awesome and nominate five (5) other bloggers who you think will be worth their weight in a ‘gator battle.
4.Let the recipients know they’ve won this honor on their blogs.