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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Tour with Author Scott Nicholson!

Hi there, insatiable readers!
How's YOUR week going so far?
Good I hope...and it's about to get even better.
How do I know?  Oh well, call it it psyhic it blog writer advance knowledge since I put this post together and know what it's all about.  Any way you slice it, there's fun to be had today as we welcome a blog tour featuring an author that makes his home in a particular genre that's simply perfect for this time of year.....HORROR.

That's right!
Today's guest is author Scott Nicholson and he's cooked up ('ll see why that's funny in a second) something extra special for just for you...not to mention the killer contest that goes along with it.  You may recognize his name from another post or two on my site (if not, no worries, I'm about to link them up for you right here...tour announcement and book review) and you're bound to see another in the days to come, but this one is the main attraction.  Are you ready to play chef's apprentice to today's post?  Here goes!
Take it away Scott Nicholson....


Food for Thought

Recipe for disaster:

Take one confused, troubled childhood of poverty
Chop into bite-sized morsels and marinate in the public school system
Sprinkle with bay leaves and the scraps of bad poetry about tennis shoes and butterflies
Strain through a Kurt Vonnegut seive
Baste with Hemingway sauce and add lemons
Steam over the low coals of college
Spear on Ka-bobs featuring magic mushrooms and green herbs
Sprinkle flakes of Stephen King and Dean Koontz
Add a teaspoon of Clint Eastwood movies
Let simmer for 10 years
Toss in a typewriter, stirring frequently
Add two pinches of alphabet
Remove from oven and let cool on the counter
Serve with digital devices and a dictionary
Goes well with fermented Poe
Dispose of properly.


Author Bio
Scott Nicholson is author of 12 novels, including the thrillers Speed Dating with the Dead, Drummer Boy, Forever Never Ends, The Skull Ring, As I Die Lying, Burial to Follow ,and They Hunger. His revised novels for the U.K. Kindle are Creative Spirit, Troubled, and Solom. He’s also written four comic series, six screenplays, and more than 60 short stories. His story collections include Ashes, The First, Murdermouth: Zombie Bits, and Flowers.

To be eligible for the Kindle DX, simply post a comment below with contact info. Feel free to debate and discuss the topic, but you will only be entered once per blog. Visit all the blogs on the tour and increase your odds. I’m also giving away a Kindle 3 through the tour newsletter and a Pandora’s Box of free e-books to a follower of “hauntedcomputer” on Twitter. Thanks for playing. Complete details at


How's that for an interesting recipe...though I don't know if I would actively SEEK disaster.  *ponders*  Anywho....thank you for joining us on the blog tour today!  To enter for your chance to win...well, you know what to do.  Have fun!

Until next time....happy reading.


Bookhound78 said...

Great recipe, Scott! Although, I'm not sure what the proper disposal method would be....

Regge Ridgway said...

Scott rocks.

author Christa Polkinhorn said...

I think I'll pass on the recipe. Not sure I can digest Hemingway, Clint Eastwood, and Stephen King all at once. Talk about indigestion.
I'm glad you're out of jail though. You had me worried there.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Dispose of properly? I think this wonderful recipe should be regurgitated again and again.

Thanks for a wonderful comp, please include me in it.

Unknown said...

What's a typewriter?


Bibliophile said...

Interesting recipe - not that I will be trying it out any time soon. I'm far too busy developing my own.

Katie said...

Interesting poem/recipe! :)

kt1969 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Cute. This sounds like my kind of disaster recipe.

authorjcphelps @

Heather said...

These giveaway posts have been hilarious
I would love to be entered!

Paul McMurray said...

Scott, you're leaving yourself wide open for Monster A Go-Go with that picture...
Count me in for the Kindle!

James Rasmussen said...

The recipe sounds like one for Hell's Kitchen. :)
Although, from the picture, it is apparent that this recipe leads to an Abominable Snowman luau...I guess disaster then quickly follows, but was perhaps too gruesome to actually depict?

jamesemr (at) gmail (dot) com

iubookgirl said...

Clever recipe. Thanks for sharing.

iubookgirl [at] gmail [dot] com

Jeff said...

Throw in some salsa verde and you got something there. Fermented Poe...interesting. Happy Thursday and I thought that WAS a picture of Monster before he became a little dancing skeleton.

Jeff White

Kathy Habel said...

Please enter me. bkhabel at gmail dot com

Sharon S. said...

mmm, sounds tasty, but I would have to put a dash of steamy prose on it .

Teawench said...

I love it...'Dispose of properly'

Inanna said...

Now that's creativity! ;)

inannajourney at gmail dot com

Candace said...

LOL! That's great!

candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Hi Scott, Neat recipe. I am still following you and still want one of the

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Monster A Go-Go said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
VickyTinky said...

Awesome recipe!


Riva said...

LOVE the picture!

dulcibelle [at] earthlink [dot] net

Anonymous said...

Dangerously close to my official stop ...


Anonymous said...

Creative Scott, thanks for the chuckle.


jpearson said...

That was great!


Sonia said...

haha, nice picture. thanks for sharing!

starflower135 at gmail dot com

~J said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

LOL - fun post. :)

calseeor (at) gmail (dot) com

chey said...

Wonderful recipe!

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Betty: Reflections with Coffee said...

Burp ....
eewww, what is that odor?

I will have to go download another Scott Nicholson novel to help my indigestion.
bmcbroom at gmail dot com

Gail said...

gee, I miss Monster A Go-Go... looks like the blog police got him again!
Gail in Florida
cowgirl3000 AT gmail DOT com

Cathy M said...

That receipe explains ALOT, love it Scott.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

sohamolina said...

Great post

Icedream said...

green herbs? I'm thinking oregano and thyme.. :D

waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks! for sharing.tributebooksmama(at)gamil(dot)com

Unknown said...

i actively seek change? LOL but would like to leave the disaster out of it. chaos, sure. disaster, no thank you ;0)

hancoci_s at msn dot com

LaQ said...

LMBO!!!! Magic mushrooms and green herbs? Sounds way too familiar. Great recipe. lol
Count me in for the Kindle. ;)


anamlgrl said...

NICE! Now I'm thinking of developing my own!!

byonge said...

I'll take a serving.

author Christa Polkinhorn said...

I miss Monster A Go-Go's posts as well. He brings some spice to the blog posts! Everybody else is sooo serious!

donnas said...

Interesting recipe. Warning though I hear that fermented Poe is quite potent.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Weston Kincade said...

Interesting recipe for your life and great picture. I think the monkey dwarfs you though. They always get all the attention, along with goats...had to add it...have a great day.

wakincade AT gmail DOT com

R. Reed said...

I like my disaster with a sprinkling of bitter disappointment.

Doreen said...

Love the recipe for disaster and cute pic! :) purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Hank Brown said...

I'm surprised there wasn't a pint of Elvira's monster marathon in there.

Twitter: MachineTrooper

Bev said...

A biographical recipe! What a neat idea. I would have made the last line, "Dispose of leftovers properly." Not that there would be any leftovers!

Karen Bell said...

Still stalking you and that kindle. :)

doreen lamoureux said...

Super duper post. Thanks.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Author Scott Nicholson said...

Oops, Monster's post got deleted! (GR, he's a friend...):
Oh my STARS!! I had heard sordid and distasteful rumors, but I REFUSED to believe them. But after your cryptic message and this startling photograph (a picture is worth a thousand words, remember), I find the stories I've been hearing are TRUE! You are HOT for the Abominable Snowman!

Ever since the snowbeast decided to follow in Ricky Martin's footsteps, came out of hiding and publicly declared his homosexuality, he's been frolicing in all of the gay hotspots--San Francisco, West Hollywood, Maui, etc. I had heard you encountered him when he stopped in Boone as he was traveling between Key West and Fire Island. It's obvious from the photo (you in your best clothes, sneaking up on the beast's backside! SHAMELESS!) that you had wooing on your mind!

What is it about the snowman that attracted you? The fur? His goat-like scent (actually, it smells more yak-like to me, but whatever)? Or maybe just how his butt looks in spandex shorts?

In your "Recipe for Disaster" (which this love story between you and your beast truly is -- his cousin is Sasquatch, and you KNOW what they say about guys with really big feet! I hope you can handle it---but then, you DID just get out of prison, apparently.), your last line was "dispose of properly." To those who don't know you well, it could be read as if you were saying to trash your novels -- which I am sure happens all of the time anyway! But I know you so well, and know that what you were saying is that you are trashing your writing career and throwing everything away...just so you can be with your snowmonster! But tell me, is gay interspecies marriage with snowmen legal anywhere in the world yet? Or are you just going to go back to his mountainous homeland and live in SIN??? You want desperately to be the "HIM" of the Snowman-speak "Him-a lay-a" Mountains, don't you? Shocking! Shameless! Vulgar! I had no idea you were such a tawdry little monster tramp! And what about the goats? Turning your back on them so coldly---just a regular love 'em and leave 'em gigolo, eh? It's so NOT fair. You're breaking their hearts--and how many of them are carrying your offspring? While I wish you much happiness with the snowman, I find this whole affair simply abominable!

Monster a Go Go (Shawn)

Brenda Wallace said...

Okay, Scott added Monster's post while I was writing this so going to read it now. My recipe for disaster has some similar ingredients, but my Clint Eastwood movies got so stale had to throw those out. A Tablespoon of Dexter series works as a great substitute. Another great blog, Scott. varbonoff22 at cox dot net

Carol said...

Another interesting photo! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Entering, thank you!


Douglas Dorow said...

Curiously I'm hungry.

Em said...

NIce picture Scott - you never disappoint!

Linda Kish said...

Very interesting recipe.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

n2france said...

I am happy to learn that you've read Dean Koontz. He's my favorite author. No offense Scott. My Mom introduced him to me while other girls where reading Sweet Valley High. I had no chance since she was such a huge fan. I was put on the Dean train at an early age. LOL.

author Christa Polkinhorn said...

Monster A Go-Go is rehabilitated and back up. Yeaaah!

Margay Leah Justice said...

That recipe is priceless! Love it!


Deanna said...

I would LOVE a Kindle DX. Thanks for the opportunity to win one! :)

P.S. Click on my name for my contact info. ;)

Unknown said...

Seeking disaster does seem counterproductive, but who am I to judge? :)


jessica said...

LOL! I love the recipe. I'll have to think of one for my life. . I wonder what I would come up with. .

jessangil at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Great post! I'd love to be entered to win the Kindle ....Tiffypoot @ (

Anonymous said...

I Love the recipe but I'm trying to cut down on my typewriter may have to adjust it
Your to funny..
Good luck to all..

Unknown said...

Sounds fun

DarcyO said...

Great tour! Thanks for the chance.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Unknown said...


Kimberly K. said...

Love the recipe! That was really clever.

kellysydow at yahoo dot com

Tales of Whimsy said...

What a unique blend! ;)
(not an entry)

Kristie said...

That's great!!!Too funny!

sablelexi said...

hmmm...doesn't sound like a recipe I should

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

Stacey Smith said...

LOL And the Pic is funny two.

booklover0226 said...

OH, that recipe for disaster is great; I must share it.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Jesse said...

Perhaps the recipe would taste better if you substitute the typewriter for a computer? :)

conrad.jd (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

this just made me smile... and great photo!


Leeanna Fatovic said...

I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

very cute. you've got some cute friends too.


Scooter said...

You had me at "Clint Eastwood movies."

Scott, too!

hendy said...

YUMMMYYYY!!! I'll have to make this recipe on Halloween :)
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

Author Scott Nicholson said...

@Randy, my first works were on a cheap typewriter, then I had an electric typewriter for my first three or four novels.

@Paul, I'm always wide open...

@Betty Scott Nicholson books are good for a number of ills!

@Weston if you're ever been to DragonCon, normies get NO attention at all!

@n2France Nah, I'd never compete with the Dean--he wrote me a really nice letter back when I started out.

@RReed writers don't need to seek out disappointment--the world dispenses plenty!

@scooter, Brenda I'm old-school Eastwood, the new ones are too slow. Good Bad Ugly and Unforgiven are more my speed

A.P. Fuchs said...

Best. Recipe. Ever. Sure, tastes a little funky, but what doesn’t these days?

Thanks, Scott.

Coscomentertainment [at] gmail [dot] com

POSSESSION OF THE DEAD and ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT available for the Amazon Kindle for CHEAP. Grab your copies here!


i liked the picture but thought it looked like staying n it for a length time could boil you up a bit.

This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great recipe, Scott! Lovin the blog tour though getting behind...

dreamer dot ima at gmail dot com

Pink Panther said...

Love the recipe!
You can reach me at

Julie said...

I love the recipe! AND it explains a bit what happens to a person to make their mind come up with fantastical plots!

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries


Andrea I said...

Great picture!

MattCaulder said...

Yum! Sounds tasty.

matthewcaulder at

Shelly said...

fantastic! quirky and clever!

pippirose said...

That's some recipe!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Author Scott Nicholson said...

Thanks for entering, everyone, and thanks for hosting, Gina. Comments here capped at 92 for entry purposes but feel free to keep posting and come back often.

Scott Nicholson

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Now what to do with the leftovers...

Anonymous said...

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