Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Thursday, March 20, 2025

AWARENESS TOUR: Alycat and the Copycat by Alysson Foti Bourque, Illustrated by Chiara Civati - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Today, we welcome The Children's Book Review as we join their AWARENESS TOUR already in progress featuring the latest addition to a great kid's series you won't want to miss! Let's get between the epages of author Alysson Foti Bourque's recent release starring your favorite feline friend and mine...

Illustrated by Chiara Civati
Ages: 6-8 | 32 Pages
Pelican Publishing

The 8th book in the award-winning Alycat Series – Alycat and the Copycat

“Science doesn’t freak meowt!” Alycat is excited that it’s Science Fair Day, but why is her classmate copying almost everything about her, from the shirt she’s wearing to the project she’s doing? Soon Alycat learns, through patience and kindness, that two similar things can be better when they work together. This latest addition to the kitten picture-book series includes STEM themes; plus instructions for making your own glitter volcano!


This story had me freaking MEOWt! 
I love the STEM themes because, let's face it, we need more women in these fields. The love of the subject matter is shown through her volcano experiment as well as get attire. I love the vibrant colors used throughout the illustrated pages. They really capture the eye, while snagging your heart, letting you catch all the feels running around in this story. Speaking of feelings, we've got a great shot of confidence for wee ones embracing these harder subjects early on, and making them their own, plus encouragement from friends, friendship vibes in general, and learning that the things we love and the fields we extend our interests to are better for the extra attention from others than not. In this case, her "copycat" who really is just another kindred spirit that shared her interests... but I get it, it can be hard to recognize it as such at first glance... which makes it all the better that stories like this help introduce those ideas at a young age!

A great addition to the series, and a story that readers both young and young at heart will love. 


About the author...

Award-winning author, Alysson Foti Bourque, began her career as a teacher after graduating from the University of Louisiana Lafayette with a degree in Elementary Education. She earned a Juris Doctor law degree from the Southern University Law Center in 2007 and was honored to serve her state as Asst. Attorney General for 8 years. In 2016, Alysson began writing children's books, including the Alycat Series and the Rhyme or Reason Travel Series. Alysson founded Expound Publicity to help authors market their books and was a news contributor for tv segments KidLit Picks and BookEnds.

Find Alyson and Alycat online at


~~~ GIVEAWAY ~~~

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win an eight-book set, including a copy of Alycat and the Copycat and an Alycat plush. One lucky winner will also win a $50 Amazon gift card!


Special thanks to Bianca at The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this tour to you and to the author for the guest post. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This post is sponsored by Alysson Foti Bourque. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.
Be sure to check out the rest of the stops on the tour for more bookish fun!


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Confessions of a Book Addict

Book Spotlight on Alycat and the Copycat

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Barbara Ann Mojica’s Blog

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Friday, March 14, 2025

icefairy’s Treasure Chest

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Monday, March 17, 2025

The Fairview Review

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Country Mamas With Kids

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Mommy’s Block Party

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Fridau, March 21, 2025

Cover Lover Book Review

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Monday, March 24, 2025

Crafty Moms Share

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Deliciously Savvy

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Book Zone Reviews

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Q&As with Deborah Kalb

Author Interview with Alysson Foti Bourque

Friday, March 28, 2025

Twirling Book Princess

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Monday, March 31, 2025

One More Exclamation

Author Interview with Alysson Foti Bourque

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

A Blue Box Full of Books

Book Review of Alycat and the Copycat

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Let the joys of commencement commence!: WILL THE PIGEON GRADUATE? by Mo Willems - REVIEW!

Graduation...a milestone in everyone's life on some level, and yet some look at it with joy, and others trepidation.  Is it truly something to fear, or something to make certain we've got the tasseled hat all ready to go for?  Let's take a bird's eye view at the matter with the infamous Pigeon in his latest adventure...

Written and Illustrated by
Mo Willems
Union Square Kids

For fans of the series, you know the pigeon and his wily ways...most recently when he tried to drive a sleigh, and was deciding whether a roller coaster ride was what he REALLY wanted.  Today, he's taking his first steps into the world of ADULTING, or at least NEW adulting, as he ventures forth into the unknown.  Okay, that sounded scary, let me rephrase.  He's possibly taking his first steps into the FUTURE as he contemplates whether or not he will graduate.  It's something everyone faces at some point in their lives, whether it be from elementary to middle school, middle to high school, college to...LIFE.  We all have milestones we're reaching for or tracking towards, and that next step into something COMPLETELY new can be scary.  There's so many questions unanswered, and so many questions to ask, and so many things that haven't even been thought about yet, but we're certain they're important that just escaped our minds.  The thing to remember though, the thing that makes it LESS scary....we've all been there, and while unknown, it doesn't have to be feared.  There are new roads to walk, new places to see, new people...and meet, and new goals to reach.  True, there will also be new challenges, but having faith in our own abilities to "fly" will help us truly soar.

A great addition to the series, and a great pick for those about to commence their commencement ceremonies in the near future.  If the Pigeon can do it, why can't we?  


About the author...

Mo Willems is a number-one New York Times bestselling author and illustrator and the inaugural Education Artist-in-Residence at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He has been awarded three Caldecott Honors for his picture books, and two Theodor Seuss Geisel Medals and five Geisel Honors for his celebrated ELEPHANT & PIGGIE early readers. His debut book, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, was inducted into the Picture Book Hall of Fame. Mo began his career as a writer and animator on Sesame Street, where he garnered six Emmy Awards.


Special thanks to the Union Square Kids team for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the series, or the author, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now wherever books are sold.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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