Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Sunday, January 31, 2016

COVER REVEAL: The Fall of Lord Drayson by Rachael Anderson + CONTEST!

Coming soon from USA Today Bestselling Author Rachael Anderson...

The Fall of Lord Drayson

The Fall of Lord Drayson

Coming late-summer 2016

Who is he really? A high and mighty Lord, or a lowly servant?
When Colin Cavendish, the new earl of Drayson, informs Lucy Beresford that she and her mother have two months to vacate the house they've called home for the past two years, Lucy is fit to be tied.They have no money, no relations they can turn to for help, and nowhere to go. How dare the earl break the promise his father had made to the Beresfords without so much as a twinge of conscience? Mere hours later, Lucy discovers the earl unconscious and injured in the middle of the road. Grudgingly, she takes him into her home to tend to his wounds, but when he awakens with no recollection of who he is, Lucy seizes the opportunity to teach a much-needed lesson in humility. Pushing her own twinge of conscience aside, she informs the earl of Drayson that he is nothing more than a mere servant. Her servant, in fact. And thus begins the charming tale of a pompous lord and an impetuous young woman, caught together in a web so tangled that it begs the question: Will they ever get out?

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Author Rachael Anderson


A USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.


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Cover Reveal Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Code or Paypal Cash
Ends 2/17/16

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


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Special thanks to Kathy at I Am A Reader for the chance to bring this reveal to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or those promotions on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.

 Until next time...happy reading!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

BLOG TOUR: Rustler's Moon by Jodi Thomas - EXCERPT!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're welcoming Meryl Moss Media as they tour the blogosphere with the latest from author Jodi Thomas.  Perhaps you've read her work?  If so, then you're a fan of Contemporary Romance with a penchant for tales unfolding on the ranch as secrets hide around every fence post; if not, then you're in MY boat and just taking a closer look at her work RIGHT NOW.  You know what though?  Either way, you're in good company, so let's get this book party started, shall we?  Ladies and gents, please direct your adoring gaze to today's blog tour guest and spotlight title....

Ransom Canyon series, Book 2
Jodi Thomas

About the book...
On a dirt road marked by haunting secrets, three strangers caught at life's crossroads must decide what to sacrifice to protect their own agendas…and what they're each willing to risk for love.

If there's any place that can convince Angela Harrell to stop running, it's Ransom Canyon. And if there's any man who can reveal desires more deeply hidden than her every fear, it's Wilkes Wagner. Beneath the rancher's honorable exterior is something that just might keep her safe…or unwittingly put her in danger's path.

With his dreams of leaving this small Texas town swallowed up by hard, dusty reality, all Wilkes has to show for his life is the Devil's Fork Ranch. Though not one to let false hope seduce him, he can't deny the quiet and cautious beauty who slips into his world and changes everything.


~~~ EXCERPT ~~~

Devil’s Fork Ranch

     Wilkes Wagner stared at his aging uncle, wondering which of them had completely lost their mind. Common sense rarely ran in the Wagner family, but Great-Uncle Vern’s suggestion was ridiculous.
     “I’ve given it some thought, and this is the only answer, boy,” the crippled-up old cowboy repeated as if Wilkes were ten and not thirty-two. “Look at it this way, we breed cattle, don’t we? Why not just pick out a woman with all the right traits and mate with her? It shouldn’t take but a few tries before we got at least one offspring to claim the next generation. And there’s a fifty-fifty chance we’ll get a boy on the first try.”
     “You mean marry some woman, don’t you?” Wilkes was never sure when his uncle was kidding.
     “Of course! There’s an order to these kinds of things. You’d need to marry her first, get her pregnant and wait for a son.” The old man lit a pipe that looked as if it might have survived the Battle of the Alamo. “Look on the bright side, half your life is about over anyway. If you’re miserable at marriage, the last thirty or forty years will seem to move slower with a mean woman around the place and we’ll all work harder so we don’t come home early.”
     Wilkes rolled his eyes. He needed another drink. Or better yet give Great-Uncle Vern a few more and with luck he’d pass out.
     To humor the cowboy, Wilkes asked, “And what would those traits be that I’m looking for in this breeding-bride?”
     Vern smiled as if he’d won the argument. “Stout. You don’t want one of those skinny girls who only eats out of the garden. She’ll need to have a little meat on her bones. Ain’t nothing worse than trying to cuddle up to a skinny gal on a cold night. I did that once in Amarillo, and about midnight I decided driving home in a snowstorm would be warmer.”
     Wilkes grabbed a pen off the poker table and started writing on the back of his Western Horseman magazine. Not skinny.
     His uncle leaned back in an old rocker that had come to the Devil’s Fork Ranch in a covered wagon. “She’ll need to know how to cook and clean and sew, too, otherwise she’d be wearing out the road to town buying takeout, hiring housekeepers and replacing clothes she’s lost a button on.”
     “All that might be hard to find these days.” The only thing the four or five women Wilkes had stepped out with in the past six years could make for dinner was reservations. He considered them cooks if they knew how to use the microwave for popcorn.
     His aging uncle wasn’t paying attention. He was busy thinking. “And she needs to be rich. Not just have money coming to her, mind, but already have it in the bank. You don’t want to count on her father liking you, ’cause if he don’t he might cut her out of the will. Then you’ll be stuck with a poor wife with rich habits.”
     Rich. Wilkes scribbled.
     “And dumb.” Uncle Vern lit his pipe. “Ain’t no smart girl ever going to marry you, even if you are good-looking. If she’s got much schooling, she’ll want to work at something or sit around and read all day.”
     Wilkes had humored his old uncle long enough. Vern was the dumbest and the youngest of four children, and all his brothers and sisters claimed he’d been dropped on his head one time too many when he was a baby. He had lived on the Wagner family ranch all of his seventy-seven years. The rule was whoever ran the Devil’s Fork also had to keep an eye on Vern. Wilkes’s father and grandfather had done it, and now it was Wilkes’s turn. The few other relatives, who’d been smart enough to move to the city, never wanted to come back and take over the job.
     This crazy idea Vern had tonight was the worst one yet.
     Wilkes leaned forward until Vern’s whiskey-blurred eyes focused on him. “I’m real busy with the calving right now, uncle. Do you think you could keep a lookout for a possible wife? She shouldn’t be too hard to find. She’s chubby, eats beef and is rich and dumb. She’ll be wearing a homemade dress and probably have freshly made jam dripping down her chins. Oh, I forgot, she needs to be easy to impregnate, ’cause I won’t be visiting her often.” Wilkes fought down a laugh. “Only, that trait might be hard to prove on sight.”
     Vern didn’t get the joke. He rocked back so far that the forward swing, a moment later, shoved him out of the chair and onto his wobbly legs. “I’ll do my best for you! I promise. Might go into Crossroads tomorrow and put up a few signs. I don’t think I’ve been to town since spring and the Franklin sisters always say they miss seeing me.”
     Wilkes laughed. “You do that, Uncle Vern.”


About the author...

A fifth-generation Texan, JODI THOMAS sets the majority of her novels in her home state. With a degree in Family Studies, Thomas is a marriage and family counselor by education, a background that enables her to write about family dynamics. Honored in 2002 as a Distinguished Alumni by Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Thomas enjoys interacting with students on the West Texas A & M University campus, where she currently serves as Writer in Residence. When not working on a novel or inspiring students to pursue a writing career, Thomas enjoys traveling with her husband, Tom, renovating a historic home they bought in Amarillo, and "checking up" on their two grown sons.


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Special thanks to Amanda at Meryl Moss Media for the chance to bring this promotion to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, the tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Harlequin Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

BLOG TOUR: Dimorphic by Cy Wyss - SPOTLIGHT + CONTEST!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're shining the spotlight on a current blog tour in progress via Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.  It stars a Thriller/Mystery that you may want to add to your upcoming reads list, so without further ado, let's grab that spotlight and let it shine!


Title:  Dimorphic
Author:  Cy Wyss

Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Published by: Nighttime Dog Press, LLC 
Publication Date: November 4th 2015 
Number of Pages: 338 
ISBN: 0996546510 (ISBN13: 9780996546515) 
Note: Dimorphic contains Strong Language Purchase Links: Dimorphic on Amazon Dimorphic on Goodreads

It's easy to become a superhero. First, discover a superpower. It might take a while to get used to, though --- especially if it's something as weird as being your twin brother half the time. Second, recruit a sidekick. Or, two. It'd be nice if they weren't a pyromaniacal sycophant and a foul-mouthed midget, but you get what you get. Third, and most important, hire a mentor --- preferably not a vicious mobster with a God complex, however, this may, realistically, be your only choice. Finally: go forth and fight crime. Try not to get shot, beaten, tortured, or apprehended in the process. Good luck!


Read an excerpt:

It would be unfair to blame that crazy year on Batman. Yet who can say how much my love for the Dark Knight was responsible for the whole murderous mess? At the very least, I blame DC Comics for my lifelong hero complex and fanatic ability to take random violence personally. “Why is it,” I would ask, “people are so freaked out by the news, but no one does anything about it?” My twin brother, Ethan, would answer, “We are doing something about it. We live our lives and make sure those stories aren’t written about us.” He grew up into a wiry beast of a man, while I grew up into a buxom klutz of a woman. How fair is that? Throughout our youth, Ethan gallivanted around Atlanta, branding its towering facades with fantastic graffiti. He was a wisp of smoke dissipating in the night air, leaving behind a spray of hieroglyphic taunts. I, on the other hand, spent life in a tent in our backyard nibbling cheese puffs and devouring the Justice League’s latest escapades by an upended flashlight. By twenty-three Ethan was big in the XGames and had scored a lucrative sponsorship for professional daredevilry. I, on the other hand, had dropped out of law school a week before graduating to join the police academy, from which I was ejected a mere two weeks later due to irreconcilable clumsiness and an unfortunate inability to defer to authority. It didn’t matter. If I couldn’t be a police officer, then I’d be a bounty hunter. Or a private detective. Or a fireman. I would be something heroic, even if it killed me—reality be damned. But reality had other ideas. I like to believe the forces of the universe give as much as they take. Unfortunately they also take as much as they give, so if you are going to receive a vast and powerful boon, you have to suffer in equal measure first. Like Batman, whose parents were gunned down before his eyes. October descended, and the worst happened. In global events, $500 million of U.S. sky supremacy suddenly and rudely vanished over Afghanistan; in regional events, Atlanta underwent a freak drought, which was promptly declared apocalyptic; and, in personal events, my beloved twin died a prosaic death. It wasn’t a hero’s demise. He simply miscalculated on his motocross. By the time they airlifted him to Brennan Memorial’s trauma center, his cerebral cortex was lifeless. A day later, on October 31 at exactly 17:33, Ethan was declared brain-dead by the presiding neurologist. I was there. I sat in an armchair next to Ethan’s bed and stared at his spiritless body. It didn’t seem real. I watched his stomach rise and fall as artificial breath filled his muscular chest. Inside, his organs hummed right along, unaware they no longer constituted life. * * * I coughed and choked, struggling to sit up. I only managed to hang my head off the side of the bed. It wasn’t [my] bed. Where am I? I wondered. The flashing red light was back. I squinted at it. It was a respirator, warning me of some kind of connection problem. Below me, the face mask sat in a puddle of sour-smelling bile on the floor. I could see how that might constitute a connection problem. I looked around. I was in a hospital room, at night. Rain splattered against the windows. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and panic twisted in my chest. It wasn’t my hand. It was too broad, and there was hair on it. I clapped those foreign hands to my face. Someone else’s stubbly jaw pulsed under my touch. I rolled out of the bed onto unfamiliar legs. In front of me was a sink in a small alcove, illuminated with a dim night-light. Water. I would wake up if I got water. I staggered toward the sink. I whacked my knee on an armchair and stumbled over big feet. Nothing seemed to be where it was supposed to be. When I made it to the sink, I slammed my forehead into the squat mirror above the faucet on my way down to the running water. I drank voraciously, right from the tap. I shoved my head into the sink and let the water run over me. Some water got up my nose, and I sneezed and had to back off, sputtering and rubbing my face. When my hands parted, I saw the face staring back at me from the mirror. It was my face. Or, at least, as close as possible—for someone of the opposite sex. A more prominent brow, a more angular chin beneath the shadow, darker shades of blue eyes and brown hair. . . I was Ethan. My eyes rolled back in my head and my knees buckled as I fainted.


Author Bio:

Cy Wyss 

I live and write in the Indianapolis area. After earning a PhD in Computer Science in 2002 and teaching and researching for seven years, I’ve returned to the childhood dream of becoming an author. I better do it now because I won’t get a third life. Behind me, I have a ton of academic experience and have written about twenty extremely boring papers on query languages and such, for example this one in the ACM Transactions on Databases. (That’s a mouthful.) Now, I write in the mystery/thriller/suspense genres and sometimes science fiction. I know for some people databases would be the more beloved of the options, but for me, I finally realized that my heart wasn’t in it. So I took up a second life, as a self-published fiction author. Online, I do the Writer Cy cartoon series about the (mis)adventures of researching, writing, and self-publishing in today’s shifting climate. I also love to design and create my own covers using GIMP.

Catch Up: author's website author's twitter author's facebook


Tour Participants:(Tour: Jan 25, 2016 - Feb 29, 2016)

This linky list is now closed.


It's a Giveaway!

This is a giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Cy Wyss. There will be 1 winner of 1 $25 US Gift card. The giveaway begins on Jan 24 and runs through Feb 29, 2016.


Get More Great Reads at Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours


Special thanks to Wendy at PICT for the chance to bring this promotion to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the tour, or those forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Nighttime Dog Press, LLC, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Time for some PRE-PUB funny business with.... Comics Squad #2: Lunch!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

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Well for those of you looking for an update, here goes.....the Cybils reading is ALMOST over, with only one book remaining (if it will ever ARRIVE...*grr*), but the discussions/debates are still going strong.  Who would have thought it would be this difficult to sift through seven titles for a winner we can agree on?  I mean I know which are my top picks but we'll see what happens....and no, I can't spill the beans.  You'll have to remain in suspense.  ^-^  Moving forward...

Today's featured title is a tasty treat celebrating its BOOK BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!  Yes, a party today, a party tomorrow, we book folks LOVE a good book party now don't we?  ^_^  This particular title is in the minority of the books I read/review seeing as it's chosen format is the comic, but that's just the beginning of the fun behind the cover...although the cover is rather fun in and of itself (see below).  Ladies and gents, before this hot little title starts to cool, allow me to introduce today's book of choice....

Random House Books for Young Readers

Like I said, it's COMICS but we're not talking just a one liner like the newspaper or your daily email might carry.  These are full fledge mini-stories from some of your favorite authors, starring your favorite characters, and what else...LUNCH! That's right.  Each story centers around LUNCH in some fashion or another to fit the theme of this collection.  From food allergies discovered to food in prehistoric times, lunch on a WWII destroyer to lunch ladies you definitely want on your side, there's a little something for everyone. 

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My personal favorite was of course the PEANUTS inclusion...who can resist a good Snoopy tale after all.  The most confusing one for me was the choose-your-own-adventure style read trying to solve a who-done-it.  The twists and turns allow several outcomes including one where you land in the past (*gulp*) but it was a little difficult to navigate across several different pages.  Best suggestion:  choose wisely and your outcome will be just what you intend. 

To conclude, a delicious addition to a well balanced meal perfect for lunch time snacking or a full on meal (i.e. you can read it in dribs and drabs or all at one go).  You'll find familiar 2D faces you've grown to love or grown up loving starring in adventures unlike those you've seen before that will have you hungry for more (oh look...there's a #1 in the series too entitled, Recess!).  Recommended read for Children's Fiction fans of all ages.


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Special thanks to Cassie at Random House Children's Books for the ARC for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the series, the authors, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is set to hit store shelves January 26, 2016 via Random House Books for Young Readers, so be on the lookout for it at a bookstore or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time...happy reading!

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