Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Farewell 2024, HELLO 2025 Releases!: The Last Bookstore on Earth by Lily Braun-Arnold - REVIEW!

Should old acquaintance be forgot?  I guess it REALLY depends on the acquaintance.  Considering the story I'm featuring today, it's a little bit of both.  But I we're saying GOODBYE to 2024, and HELLO to 2025.  It's here whether we're ready or not...and hopefully you're more ready than not...but if you're reading list isn't ready, I've got another for your TBR right here.  It's a YA lit Dystopian title set to release January 7th via Delacorte Press, and it's one of those stories you can't help but be caught up in, yet the exact why is illusive.  Ready for more?  Here we go!  Ladies and gents, today's ebook of choice...

Lily Braun-Arnold
Delacorte Press

About the book...

The world is about to end. Again.

Ever since the first Storm wreaked havoc on civilization as we know it, seventeen-year-old Liz Flannery has been holed up in an abandoned bookstore in suburban New Jersey where she used to work, trading books for supplies with the few remaining survivors. It’s the one place left that feels safe to her.

Until she learns that another earth-shattering Storm is coming . . . and everything changes.

Enter Maeve, a prickly and potentially dangerous out-of-towner who breaks into the bookstore looking for shelter one night. Though the two girls are immediately at odds, Maeve has what Liz needs—the skills to repair the dilapidated store before the next climate disaster strikes—and Liz reluctantly agrees to let her stay.

As the girls grow closer and undeniable feelings spring up between them, they realize that they face greater threats than the impending Storm. And when Maeve’s secrets and Liz’s inner demons come back to haunt them both, they find themselves fighting for their lives as their world crumbles around them.


Have you ever read a book where nothing much happens and yet EVERYTHING happens?  It's not a mover and shaker type of story, and yet you can't turn away from it.  I think it's the humanity in the writing, and the eeriness of the reality painted before our eyes that really caught me in its spell.  I could step back and see that we hadn't moved very much in the story, and yet I couldn't care less.  I was caught in the here and now, but also the glimpses at the past as we gradually build the history of what happened in the world and in HER world.  The her in that statement is Liz.  I could easily see myself in her place, and while I'd like to say that I would have had a more Maeve take on the change in circumstances, meaning that I could keep things light, keep moving, and do what was needed whenever needed, I think I'd really be more of a Liz whereas I would want to preserve what I could of normal everyday life, and try to make a go of things where I was at versus taking on the newly changed world.  The thing is the place that they've landed isn't even their final destination because everything that's already happened is about to come back again in possibly an even worse way.  The good news, they've been through some of it at least before so they know what to avoid, but the bad news is that a world in turmoil tossed into MORE turmoil doesn't always take that change kindly.  Some fight back...and sometimes the one with more bite wins.

This was an incredible story that kept me turning pages.  I needed to know what happened before, but I wanted to see what would happen in the present.  Honestly, I'm still curious what would happen in the days to come, but I'm not certain this is the type of story that would benefit from an additional release.  I think it's meant to leave you with the feelings built during the story, while making you imagine what might still occur.  I'll warn you the feelings do get heavy, and some scenes are definitely more traumatic than others, but I wouldn't miss out on the experience for the world.  If you enjoy Young Adult Fiction with a Fantasy/Dystopian flair, this is wholeheartedly the story for you.


About the author...

Lily Braun-Arnold is currently an undergraduate at Smith College studying English. When she isn’t writing, she can be found working at her local independent bookstore, Watchung Booksellers, or daydreaming about living in outer space.


Special thanks to the Random House Children's team for the approval on NetGalley for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above.  This title is set to release January 7th, 2025 via Delacorte Press, so mark your calendar, or preorder your copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT...
...and wishing you and yours a happy new year!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Reading Roundup: 2024 Edition - REVIEWS REVIEWS REVIEWS!

Well, it's almost here. The end of another year and the welcome of the next. Can't say how I'm feeling on the whole matter, honestly, with the past year's events, but here we are just the same. Anywho, it's time for a round-up of the titles that crossed my path during this last part of the year, and while it's an interesting spread, they all actually interconnect. Ready to take a closer look and add to your TBR? Let's do this!

A Very Merry 90s Christmas
J.T. Kelliher
Illustrated by
Alex Fine
Penguin Workshop

A holly jolly tribute to all things 90s, every kid who grew up in this decade, was raised by it, or is simply a fan, will revel in the moments, love the remembrance, and celebrate the moments.  From Furbies to Uncle Jesse, the Spice Girls to Macaulay, Alanis to Mrs. Doubtfire, there's nary a movie, TV show, or pop culture reference missed...and I LOVED IT!  It was whimsical and fun, and a great way to say "I will always love you" to a time that brought us such joy!

Now that we've got the CELEBRATION started, let's keep the party rolling...

Brad and Kristi Montague
Dial Books for Young Readers

That's right.  The title is FAIL-a-bration...subtitle, You tried.  You missed.  You're invited.  Curious?  You should be because this is one that's really for all ages.  It reminds us that no one likes to fall short of their goals, but EVERYONE does at some point in their lives, and THAT'S OKAY.  Those moments shouldn't bring us down, but lift us up because we've made it through something, tried something new, and learned something.  Now, the next time we set out to do the thing that needed doing, we're THAT much wiser, and have that much more of a chance at success.  I love the fact that it gives IDEAS at book's end for how to throw your own fail-a-bration because truthfully, when we fall down, those are the moments we need a friendly face, or helping hand the most.  Alongside the positive messages, the illustrations need to be noted as well,  They really capture the eye because they aren't simply drawn, but created.  They're made from pencil and ink, crayon and marker, but also actual pictures and textures, making you want to reach out and touch...another way to stoke your creativity.

Now, we've gone into party mode, and made new FRIENDS, but even with all that joy, we can still get a touch of the BOOS...

Alex Boniello and April Lavalle
Illustrated by
Olivia Chin Mueller
Abrams Books for Young Readers

This is the story of Ollie and Ellie who've been friends for many, MANY years.  Both before and after life, they've stuck together like birds of a feather, and in their current times have loads of fun floating here and there, visiting old friends, floating furniture about, and other harmless mischief to pass the days.  One day, Ollie wakes up without that bounce in his float, lacking that smile on his sheet, I mean, face, and just generally not feeling his best self.  He has a case of the BOOs (which we pulse ridden beings refer to as the BLUES), and while his best friend means well with every activity, and well thought out adventure, sometimes they can't be broken with merely distraction.  They have to be felt...and it never hurts to have a great friend by your side to simply just BE.  I love the gentle, yet playful hand that was lent to the story's heavy topic, and the illustrations give readers even more to explore with their artfully hidden surprises.  Speaking of surprises, be sure to check out the unde-cover for another smile waiting to be had even before you crack open the cover!

Now, we've experienced feelings that were less than welcome, but we made it through with the help of FRIENDS which brings us to our next gem...

Chris Pine
Illustrated by
Chuck Groenink
Flamingo Books

This charming animal tail, I mean TALE, tells of a kingly dog and a queenly squirrel that share more than a backyard domain.  They both have moments in their past that were less than pleasant, he being at the shelter, and her having the shortest tale in her family, but when they come face to face with the truth...that they aren't really as different as they might at first seem...they come to understand each other and a new harmony is brought to their green garden kingdom.  I love that both their differences and sameness were celebrated, and the illustrations really bring them both to life; he with his sweet demeanor, and her with her sassy attitude.  Once they become dear friends, their shared space and days are that much brighter for it. A great TAIL of friendship coming in all shapes and sizes, and a reminder that bullying is never the answer...and another book to check out the unde-cover on!  While the book cover itself is fun, the unde is classic storybook.

Speaking of BULLYING and animals showing you the way...

Isabel Allende
Illustrated by
Sandy Rodriguez

Perla may be little but she is MIGHTY...and, as she'd happily tell you, she has TWO superpowers.  One is she can make everyone like her...big and small alike!  The second is her mighty ROAR!  Don't believe me?  You should know by now that big things come in small packages.  The thing is that Perla is happy to share her powers with her friend's just that the human world may not be quite ready for someone with Perla's powers.  *giggle*  Honestly, I loved this book from the adorable cover (and unde-cover!  So cute!) to the final turn of the page.  Perla is a wonderful four-legged friend and shows us just how loving and selfless they can truly be, while reminding us that size doesn't in fact matter.  Nico is a fabulous friend and owner, but needs a little help with a bully at his school.  Lucky for him, Perla reveals her secret to success, and just how that plays out in the schoolyard may bring a smile or two, but an effective end to him being pushed around!  Readers young and young at heart will be delighted with the colorful illustrations as well as the touch of magic left behind by the magic dust from wizard's past, while appreciating the pearls of wisdom imparted before we're bid a good night.

Now, speaking of friendship, bullying, and a touch of MAGIC...

Megan Lacera and Jorge Lacera
Illustrated by
Jorge Lacera
Children's Book Press

It's a storybook presented in a comic book style with thought bubbles, who's who end pages to illustrate the mythical (or are they?) monsters within, and brilliant colors utilized throughout.  The Wild Ones isn't simply the title, but also the claimed name of the foursome of friends pictured on the cover.  Valentina, Jasmine, Andy, and Xander bring the flavor both from their own backgrounds, and their imaginations.  They've banned together not only against the bullies at school because it's much easier to turn the other cheek when you're too busy laughing at a friend's joke, but also against the construction company aiming to tear down the place they call home.  Through their beliefs in something bigger than themselves, and a celebration of each of their heritages, the day just might be saved in a MONSTROUSLY surprising way. 

Now that we made a leap to the magical, and a mention of heritage and things from the PAST, let's "check out" our next title...

Hena Khan
Illustrated by
Nabila Adani
Lee & Low Books

If you've anything like me, you LOVE books about books, and this one isn't just about books, but about a LIBRARY, so yeah...SO MANY BOOKS!  It's not just the books though, or where they were/are housed, but about how it came to be, the live it saw within its walls, the still time in between when all seemed forgotten and about to fall into disrepair, and the special heart that helped bring it back to its original brilliancy and then some.  Did you know that the oldest library is the Al-Qarawiyyin Library in Fez, Morocco?  Did you know it was built in 859?  Did you know it was founded by a Muslim WOMAN?  Did you know that the one who helped bring it back to life was also a woman?  Yeah, that would be a no on all accounts from me, but I was so interested in learning more.  This is a great way to expose young readers to the magic that can be born from the written word, and that anyone can follow their dreams to fruition.  You never know just how far you can go, or how far your dream will carry others, if you don't give it a chance!  A wonderful addition to the edutainment arena, and a great pick for both story time and bedtime reading.

Speaking of LIBRARIES and MAGIC, I've got another adventure between the pages for you to explore...

Christopher Lincoln
with Color Assistance by
Bonaia Rosado
Dial Books for Young Readers  

The magic of LIBRARIES is a well known thing for readers, but those being newly welcomed into the fold may not truly understand the caliber of wonder that can be experienced...and if we take into account everything that happens in THIS story, there's even MORE than we bargained for!  In this full color graphic novel, Page and Turner are about to learn about a whole new level of mystery that lives within the walls of the New York Public Library...and all libraries for that matter.  It seems that much like the movie The Night Museum, things aren't always what they seem at night between the stacks.  It seems that the magic contained within the books, especially those that have aged to perfection and are longing for a few pages to be turned, doesn't really like to stay contained.  It seems that the stories and characters like to escape the pages from time to time and experience something different, or at the least a break, from the same old same old.  Too bad for this brother sister duo that their induction into this secret society type system starts with the disappearance of their father's treasured copy of Dracula...because they had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.  I mean, they didn't take it from their home library, or let it escape without being able to locate it at a place that houses books upon books upon books.  What?   Yes, I said LET IT ESCAPE because that's pretty much what happens, and yet that's not the whole story here IN THE LEAST.  A magic filled tale of the power of the written word and just how much of an escape reading can truly be.

Last but not least, we touched on the relationship of SIBLINGS, which brings us to the final book in our round-up...

Olivia Abtahi
Tu Books

About the book...
Twins Bianca and Leila could not be more different from each other. Being both Argentinian and Iranian in a small town has always been hard, but with Leila shunning her heritage and Bianca embracing it, the two walk very different paths. They run in different circles of friends, and barely talk anymore. Leila's a homebody who loves to craft and plans on marrying her high school sweetheart. Bianca's more anti-establishment and plans to get out of Dodge as soon as humanly possible.

But on their eighteenth birthday, the neighbor's barn mysteriously burns down. When Leila encounters a monster–a djinn–arising from the fire, suddenly she gains strange powers and can no longer touch iron.

What do these djinn want with Leila–or other people in town, for that matter? Can the twins learn to rely on each other–and their cultures–to banish them? It'll take a sisterly reconciliation for the girls to find out and to save their hometown in this New Visions Award-winning fantasy adventure.

...and while I've not delved between the pages of this one yet, it sounds like a fantastic premise that explores sibling relationships, family heritage, and has a healthy dose of MAGIC.  So yeah, I'm in!


Special thanks to all the promotional teams for the chance to bring these titles to you as well as the copies for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on any of the titles above, feel free to click through the links provided...and don't be afraid to add more than one to your TBR, a new year is on the horizon!  😉

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Grey's Promotions presents... 🍀 SHAMROCK KISSES 💋 by Serena Pier - COVER REVEAL!


Hi there!

Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. Today, we've got another bookish post (this time thanks to the folks at Grey's Promotions) full of revelation type delight aiming to tantalize the eyes, and increase your TBR. Are you game? Do you feel LUCKY? 🍀 Well then, get ready to feast your peepers on this little beauty, bringing holiday romance to a whole new time of the year...

☘️ Shamrock Kisses 💋 
High Five Novella series, Book 3
Serena Pier 
Releasing January 9, 2025

About the book...

Am I going to get lucky? Maybe if the hunky nerd I met yesterday takes me up on my invite to attend High Five's St. Paddy's Day party ...

Rachel Wagner, who's sworn off dating apps, is the last single one in her friend group. Focused on running her thriving cleaning business in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, the thirty-one-year-old is caught off guard when she stumbles upon a bearded nerd while cleaning her biggest client's lake house.

Patrick Nowak, a reclusive cat-loving hacker, prefers code to conversation and planned to spend the St. Patrick's Day weekend out of Chicago enjoying a digital detox at his friend's lake house. But when Rachel, a confident brunette who seems way out of his league, invites him to a local bar's St. Paddy's party, his anxiety just might prevent him from taking her up on the offer.

In a game of attraction and vulnerability, neither of them is prepared for just how much their lives can change in a day.

(This is Book #3 in an interconnected series. It is encouraged, but not essential, to read Santa's Coming and Cupid's Shot before reading Shamrock Kisses.) Romance Tropes: Instant Connection, Strangers to Lovers, Small Town, Holiday Romance, Younger Man, Nerdy MMC

Preorder your copy today!

Amazon US  |  Goodreads 


Meet the author...

Writing under the pen name, Serena Pier is a wine lover, coffee snob & wife. With Midwestern roots, her stories are primarily set in and around Chicago. Serena is deeply fascinated by power dynamics; her stories always explore unequal social status. 



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Special thanks to Grey's Promotions and author Serena Pier for the chance to bring this reveal to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this series or her other works, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is set to release January 9th, 2025, so mark your calendar or preorder your copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Rockstar Book Tours presents... NEIGH KID by Alan Mayfair, Illustrated by Gabi Moraes - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

Hey guys!

Excited to be sharing a new title with you today that's available now for your reading pleasure.  

If you haven’t yet heard about this book, be sure to check out all the details below... AND this blitz includes a giveaway for  finished copies courtesy of Tielmour Press & Rockstar Book Tours, so if you’d like a chance to win, read all about it and check out the giveaway info below!



Author: Alan Mayfair & Gabi Moraes (Illustrator)

Pub. Date: December 7, 2024

Publisher: Tielmour Press

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 36

Find it: Goodreads

Read for FREE with a Kindle Unlimited membership.


The city has a new protector, and he's NEIGH KID! Join in and read one of the most incredible adventures ever told about a boy who goes through an astonishing transformation to become the superhero we all need!

In Neigh Kid's debut adventure, a young, unassuming boy dons his horse mask and cape (it's actually a towel) and sets off into the night to keep the city safe. His mission? To rescue his beloved cat, who has escaped into the moonlit streets.

The vibrant illustrations add a touch of 'cheeky' humour while remaining perfectly tasteful. With its playful storyline and endearing characters, this book will become a storytime favourite read for children and caregivers alike as it also celebrates bravery, imagination, and the bond between a boy and his pet.

What do you do when there's calamity afoot? GET NEIGH KID!



About the author...

Alan Mayfair's debut picture book, "Neigh Kid," is a 'cheeky' adventure about a young hero who keeps his city safe by becoming NEIGH KID!

Instagram | Amazon


About Gabi Moraes:

Gabi Moraes is an award-winning illustrator that loves all things nature (including bugs). She lives in Brazil.




Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of NEIGH KID, US Only.

Ends December 23rd, midnight EST.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

AWARENESS TOUR: Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs by P.E. Shadrick, Illustrated by Maya Penzlik - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

Today, we join The Children's Book Review for an AWARENESS TOUR already in progress featuring a storybook that shares the importance of manners in a loving, and creative way.  Curious?  You should be because this story is darling, and the illustrations just make it even more of a treasure!  Ladies and gents, ladybugs if you happen to be around as well, let's take a closer look between the epages of today's featured title...

P.E. Shadrick
Illustrated by
Maya Penzlik

About the book...
Do you know what happens at night when you sleep? The ladybugs come out to play!

Lisbeth, a lively six-year-old, wakes up one morning to discover a tangled mess in her hair. Her grandmother tells her the story of how a group of playful ladybugs is the cause of all the knots in her hair. Through Grandma’s fanciful story of the ladybugs’ glorious grand gala, Lisbeth learns the lesson of how shared responsibility can be both necessary and fun.

Inspired by the stories of P.E. Shadrick’s own grandmother, this charming story comes to life through the vibrant watercolor illustrations of Montreal artist, Maya Penzlik.

Available in hardback and a special expanded artwork edition (11″ x 8.5″), as well as paperback (8.5″ x 8.5″), Kindle, and digital editions.


For those of you with longish, long, or VERY long hair, you know the conundrum.  How on earth does your hair manage to get tangled in the night when you've simply been asleep?  Lisbeth has the same question, but her grandmother has the best answer I think I've come across.  The tangles and knots are the remnants of a ladybug party!  That's right.  A party thrown by dance loving ladybugs that may be delightful, great at planning and throwing parties, but perhaps not so good at the cleaning up part, hence the tangled morning mess.  Good thing Grandma has the patience and kindness to help her work through the mess.  Even better still is that Lisbeth sees her actions for the kindness they are and realizes she can help make it less of a mess, or perhaps prevent it from happening at all with a little nightly prep work on her part (and a PLEASE DON'T LITTER note to the little ladybugs!). 

It's a great way to explain one of life's little mysteries, while showing little ones how lending a helping hand to others does more than get the job warms the heart.  With lovely illustrations throughout that really bring the story to life, this is a tale that kiddos will be reaching for at bedtime as well as when they feel the need to jump, jive, and dance the day away!



From an early age, Atlanta, Georgia-born P.E. Shadrick was surrounded by masterful storytellers. Carrying forward a shared love of boundless creativity, she pursued opportunities of artistic expression in design and writing, eventually settling into a profession in marketing & communications. Inspired by her grandmother’s stories, Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs is P.E. Shadrick’s first published book. But with a treasure trove of imaginative stories to tell, it certainly won’t be her last

For more information, visit

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Maya Penzlik is a talented artist and illustrator living in Montreal, Canada. She creates beautiful, whimsical paintings featuring colorful characters and dreamy landscapes full of life and magic. Maya draws inspiration from her dreams, cherished childhood memories, and desire to explore new and exciting places. Her work is also influenced by the special moments she shares with her daughter, Eva.


~~~ GIVEAWAY ~~~

Enter our giveaway for a chance to win one of seven author-signed hardcover editions of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs! The grand prize winner will also take home a ladybug bracelet and a $50 Amazon gift card!


Special thanks to Bianca of The Children's Book Review for the chance to bring this title to you and for the ecopy for review! (THANKS!) This post is sponsored by P.E. Shadrick. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. For more information on this author, her other works, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!


Monday, December 2, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Book Activity for Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Thursday, December 5, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Friday, December 6, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Monday, December 9, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Thursday, December 12, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Friday, December 13, 2024
Book Spotlight on Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Monday, December 16, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Book Review of Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Tis the season for STORYBOOKS!: Eight Sweet Nights, A Festival of Lights by Charlotte Offsay, Illustrated by Menahem Halberstadt - REVIEW!

Tis the season for STORYBOOKS!
You know, those short tales filled with WONDER, illustrations, memories in the making, and morals to take away.  They are an integral part of childhood, and a great way to step back to those days as an adult reader.  They're beautiful to add to your own collection, and a great gifting idea for little readers in the making.  

Today's featured title comes to us via Random House Children's Books and focuses on a story that's just as beautiful as the season.  It takes us through a modern day celebration that has its roots deeply in the past, and adds in a bit of edutainment to broaden our knowledge horizons.  So whether you already take part in this seasonal affair, or are simply curious to know more, take a closer look between the pages of today's ebook of choice...

Charlotte Offsay
Illustrated by
Menahem Halberstadt
Doubleday Books for Young Readers

About the book...
A warm and yummy Hanukkah-themed picture book about the joys of coming together to celebrate with family and food.

It’s time to start counting sleeps—Hanukkah is coming! Shimmering, shining, sparkling. Eight sweet nights, a festival of lights.

Set in a cozy house full of latkes, applesauce, sufganiyot, and other Hanukkah holiday treats, this warm and emotional story highlights the importance and joy of passing along traditions from one generation to the next, and making new traditions too.

🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎

Feast of the Maccabees.
Festival of Lights.

All names for the same celebration that takes place over the course of eight nights some time between November and the beginning of January (this year happens to fall on December 25th through January 2nd). In Hebrew, Hanukkah means “dedication,” and the holiday marks the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BC, after a small group of Jewish fighters liberated it from occupying foreign forces.  What most on the outside see is the lighting of the candles in the menorah, eight days of gifts, and foods being cooked in celebration of the season.  On the inside of the celebration, there are connections to the past to remember, traditions to be carried out, and new memories to be added to carry it all forward to the next generation.  

The story between these pages let's us share in the festivities of the first night. It shares the traditional names, foods, and histories that go along with eight nights of celebration.  It shares a bit of the why behind the practices, as does the add in at story's end, while respecting the who both between the pages and the individual reading the pages so that no one feels left out, nor disrespected.  There's a joy, and a peacefulness to the tale that stays with you through the turn of the final page, while the beauty of the togetherness illustrated warms your heart.

A great story to add to your holiday reading this season and a great gift idea for those you hold dear!

🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎  ✡  🕎

Special thanks to Alessandra at Random House Children's Books for the ecopy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now wherever books are sold.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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