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Sunday, September 24, 2017

STORYBOOK SUNDAY: Wee Sister Strange by Holly Grant & K.G. Campbell

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.

Today, we're exploring between the pages of a recent release via Schwartz & Wade Books.  It arrives with a curious title, an interesting cover, and a story that, a bit like the title.  Don't worry, I'll explain.  First things first, the introduction!  Today's storybook of choice is...

Schwartz & Wade Books

Now, second things second...the review.
For me, the experience was summed up with the word...unusual.

While the artwork was captivating for one reason (beautiful!) or another (scary... did you SEE that bear?!?  Well of course you haven't yet, but you will!  So scary!), the story itself was as strange as the title...especially when it wraps in upon itself in a curious twist. Grant it, it is a twist that you'll find fascinating, and yet I admit, my facial expressions were probably mirroring the little dog in the book towards the end, as I struggled to make sense of this or that.  I know my eyebrows were most definitely drawn in consternation at the peculiar rhyme scheme...I'm a fan of either rhyming or not, and our little scamp of a book here prefers to do it more willy-nilly. 

In the end, I can see it working as a bedtime story for wee ones, or a visual display that will haunt your mind's eye (Wee Sister Strange has an unusual beauty, as do the night scenes that dance before your eyes), but otherwise I'm inclined to believe the shelf space reserved for it may be more niche than broad. Don't just take my word for it though... seek it out and see what YOU think! That's the beauty in reading... everyone's experience is unique.


Image result for schwartz and wade logo

Special thanks to Random House Children's Books for the copy for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the authors, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This book celebrated its birthday September 19th, 2017 via Schwartz & Wade, an imprint of Random House Children's Books, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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