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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

BLOG TOUR: Rock, Scissors, Paperbag by Elizabeth Godley, Illustrated by Akanksha Tyagi - REVIEW!

It's almost turkey day!  Are you ready?
Whether you have a family meal with people crossing the country to make it to the dinner table, or a small celebration with a few friends and family you hold dear, the US of A is presently going made for the upcoming holiday.  I should know...I work retail...hence the slightly more sporadic posts at the moment, but that doesn't mean reading isn't happening, or that there isn't anything to recommend because there most certainly is, and today's featured Blog Tour guest might just be the book you're looking for!  

Today on the menu, we've got a Chapter Book filled with imagination, lessons to be learned, and some good old fashioned fun.  Sound like your cup of tea?  Well then, ladies and gents, I give you today's ebook of choice...

Rock, Scissors, Paperbag
Elizabeth Godley
Illustrated by
Akanksha Tyagi
Nobody's Banana Publishing

About the book...

Rock, Scissors, and Paperbag are the bestest of friends! Paperbag is afraid of everything, Rock is a talented musician, and Scissors is an excellent Orange Ball player. After the school bullies, The Bucket Kids, steal Scissors’ fake orange-ball, the kids decide to get back at the bullies. What if they could get a real orange-ball from The Great Orange Tree? That would show The Bucket Kids!

Recalling the local legend, they embark on a fantastic adventure to find The Great Orange Tree. However, while solving the riddle within the ancient map, they encounter a cave monster, a tornado of rapping cooties, and the horrid Land of Smells. How will they face each challenge? Will they end up back home with a real orange-ball? And if they do, will they share it?


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Rock, Scissors, and Paperbag were the best of friends.  There wasn't one among them that was perfect in every way, but they complimented each other, aiming to be their best and bring out the best in their friends, and isn't that what having a true friend is all about?

The story itself takes us into a imagined land filled with animated, living objects that are no longer content to simply lie about, but have lives, dreams, and aspirations. Rock wants to be a rockstar.  Scissors wants to be a world famous Orange Ball player.  Paperbag simply be a bit less scared, and a bit more content, but he's working on it.  When bullies come a calling, they lost something precious to them, but end up on a mission to get something even better.  No, not a real Orange Ball, although technically that is there initial mission, but the missions BEHIND the mission it to cement their friendship, have a good time, overcome the bullies, and share their wealth with the world...or at least their classmates.  The ups and downs they experience, the curious trail they are lead on, and even the strange portions of their world they encounter will spark imagination, if not turn a stomach because hello, THE LAND OF SMELL?  With a few described smells? thanks...but at least it was made bearable with friends, such is the lesson of life!  It can get stinky sometimes and make us want to walk away, but it moves on, and, with the help of a few good friends, it's that much easier to trudge on through.

In the end, this was a curious beginning to a magic infused Chapter Book series that has a lot of potential, a few hidden humorous moments, and a whole lot of love.  Life in Orange Orange may have started out rather boring and humdrum, but how can anything stay that way with good friends by your side?  A great read for the kiddos, whether on their own or with a friend, and a fun way to spark imagination while instilling the importance of kindness, sharing, and supporting one another.

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About the author...

Elizabeth is a writer, actress, and elementary school teacher living in Los Angeles. The bulk of her work and training is in classical theatre & Shakespeare, balanced with clown, voice over, TV & Film experience. She grew up on a farm in Louisiana and graduated from LSU. A world traveler, always up for an adventure, Elizabeth is a joyous observer of the beautiful, a collector of tiny things, a caretaker, mentor, fairy, clown, friend, and kid magnet. Seriously, she cannot go into a park without at least 3 kids around her wanting to join in on the fun. Her favorite children’s authors are J.M. Barrie and A.A. Milne


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Special thanks to author Elizabeth Godley for the ecopy for review and the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, or the author, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now via Nobody's Banana Publishing, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the idea, concept. Thx for presenting

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