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Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Happy BOOK BIRTHDAY wishes to...

Sasha Mayer
Random House Studio

About the book...
Squash and Maggie are partners in crime, and nothing can come between them—until Pirate Lou. Soon Pirate Lou is the one Maggie wants to spend her time with, and jealousy gets the best of Squash. He feels left out, and it’s no fun to be stuck in the middle. But getting rid of Pirate Lou might damage his friendship with Maggie. Is there a way for the dynamic duo to become a trio?



There's a new cat in storybook land (or rather new to me as this is his second book!), and she's got a lot to say! First and foremost, she loves her best friend Maggie, and how they do EVERYTHING together. Absolutely everything! From playtime to nap time, and everything in-between, they have their differences, but they stick together like glue... until one day, a new face makes an appearance. A pillow-y pirate face, to be exact... and he's a lot less opinionated than Squash, leaving her feeling all kinds of left out, and allowing that certain green eyed monster a chance to rear its less than gorgeous face. Can Squash come to terms with the new friend that's been introduced? Or will Squash find a way to make Pirate Lou walk the plank into oblivion? 😸

I admit, I had my doubts at first, but Squash unexpectedly finds her way from jealousy to friendship. How? Well, after all the intrusions to her "we time" with Maggie, during one of her excursions to dissolve this friendship triangle back into a straight line, she ends up in a situation she didn't expect, and the connections we forge in times of "hardship" can become steadfast. 😉 You'll have to read it to find out, but between the fun story and the wonderful illustrations, the cat's out of the bag on this storybook that shouldn't be missed!


Special thanks to Sarah at Random House Children's Books for the chance to bring this title to you as well as the digital access for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links above. This title is available now wherever books are sold. 

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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