Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Thursday, June 29, 2023

RRR presents... What Would Jane Austen Do? by Linda Corbett - REVIEW!

Back again for a DOUBLE DOSE of bookish fun!
Our second title on deck, takes your love of the classics, wraps it in a cocoon of romcom with a dash of mystery, and calls itself done!  Can't say I disagree because it was rather delightful!  Ladies and gents, our second Rachel's Random Resources tour of the day, and ebook of choice...

What Would Jane Austen Do? 
Linda Corbett

About the book...
It's a truth often acknowledged that when a journalist and Jane Austen fan girl ends up living next door to a cynical but handsome crime writer, romantic sparks will fly!

When Maddy Shaw is told her Dear Jane column has been cancelled she has no choice but to look outside of London’s rental market. That is until she’s left an idyllic country home by the black sheep of the family, long-not-so-lost Cousin Nigel.

But of course there’s a stipulation… and not only is Maddy made chair of the committee for the annual village literary festival, she also has to put up with bestselling crime author –and romance sceptic – Cameron Massey as her new neighbour.

When Maddy challenges Cameron to write romantic fiction, which he claims is so easy to do, sparks fly both on and off the page…



Maddy and Cameron were like oil and water, and while they don't seem to mix easily, they do make a rather delightful dressing...I mean, potential couple!

I felt for Maddy's plight.  Tossed to the curb by a job she loved, struggling to regain her footing to discover what might come next, seemingly being handed the answer to her prayers, yet finding strings attached,  The strings would have been enough for anyone to get tangled up in, after all, there's a reason there's a tale about a country mouse and a city mouse to begin with, but add in the complications of the unexpected stipulations from the dearly departed, and the neighbor she'd never ask for, and most would eagerly be running for the hills.  Well, not Maddy...or not exactly.  She runs for her own hills in this new stage for the next chapter of her life, and whether temporary or not, she's going to make the most of it, give it her all, and give the naysayers what for...with a community that'll grow on her right by her side, and perhaps a little unexpected Mr. Darcy action too!

Cameron was more of an acquired taste, and while I don't regret disliking him at first, I was rather happy with the turn of events by book's end.  It never hurts to have someone challenge us.  It keeps us on our toes, and growing to a bigger, better version of ourselves, and that push can help us achieve things we never knew possible.  In Cameron's case...perhaps the chance at a little romance, both on and off the page.

Take a chance on this work of Fiction and see just how much heart can be found in a small town with a boy, a girl, a dog, and a potential happily-ever-after neither could see coming.  Come for the story, stay for the romcom fun, and help puzzle through the mystery within!


About the author...

Linda Corbett lives in Surrey with her husband Andrew and three permanently hungry guinea pigs. As well as being an author, Linda is a member and former Treasurer of Shine Surrey – a volunteer-led charity that supports individuals and families living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. For many years she also wrote a regular column for Link, a disability magazine, illustrating the humorous aspects of life with a complex disability, and she is a passionate advocate of disability representation in fiction. When not writing, Linda can be found papercrafting, gardening, or cuddling guinea pigs. What Would Jane Austen Do? is her second published novel.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you., and for the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... The Warriors' Prize by Jennifer C. Wilson - GUEST POST!

Welcome back, fellow readers!
Today's BOOK SPOTLIGHT is shining on a Historical Romance currently touring with Rachel's Random Resources.  We're lucky enough to have the author today sharing a bit of behind the scenes work in a special GUEST POST following just after the official introduction, so get to know the title, and then see where it all came from!

The Warriors' Prize
Jennifer C. Wilson

About the book...

Stirling Castle, 1498
Visiting court for the first time since her father's death, Lady Avelina Gordon finds herself drawn to the handsome warrior, Sir Lachlan MacNair. But as a woman who has seen too many of her friends lose everything for 'love', she keeps her heart guarded.

Castle Berradane, 1502
Lady Avelina is unceremoniously told to expect her new husband within the month. The man in question: Sir Lachlan.

Lachlan arrives in Berradane carrying his own secret, and a determination to control his heart. As attraction builds between the couple, they find themselves under attack and fearful of a traitor in their midst.

Can the teamwork they've shown in adversity so far pull them through one final test, and will they find the strength to risk their hearts, as well as their lives?


~~~   GUEST POST with Author Jennifer Wilson   ~~~

Settings for The Warriors’ Prize

Whenever I’m writing, I love to visualise my settings. Whether I’m writing about events taking place in a real venue, or creating a composite of my own design, it’s important for me to be able to picture how everything fits together. For my Kindred Spirits series, I’m lucky enough that they’re contemporary in nature, so I can physically wander along to wherever I want my characters to be visiting, but that’s not always the case in historical fiction.

In The Warriors’ Prize, things start straightforwardly enough, at Stirling Castle, and a ball being held in the great hall. I love that the hall at Stirling is mostly kept empty, so you can get a real sense of the place, imagining whatever you want to be happening there. It’s where Avelina and Lachlan have their first meeting in the book, and I did enjoy flicking back through my old photos for inspiration.

When the action moves to my fictional Berradane Estate though, things are a little more complex. In my historical fiction, I prefer to use combinations of places, but locate them near real places, so the geography is broadly relatable for readers, but I can’t accidentally have a road going the wrong way, or a river flowing somewhere it goes nowhere near in real life. It also means I can pick and choose my favourite castles / bits of castles, and put them all together to give me (and my characters) what’s needed.

The main inspiration behind Berradane Castle though, is Castle Kennedy, near Dumfries. Although it’s a ruin today, and oddly doesn’t have the overall layout I describe for Berradane, Castle Kennedy was in my mind as soon as I began writing scenes for Lachlan and Avelina.

It isn’t a decorative castle, but it’s one which could withstand an attack, and in the borders, that’s what really mattered. It’s also a lot more substantial than many homes in the region. For most families along the Anglo-Scottish border, the bastle house was home. These are essentially fortified farmhouses, mostly with only a ground and first floor. The lower floor was used to keep animals safe from reivers, bringing them in at night, or the most valuable livestock at least, with the family living on the floor above (sometimes two floors above, in rarer or richer cases). Access to the ground floor would be by standard barn-style doors, but to reach the upper levels you would need to use a ladder, which could be pulled up at night, reducing the risk of harm to the family, even if the doors were broken down and animals stolen. It’s the bastle house that I can ‘see’ when thinking of the villagers of Berradane and beyond, in small clusters, surrounded by farmland and pasture fields.

The lands of the borders are not generally flourishing; it was a hard life, and certainly on the Scottish side, where Avelina and Lachlan live, there was a roughness to the landscape, all heather moorlands and windswept valleys. Difficult terrain for the best of riders, and perfect for mounting raids and ambushes, as happens more than once in The Warriors’ Prize.

Happily, living in the north-east of England, and heading up to Scotland a couple of times a year, getting out into the world of my reiver heroes is relatively easy, and there are already stories in my mind for at least one of the other characters featured in The Warriors’ Prize – this time, I’m getting a feel for Cardoness Castle, not too far from Castle Kennedy, and with a stunning vantage point over the Solway Firth. As a marine ecologist for my day-job, it’s about time I got some water into one of my books!


About the author...

Jennifer has been stalking dead monarchs since she was a child. It started with Mary, Queen of Scots, then moved onto Richard III. At least now it results in a story!

She won North Tyneside Libraries' Story Tyne short story competition in 2014 (no dead monarchs, but still not a cheerful read), and has been filling notebooks and hard-drives ever since. Her Kindred Spirits series, following the 'lives' of some very interesting ghostly communities, is published by Darkstroke, and her historical romances by Ocelot Press.

Jennifer is currently exploring some new ideas for historical romance, and hoping to visit Kindred Spirit friends old and new, north of the border...


Special thanks to Rachel of Rachel’s Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as to the author for the special guest post. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, June 26, 2023

RELEASE WEEK CELEBRATION: Beginning of Forever by Catherine Bybee - EXCERPT!


I don't know about you, but it's been a CR-A-ZY couple of days/weeks, in my neck of the woods.  Between the HIGH temps, the wicked work schedule, and running family to doctor appointments and whatnot, I'm pooped!  So, squeezing in book time is definitely a premium...hence the off and on silence on my site.  No worries, I've not given it up or'll just be a bit spotty here and there so I can actually BREATHE.  'Kay?  'Kay.  Anywho...

Today, we're throwing an early BOOK BIRTHDAY spotlight on the latest release from author Catherine Bybee.  I've featured her work before, and this series specifically, so the name should be familiar, but it never gets old celebrating a new release.  So, are you ready to add to your must read list?  Then let's get down to business!  Ladies and gents, get ready for a feast your eyes and bookish heart as we take a closer look at....

Beginning of Forever
The D'Angelo's, Book 3
Catherine Bybee

About the book...
Tasting wine is not enough: sommelier Giovanni D'Angelo wants to create it. To put his family first, he's always deferred his dreams—a vineyard to run, a woman to marry. But a three-week vineyard tour in Italy could set him back on track. 

For Emma Rutledge, wine is in her blood. Intent to run the family wine business one day, she finds that the men in her family are only intent to push her out of it. But that's fine—she's got a plan. 

When Gio and Emma meet on a wine tour in Tuscany, their shared aspirations fuel an undeniable chemistry. Returning home to California, they work toward setting up Emma's vineyard and a label of their own. But when Emma receives a life-altering diagnosis, she worries it's all been for nothing. 

As Emma works to cement her family legacy while dealing with this unexpected challenge, Gio tries to convince her that their future isn't just wine. 

It's each other.



~~~   EXCERPT   ~~~

“Saturday . . . ,” Gio started. “What time can you be ready?”

Emma glanced at Nicole, then Gio. “Saturday? Did I miss something?”

“Unless you need me to help with the move before then. In which case I’ll be there.”

Emma paused.

“He wants to take you out on a date, Em. I know it’s been a while, but this is how it’s done. Guys don’t ask if you want to go out, they assume the answer is yes and ask what time,” Nicole told her.

Emma blamed the lack of sleep from the night before. The one where Gio made good on his slow and very thorough lovemaking and kept her up half the night. Not that she was complaining, even in her own head.

She offered a sideways glance. “Are we assuming things?”

He leaned over; his lips hovered above hers. “Can I do that, cara? Can I assume when it comes to Saturday nights with you?”

The man put warmth in her belly like no one had before. “We can give it a trial run,” she teased.

“Trial . . . do I get a six-month lease? A year?”

That sounded long term to her ears. “How about month to month.” Even that sounded like commitment.

Gio kissed her briefly and pulled away. “We’ll renegotiate in thirty days.”


About the author...

Catherine is a #1 Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and Indie Reader bestselling author. In addition, her books have also graced The New York Times and USA Today bestsellers lists. In total she has written thirty-nine beloved books that have collectively sold more than 10 million copies and have been translated into more than twenty languages. Raised in Washington State, Bybee moved to Southern California in the hope of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full time and has penned the Not Quite series, The Weekday Brides series, the Most Likely To series, and the First Wives series. Learn more about Catherine and her books at


Special thanks to Crystal, author Catherine Bybee's amazing assistant for the chance to bring this feature to you as well as the special features included in this post. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title celebrates its BOOK BIRTHDAY tomorrow, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... Stage Kisses on Halfpenny Lane by Clodagh Murphy - SPOTLIGHT!

Welcome back, friends!
Today, we're heading back to Halfpenny Lane as we take a look at the second installment in the series, newly available from author Clodagh Murphy.  If you haven't read the first, no worries...they work as standalones, however, if you have the time and are looking for your next read, or reads as in plural, I highly recommend it!  Anywho, let's raise the curtain and take a look at today's title in the spotlight on tour now with Rachel's Random Resources...

Stage Kisses on Halfpenny Lane
Clodagh Murphy

About the book...

Two old flames. One small stage. Trouble is just waiting in the wings …

Mimi and her sisters are still struggling to keep their beloved Halfpenny Lane Theatre afloat.

So when Hollywood heartthrob Rocco Agnew wants a part in their upcoming production of Private Lives it promises to be a lifesaver. Rocco sets hearts racing and ticket sales soaring wherever he goes.

The only problem: Rocco is Mimi’s ex – the one who broke her heart – and she’s slated to play opposite him in a role that will bring them far too close for comfort.

They can’t turn down Rocco. Mimi doesn’t want to bow out. Will the little theatre be big enough for both of them?

This is the second book in the Halfpenny Lane series, but it is a complete story and can be enjoyed as a standalone.


About the author...

Clodagh (rhymes with Yoda) is an Irish author of funny, feel-good romantic comedies. She lives in Dublin and writes in a cabin in the garden. Her latest release is the second book in a series of standalones set in the world of theatre. For more information about her books or to sign up to her newsletter, visit her website at


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Rockstar Book Tours presents... WILLIE THE WORRYING DOG by David Yuen - EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY!

SO, excited that WILLIE THE WORRYING DOG by David Yuen & Micah Zhang is available now and that I get to help spread the word!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a finished copy of the book courtesy of David, Micah & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


by David Yuen & Micah Zhang (Illustrator)

Pub. Date: June 10, 2023

Publisher: Upward Bound Press

Formats: Hardcover

Pages: 36

Find it:  GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, BAM,, Blackwells

Willie can't help but worry. Worrying is the worst thing ever. And now his owner wants to take him to a new park where everything's different. Oh no, Willie feels doomed! What if things go wrong? What if something bad happens? Will Willie make it? Or will worry get the best of him?



Time to take a peek between the pages...


About the author...

Born and raised in NJ as a second generation Chinese American, David Yuen received a B.A. from Rutgers University and has been writing poetry along with other writing styles for over twenty years. His works have appeared in other publications including Poetry East and Romantics Quarterly.

Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon


About the illustrator...

Micah Zhang, a North American based visual artist with Chinese and Japanese roots. His visual language encompasses the wonders of nature, the allure of science fiction, the essence of urban lifestyle, and the enigmatic mysteries of our world. With a decade of experience, he breathes life into stories through his illustrations and various artistic mediums. With a keen sense for details and a knack for capturing imagination, Micah Zhang expertly brings fantasy characters to life in a visually pleasing style.

Goodreads | Amazon




~~~   GIVEAWAY   ~~~

1 winner will win a finished copy of WILLIE THE WORRYING DOG, US Only.

Ends July 4th, midnight EST


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Rockstar Book Tours presents... BIZARD THE BEAR WIZARD by Chrissie Krebs - REVIEW + GIVEAWAY!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the BIZARD THE BEAR WIZARD by Chrissie Krebs Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



Author: Chrissie Krebs

Pub. Date: June 20, 2023

Publisher: Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 160

Find it: Goodreads

An ordinary bear gains extraordinary magical powers in this hilarious early graphic novel reader.

Bear was just an average bear, until the day a tornado lodged an out-of-control wizard’s wand in his head. Now he looks a bit like a cross between a bear and a unicorn. He is none too pleased, but it seems he might be stuck with the wand for the foreseeable future.  

Even worse, he now has the ability to grant wishes—something he wants no part of. He’d much rather spend his days dozing away. His friends give him a new name—Bizard the Bear Wizard—and he reluctantly accepts his new magical powers and starts granting wishes to everyone in the forest.

But when the evil wolf and his bad guys threaten them all, Bizard knows it’s time to embrace his magical destiny. Only he and his newly wanded head can save the day now. Along the way, Bizard’s friends, Fox, Owl, and Squirrel, all bring their own brand of kooky support to his antics as he uses . . . and accidently misuses, his powers.

From the talented author-illustrator Chrissie Krebs comes the first of two hilarious younger graphic novels about Bizard and his friends.

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection



Bizard reminds me of (attitude wise) the BRUCE storybook series... and that's a GOOD thing! Don't get me wrong, he's his own bear, and with new magical powers to boot, but his rather stay at home by himself-ness tells me if he and Bruce were neighbors, they'd happily know they existed in the same area without ever visiting. 😂  Anywho...

Bizard gets a first hand unwanted introduction to the power of magic, the responsibility of wielding that power, and how the be the bigger bear. It's fun and FUNNY with unexpected lessons to be gleaned from the picture filled pages, and a cast of forest friends to adore or abhor (well, the bad guys at least!). It's a great read for graphic novel fans of all ages, and a fun way to get more reluctant readers on board with the power of books!



About Chrissie Krebs:

Chrissie Krebs has illustrated several picture books, including Pig in a WigA Dinosaur Ate Dad's Hair, and There's Something Weird in Santa's Beard. She also illustrated Rodney Loses It by Gerard Bauer, which was named a CBCA Children’s Book of the Year for Early Childhood. She lives in Australia. Visit her at 


Website | Instagram | Goodreads | BookBub


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a finished copy of BIZARD THE BEAR WIZARD, US Only.

Ends June 27th, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


The Chirpy Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


YA Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post

Week Two:


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


IG Review


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post





Two Points of Interest




IG Review






IG Review



IG Review


Little Red Reads

Review/IG Post

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