Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.
Today, our bookish post is getting a little fashion sense. How so? Well, it seems that our little leading man has a very particular opinion about...pants. Yes, pants...and while it may seem like a very little part of our daily wardrobe, for him it's the beginning, end, and in-between, but what to do when his picks don't mesh with the world at large? Let's find out! Today's storybook of choice is...
Kenneth Kraegel
Candlewick Press
Oh yeah.
That cute little dancing dude on the front would be Jameson and if you haven't guessed his fashion preference in the pants department...that would be a solid-no-room-for-other-choices GREEN. Now for everyday wear, it's not a bad option (though I could never pull it off...I don't think), but there are times in life that society dictates other options must be considered, let alone conformed to. I know, I know...a message of conformity and what one must do, but HOLD ON...that's not where this story ends. Yes, Jameson has a big decision to make...wear the black pants and be in his brother's wedding, or not and, well, NOT be in it...but sometimes there is a compromise to be had and if anyone can riddle it out, it's our fashion forward little friend.
I thought it was rather lovely how Jameson fell under Jo's spell of beauty AND happiness, inspiring him to possibly take that temporary fashion leap. I adored the final outcome (which I shall not spoil) and his fancy smancy dance moves out on the floor. That little guy can sure cut a rug! In the end, while it reminds us that sometimes societal rules and guidelines must be followed (i.e. my uniform policy at work...black and white every day!), we shouldn't let it change who we are on the inside and when the event is over, let our colors fly!
Special thanks to Raquel at Candlewick Press for the copy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is set to release March 21, 2017, so mark your calendar or pre-order your copy today!
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
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