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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're joining Rachel's Random Resources for a stop along their current tour starring the latest release from author Liz Davies. We featured a summer themed book of hers not so long ago, and today, we're diving into a title perfect for your holiday reading. Well, not THIS holiday exactly, but the forthcoming winter wonderland type season. So, ready or not, here comes today's book of choice and blog tour guest...
A Typical Family Christmas
Liz Davies
About the book...
For once, Kate Peters would like a happy, family Christmas; the kind of Christmas seen in the movies. She wants harmony and happiness, smiling, glowing faces, tables groaning with food, carol singing around the tree. She wants love, kindness, and goodwill to all men, especially in
her own house.
What she doesn’t want is drama. Absolutely no drama, whatsoever.
But what she gets is three stroppy children, two equally stroppy grandmothers, a husband who can’t manage to change a lightbulb, and Pepe the poodle.
It’s no wonder she feels unappreciated, overworked, and ignored. At the end of her tinsel-coated tether, and with the only Christmas spirit being in the form of a bottle of raspberry gin, Kate decides to leave them to it, and see how they manage without her.
A quiet little hotel somewhere near the sea, where she can pretend Christmas doesn’t exist, is just the thing she needs. Isn’t it?
her own house.
What she doesn’t want is drama. Absolutely no drama, whatsoever.
But what she gets is three stroppy children, two equally stroppy grandmothers, a husband who can’t manage to change a lightbulb, and Pepe the poodle.
It’s no wonder she feels unappreciated, overworked, and ignored. At the end of her tinsel-coated tether, and with the only Christmas spirit being in the form of a bottle of raspberry gin, Kate decides to leave them to it, and see how they manage without her.
A quiet little hotel somewhere near the sea, where she can pretend Christmas doesn’t exist, is just the thing she needs. Isn’t it?
Guys, this is really a great little meet-cute type Contemporary Romance perfect to kick start your holiday reading. I mean it's got all the feels, heart, and romantic (somewhat comedy, somewhat sweet) you could want! Family drama (because THAT never happens at the holidays...*smirk*), a seaside escape that wasn't, the dream of letting the holiday pass right on by without all the hubbub, and the unexpected surprises that life throws us when we least expect it. I can honestly say that this is the second title from this particular author that I've read, and she is quickly becoming a favorite.
If you're looking for a realistic look at life through the holly leaves when the cookie dough hits the fan and the only way up is out, this is definitely one for you! Oh, but watch out for Pepe!
About the author...
Liz Davies writes feel-good, light-hearted stories with a hefty dose of romance, a smattering of humour, and a great deal of love.
She’s married to her best friend, has one grown-up daughter, and when she isn’t scribbling away in the notepad she carries with her everywhere (just in case inspiration strikes), you’ll find her searching for that perfect pair of shoes. She loves to cook but isn’t very good at it, and loves to eat - she’s much better at that! Liz also enjoys walking (preferably on the flat), cycling (also on the flat), and lots of sitting around in the garden on warm, sunny days.
She currently lives with her family in Wales, but would ideally love to buy a camper van and travel the world in it.
She’s married to her best friend, has one grown-up daughter, and when she isn’t scribbling away in the notepad she carries with her everywhere (just in case inspiration strikes), you’ll find her searching for that perfect pair of shoes. She loves to cook but isn’t very good at it, and loves to eat - she’s much better at that! Liz also enjoys walking (preferably on the flat), cycling (also on the flat), and lots of sitting around in the garden on warm, sunny days.
She currently lives with her family in Wales, but would ideally love to buy a camper van and travel the world in it.

Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun...
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
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