Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've a special BOOK BIRTHDAY review featuring a NEW Middle Grade Fiction Mystery in stores now via Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing!  It stars six fabulous young ladies that are smart, inquisitive, creative, and not afraid to get their hands a little dirty in the name of good...and trust me, they have to in this tale because the game afoot is SO not a game!  Ready or not, here comes today's book birthday celebrant in the spotlight...

Kristin L. Gray
Paula Wiseman Books

About the book...
Amelia Earhart’s famous aviator goggles go missing and eleven-year-old Millie has to find them before the night is over in this girl-powered middle grade whodunit.

Eleven-year-old Amelia Ashford—Millie to her friends (if she had any, that is)—doesn’t realize just how much adventure awaits her when she’s given the opportunity of a lifetime: to spend the night in Amelia Earhart’s childhood home with five other girls. Make that five strangers. But Millie’s mom is a pilot like the famous Amelia, and Millie would love to have something to write to her about…if only she had her address.

Once at Amelia’s house in Atchison, Kansas, Millie stumbles upon a display of Amelia’s famous flight goggles. She can’t believe her good luck, since they’re about to be relocated to a fancy museum in Washington, DC. But her luck changes quickly when the goggles disappear, and Millie was the last to see them. Soon, fingers are pointing in all directions, and someone falls strangely ill. Suddenly, a fun night of scavenger hunts and sweets takes a nosedive and the girls aren’t sure who to trust. With a blizzard raging outside and a house full of suspects, the girls have no choice but to band together. It’s up to the Amelia Six to find the culprit and return the goggles to their rightful place. Or the next body to collapse could be one of theirs.

🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩

To Really Know Your Culture, Become a Detective - TLNT

This is a classic whodunit wrapped in kid friendly packaging and served up with a healthy dose of girl power!  I loved the fact that the mostly female cast showed the roles women have in society and how even now, there are differences sometimes in how they are treated, respected, and/or looked to, while reinforcing that the JUST BE YOU philosophy is truly the only way to go.  If you like cubing, like cubing.  If you like scientific exploration, then like it.  If you want to breach the new frontier, grow the most beautiful flowers, tinker with gizmos and gadgets, do it!  The world is your oyster and no one can tell you what you can or cannot be.  It's a great message for any age, but especially the youngsters this Middle Grade release is intended for, and quite honestly, it's done rather well! sneaks in while you're busy getting to know the characters, for better or worse.  It makes itself at home as the mystery starts to unfold and skills are put to the test from problem solving to engineering.  It reveals itself slowly as all the clues start to come together and the moment of truth arrives...even as the BIG TWIST happens and it looks like lights out (again!) for the whole crew...keeping you on your toes and those brain cells firing!  It's a great combination of story, skills, and heart that'll leave you with the warm fuzzies, but also a curiosity that might need to be slaked about SO MANY things, and that invitation to explore more, never hurt anyone.

🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩

About the author...

Kristin L. Gray
Brooke Robinson Photography
via publisher's website

Kristin L. Gray is the author of Vilonia Beebe Takes Charge (which Publishers Weekly called a “sensitive and uplifting coming-of-age journey”) and The Amelia Six. Kristin loves to read, walk her dogs, and eat cake for breakfast. Her fourth-grade self would never believe she has five children, two dogs, one fish, a bearded dragon, and a shy gecko. She lives in northwest Arkansas. To learn more about Kristin, or to send her a cake, visit her online at

🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩     🛩

Special thanks to Jenny at Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing for the eARC for review (and the print edition too!) as well as the chance to bring this title to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title celebrates its BOOK BIRTHDAY TODAY (woot woot!) via Paula Wiseman Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, June 29, 2020

RRR presents... THE ENGLISH WIFE by Adrienne Chinn - EXCERPT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've got a spotlight on another title touring with Rachel's Random Resources that's going to take you between the pages with a special excerpt to excite and enchant!  So, if you're ready, let's get this introduction done properly first and then we'll get to the nitty gritty.  Put your hands together for...

The English Wife
Adrienne Chinn

About the book...
Two women, a world apart.
 A secret waiting to be discovered…

 VE Day 1945: As victory bells ring out across the country, war bride Ellie Burgess’ happiness is overshadowed by grief. Her charismatic Newfoundlander husband Thomas is still missing in action.

Until a letter arrives explaining Thomas is back at home on the other side of the Atlantic recovering from his injuries.

 Travelling to a distant country to live with a man she barely knows is the bravest thing Ellie has ever had to do. But nothing can prepare her for the harsh realities of her new home…

 September 11th 2001: Sophie Parry is on a plane to New York on the most tragic day in the city’s history. While the world watches the news in horror, Sophie’s flight is rerouted to a tiny town in Newfoundland and she is forced to seek refuge with her estranged aunt Ellie.

Determined to discover what it was that forced her family apart all those years ago, newfound secrets may change her life forever…

This is a timeless story of love, sacrifice and resilience perfect for fans of Lorna Cook and Gill Paul.

US  |  UK  |  CA


~~~   EXCERPT   ~~~
...from The English Wife by Adrienne Chinn

It’s September 2011 and forty-seven-year-old architect, Sophie Parry, is in a meeting with her boss, the celebrated New York architect, Richard Niven. His firm is involved in a commission to build a luxury “eco” resort; he has convinced the clients – a financial consortium of businesspeople -- that Sophie’s estranged aunt’s property Kittiwake, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in the remote outport town of Tippy’s Tickle in Newfoundland, is the ideal location. He is assigning Sophie the task of going to Newfoundland to convince the locals to sell up.

A movement outside the window catches Sophie’s eye. The hawk turns its head, fixing her in its yellow eye as it glides past the shining glass, its orange-red tail feathers a stark contrast to the blue summer sky above the city’s skyscrapers.
‘Sophie? Can I have Jackie book your flight to Newfoundland? You’re clear what the consortium needs you to do?’
Sophie looks across the vast Italian glass desk at Richard Niven, the man whose award-winning architecture practice had drawn her over from London to New York ten years before. His thinning grey hair is cropped close to his bull-like head, and round, black-rimmed glasses frame his piercing hazel eyes. You look like a buzzard. She imagines him in twenty years’ time, jowls dropping from his square jawline, his eyes drooping and watery. By then he’d look like a vulture. Turning into his spirit creature.
‘I understand, Richard.’
‘Those photos you took up on the Newfoundland coast ten years ago, well, that coastline is just what the consortium has been looking for. Luxury travellers love nothing more than a place in an exotic, “eco”—’ he tweaks his fingers to indicate quotation marks ‘—location. Especially one that’s virtually impossible to access. Keeps out the riffraff. We’re talking about absolute exclusivity here, Sophie. They love the idea of Newfoundland. No one’s even heard of the place.’
‘Richard, the photos weren’t really meant … I mean, they were basically holiday snaps. The local community … I’m not sure how the consortium’s vision is going to go down with them. The hotel’s going to be a hard enough sell, but, seriously, Richard, a golf course? It’s winter there for eight months of the year, and it’s all moss and wonky trees. You have no idea. Those cliffs are a death trap. You know the locals call it The Rock? There’s a reason for that.’
Her boss waves his hand as if he’s swatting an annoying fly. ‘They play golf in Scotland, don’t they? My God, they haven’t seen the sun there for centuries. I got dragged around St Andrews last June with that obnoxious TV guy, pitching for his hotel job in a bloody parka. Couldn’t feel my fingers for hours. Bloody June! I could see my breath! Newfoundland can’t be any worse than that.’
‘Yes, but, you know, the locals in Tippy’s Tickle … I mean, don’t you think it’s better to get the locals on board rather than buying them out? It could be a wonderful employment opportunity for them. They’ve been having a hard time up there since the cod fishery shut down. There are a lot of talented people—’
Richard’s fleshy face folds into in a frown. ‘That’s another thing. Tippy’s Tickle? What kind of a name is that? That’ll have to go.’ He pushes his glasses down his large nose and peers at her over the top of the frames. ‘All you need to do is secure the land, Sophie. Everyone has a price and the treasure chest is full. We need hotel staff with experience, not some local yokels. Get them to sell up, and I’ll make you the lead architect on the project.’
Sophie sits back in the black leather chair. ‘The lead architect?’
This was a turn-up for the books. No matter the awards she’d brought to the practice, the front-cover features in Architectural Digest, the hard graft on the front line as the project architect, she’d never been made lead architect. That was a job for the big boys. Richard Niven, Tony Mason and Baxter T. Randall. The Triumvirate.
She frowns. ‘I’m not sure, Richard.’
A thick black eyebrow twitches above his glasses. ‘You’re not sure?’
‘I want you to make me a partner in the firm.’ Richard’s eyebrows shoot upwards like two birds taking flight.
‘Partner? You know I can’t promise that. I have to speak to the other partners. It has to be a unanimous decision, which is … well. I’m sure you understand.’
Yeah, sure I understand. She could almost feel the glass ceiling bang against her head. ‘You’re the controlling partner. I’m sure you can sway the others.’ She stands and straightens the jacket of her Armani suit. ‘Think of the consortium, Richard. Think of all the awards the firm will win. Think of the publicity. Richard Niven & Associates Architects will be up there with Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright.’
Richard fixes her with a stare, his eyes like two green marbles flecked with orange. ‘Fine. A partner, then.’ He presses the intercom on his desk. ‘Jackie, get Sophie on the next flight to Newfoundland.’ He glances over at Sophie. ‘Book economy.’


About the author...

Adrienne Chinn was born in Grand Falls, Newfoundland, grew up in Quebec, and eventually made her way to London, England after a career as a journalist. In England she worked as a TV and film researcher before embarking on a career as an interior designer, lecturer, and writer. When not up a ladder or at the computer, she can usually be found rummaging through flea markets or haggling in the Marrakech souk. Her second novel, The English Wife -- a timeslip story set in World War II England and contemporary Newfoundland -- is published in June 2020. Her debut novel, The Lost Letter from Morocco, was published by Avon Books UK in 2019. She is currently writing her third novel, The Photographer's Daughters, the first of a 3-book series, to be published in 2021.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

RRR presents... TELL THAT TO MY HEART by Eliza J Scott - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've yet another Rachel's Random Resources tour coming at you (fabulous tour group, so many great reads!) with a Contemporary Romance slash Romantic Comedy slash Bridget Jones slash Me Before You meets scathing office antics as we take a walk between the epages of the latest from author Eliza J Scott....

Tell That to My Heart
Heartshaped series, Book 1
Eliza J Scott

About the book...
Jemima Dewberry wears her heart on her sleeve. Her weakness for bad boys, coupled with her track record for making bad decisions has led to endless heartbreak. The only trouble is, she can’t seem to kick the habit.

On top of that, her “dream” job at Yorkshire Portions magazine hasn’t turned out to be what she’d hoped, and she seems to have developed the knack of annoying her boss without even trying. It doesn’t help that the new girl seems to have taken an instant dislike to her. All that’s keeping her there are her best friends Anna-Lisa and Aidey, who have picked up the pieces of her shattered heart more times than they care to remember.

When Jemima’s latest boyfriend turns out to be no better than the rest, the hurt and humiliation is almost unbearable. She declares she’s finally through with love, and swears off men for life. But when charismatic Caspar De Verre walks into the office with his dangerous good looks and mesmerising smile, she’s utterly captivated, and her promises to Anna-Lisa and Aidey not to let her heart rule her head are soon forgotten.

But is Caspar all he seems? Anna-Lisa and Aidey have their doubts. And Herbert, the happy-go-lucky black Labrador Jemima’s looking after, doesn’t seem to like him either.

As Jemima falls for Caspar’s charms she finds herself being forced to confront the struggle between her head and her heart. But which one will prove the most powerful?

And will Jemima get the happy-ever-after she so desperately craves?


💜     💛     💚     💗     💚     💛    💜

Mim (aka Jemima) is SUCH a dear!  Honestly, she wore her heart on her sleeve (something she learns to cover just a smidge by book's end), and cares with her whole self.  Even when things aren't going just they way they should, she makes the best.  After all, when life gives you lemons, you're suppose to make lemonade...right?  Yeah, about that...

I felt SO BAD for her because she was stepped all over by the former boyfriend (Rick, grr), had to work with the likes of Honey Blossom (who is SO not anything like her name), be lorded over by her boss Catherine (not even going there), and suffer the advances of Caspar, the new office hunk...who, okay, definitely didn't make it seem like a hardship since we all like a little attention now and then, but there was just something a bit off about him.  I mean, if the dog doesn't like him...they're a pretty good judge of character...I'd be questioning things!  (That's right, Herbert!  What a good doggo!)  Good thing she has friends that have her back, come rain OR shine...which there is definitely both along this bumpy bit of Mim's life, but in the end, it all comes out right, and really, isn't that happy-ever-after what we're all striving for in our own ways?

So, good story?  You betcha!  Do I recommend it?  Certainly!  Who for?  Contemporary Romance or Rom Com fans to be sure...but really anyone who enjoys seeing the good gal (and guy!) get what they deserve in the end...oh and just desserts served to everyone else!

💜     💛     💚     💗     💚     💛    💜

About the author...

Eliza [Scott] is proud to be a member of the RNA. She lives in a 17th-century cottage in a village in the North Yorkshire Moors with her husband, their two daughters and two mischievous black Labradors. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found with her nose in a book/glued to her Kindle or working in her garden, fighting a losing battle against the weeds.

When she's not reading or gardening, Eliza also enjoys bracing walks in the countryside, rounded off by a visit to a teashop where she can indulge in another two of her favourite things: tea and cake.

Her biggest weakness is ginger biscuits dunked in tea.

Eliza is inspired by her beautiful surroundings and loves to write heartwarming romance stories with relatable female characters. She enjoys exploring the dynamics of female friendship, with a key feature of her books being how women pull together and support one another when things get tough.

Eliza's novels will always have happy endings.


💜     💛     💚     💗     💚     💛    💜

Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

RRR presents... ESME'S GIFT by Elizabeth Foster - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've another Rachel's Random Resources tour coming at you, and this time, we're bringing you a second title in a series PLUS your chance to win!  So, if you're ready to discover a world of magical beings and dangerous times, KEEP READING because this could just be the series you were waiting to step into...

Esme's Gift
Esme Trilogy, Book 2
Elizabeth Foster

About the book...
Terror was within. Terror was without.
Like her mother, she was at the water’s mercy.

In the enchanted world of Aeolia, fifteen-year-old Esme Silver faces her hardest task yet. She must master her unruly Gift—the power to observe the past—and uncover the secrets she needs to save her mother, Ariane.

In between attending school in the beguiling canal city of Esperance, Esme and her friends—old and new—travel far and wide across Aeolia, gathering the ingredients for a potent magical elixir.

Their journey takes them to volcanic isles, sunken ruins and snowy eyries, spectacular places fraught with danger, where they must face their deepest fears and find hope in the darkest of places.

Esme’s Gift, the second instalment in the Esme trilogy, is a gripping fantasy adventure for readers 12 years and over.



Fans of Harry Potter will love this book for its similar themes. The genuine friendship of the characters make this book a satisfying read, and hints at a healthy romance in the next book. The conclusion of the trilogy will be greatly anticipated! -  Sorcha, Goodreads

From dragons diving into volcanoes, Esme and her friends portalling out of art class and deep underwater adventures, Esme’s Gift is quite simply a thrilling and exciting read. - Jean, Goodreads


About author Elizabeth Foster...

I read avidly as a child, but only discovered the joys of writing some years ago when reading to my own kids reminded me how much I missed getting lost in other worlds. It’s never too late to find and follow your passion! I now have two books published and am about to start writing the third and final story in the Esme series.  My home base is Sydney, where I can often be found running (just kidding – walking) by the water, or scribbling in cafés.


Facebook #giveaway announcement for online parties ...



(1) or (3) sets of ebooks including...
Esme’s Wish & Esme’s Gift 
(Open Internationally)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Rockstar Book Tours presents... BATTLE OF THE WOLVES by Caryn Mahan - EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY!

Psst!  Did you hear?  BATTLE OF THE WOLVES by Caryn Mahan is available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author Caryn Mahan, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon GC & a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & Caryn. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.

About The Book:
Author: Caryn Mahan
Pub. Date: June 26, 2020
Publisher: Caryn Mahan
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 239
Find it: GoodreadsKindle, Amazon

Patience has lived a hard and lonely life on the Reservation in the Upper Northwest. Her father’s a drunk and abusive, and her mother tolerates it. Patience does not. Her best friend is now married to a college professor with a son their age, Saul Reardon. He could be her ticket to a new life. Ifan is a young man, her friend, with plans of being a doctor and returning to his people providing the care they need. He also loves Patience. Patience is tugged between the two men. Until Little Sister, a wolf, bonds with her, an ancient rite, narrowing her choices. Now bound to her people and to the land, she must come to terms with it. Add in her father’s recovery from alcoholism, his need for her forgiveness, and his desire for reconciliation, her life has tumbled into chaos. Unknown to her and her friends, an ancient evil is on its way. It must be stopped. Who will survive the deadly creature bearing down on them?

Exclusive Excerpt!

Eight-year-old Patience crouched far from her bedroom door, fingers tight in her ears, muffling the ugly alcohol-slurred words, but not the sounds. Words heard many times before—lazy c*nt, whoring b*tch, where’s my money—all punctuated with the sound of her father’s hands on her mother’s flesh. Patience scrambled out from under the bed, her thin nightgown not much protection from the cold or her father’s drunken gaze. Chin up, brown eyes dark pebbles in her stark white face, bitter courage in the set of her mouth, Patience spoke slow and careful, drawing his eyes to her. “Dad, I’m here. Let Mom go. I’ll go with you.”

About Caryn:

I wrote my first story in third grade. It was about an Oriole family.

I have a love for the written word and have devoured books by great authors over a reading lifetime of sixty years. I firmly believe in the notion that a writer must also be a reader. I also firmly believe I gained a veritable treasure trove of writing skills through my reading. Writers such as James Michener, JR Tolkein, Leon Uris, Robert Jordan, Carol O'Connell, Albert Payson Terhune, Anna Sewell, Edgar Allen Poe, and so many more I could list.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

!!!  Giveaway  !!!

One lucky winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card & an eBook of BATTLE OF THE WOLVES!


RRR presents... A WISH FOR JINNIE by Audrey Davis - SPOTLIGHT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're teaming up with Rachel's Random Resources as we shine the bookish spotlight on a title that explores just what might happen is wishes really DID come true!  Ready, set, let's get this party started because I'm already working on a list of wishes and I need to see the "what ifs" that come about...

A Wish for Jinnie
Audrey Davis

About the book...
What if wishes really could come true? 

When Jinnie Cooper is dumped by her fiancé, and exiled to a job in an antiques shop in a sleepy Scottish village, little does she know a battered old lamp is about to shake up her life. 

Genie Dhassim grants wishes. But he also wants a few of his own to come true. Letting him explore the outside world proves nerve-wracking as Dhassim has an uncanny knack of putting his pointy-slippered foot in it. 

As Jinnie grows closer to her employer Sam, Dhassim discovers his time on earth is running out. 
Can both Jinnie and Dhassim find true happiness? Or are those wishes that cannot be granted?



About the author...

Audrey Davis is a Scottish-born former journalist, now resident in Switzerland. Her newspaper career saw her cover events in Northern Ireland and the Falkland Islands, as well as working for a London-based movie magazine writing reviews and carrying out interviews.

She self-published her debut romantic comedy novel A Clean Sweep in June 2017, following an online Open University course in Writing Fiction. 

Audrey followed up with a short, darker prequel A Clean Break before beginning work on a rom-com novella trilogy with a ghostly twist – The Haunting of Hattie Hastings. Again, reviews across the board were excellent, and it was combined into a standalone novel in November 2018.

A Wish For Jinnie is her third standalone novel.

Apart from writing, Audrey enjoys travel and spends a lot of time in Edinburgh. She is an avid cook, watcher of scary movies and reluctant gym-goer.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sourcebooks Casablanca presents... NEVER LET ME GO by Kianna Alexander - COVER REVEAL!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're SO EXCITED to share with you a FANTASTIC COVER REVEAL via Sourcebooks Casablanca!  It features the SOON TO BE PUBLISHED (okay, September...but that's sooner rather than later!) third release in the Southern Gentlemen series and from the sound of things, you won't want to miss it.  So, if you're ready, let's get this reveal party started!
Get to scrolling folks...

Never Let Me Go
Kianna Alexander
Sourcebooks Casablanca

About the book...
Tender, emotional contemporary romance—you’ll fall in love with this band-of-brothers and the strong women they’re determined to win.
Architect Maxwell Devers is laser-focused on winning the contract to build a new cultural arts center--his biggest project yet. But as a single dad of a beautiful baby girl, he has to find some help if he’s going to stay on track.
Yvonne Markham is thrilled to get her first nanny assignment. She knows the high-paying job will speed her progress toward owning a child care center of her own. Maxwell’s daughter is a delight, and she quickly comes to love the bouncing baby girl. Falling for her handsome new boss, however, was not part of the plan…
Hang on to your heartstrings: This multicultural romance features a single father, a sweet baby daughter, and the nanny who falls in love with them both.


About the author...

Kianna Alexander (Author of Kissing the Captain)

Like any good Southern belle, Kianna Alexander wears many hats: loving wife, doting mama, advice-dispensing sister, and gabbing girlfriend. She's a voracious reader, an amateur seamstress and occasional painter in oils. Chocolate, American history, sweet tea and Idris Elba are a few of her favorite things. A native of the TarHeel state, Kianna still lives there with her husband, two kids, and a collection of well-loved vintage 80's Barbie dolls. For more about Kianna and her books, visit her website at:


Special thanks to Katie and the Sourcebooks Casablanca team for the chance to share this release with you. (THANKS!) For more information on this book, the author, the series, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title celebrates its BOOK BIRTHDAY September 1st, 2020, so mark your calendar or pre order it at your favorite online retailer. 

Oh and before you go, don't miss your chance to enter to win the first two books in the Southern Gentlemen series!  CLICK HERE to access the Rafflecopter form!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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