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Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're playing host to a stop along the Reading Addiction Book Tour promotion for a hot and spicy musically infused New Adult release that is definitely not one for younger readers. *ahem* We're not talking the big "E" but there's definitely more steam than blush. So, my fair readers, I must ask. ARE YOU READY TO ROCK? *smirk* Then here comes today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

Access All Areas, Book 1
About the book...
I don’t date rockers. Don’t sleep with them. Don’t even swap spit. I’ve been working as a band booker at Trouble -- the coolest indie rock club in town -- long enough to know what a bunch of screwed up, egotistical jerks they are.
That would be fine if Razer didn’t keep popping into my office, making himself so annoyingly attractive. And he only gets more insistent when the mysterious, leather-clad Alex hits town.
While they compete for both rock glory and my affection, I get stuck in the middle but all I really want to do is save the club from financial ruin. That means I have to play along with their stupid games.
That’s the trouble with my life: too many rock stars.
Alrighty guys, first things first. Seeing as I run a site that caters to a wide variety of readers and reading tastes, I must first impart these words of wisdom...
...this is not for the kiddos. From the language (holy heck the LANGUAGE!) to the descriptions to some situational content, it's just meant for the adult reading audience as a whole. Got it? Okay...so you, over there trying to melt into the background because you're still a teenager, back away from the computer. You'll have plenty of time to read whatever you wish once you've reached adulthood, kay? Kay. Now, moving on...
The thing I struggled with most was the LANGUAGE. Yes, I realize I just mentioned it in the opening paragraph, but it needed mentioning again to ease my psyche. I'm not talking about errors or what not, but the usage. I'm an adult. I get it, people can have potty mouths and everyone utters something south of pseudo-swearing once in a while, but man alive, these folks are working their way to Ice-T (in the movie Trespass_ levels at some points! I seriously had to focus on just the story to push through this initial barrier, and you know what? I'm glad I did.
I don't know about you, but I LOVE learning where the title fits into a story and in this one, we uncover it's origin early on. (Plus!) No, I'm not telling you what it is, but start to read it for yourself and you'll see, about 10 pages or so in, BOOM....explanation central...not that it was that mysterious. *ahem* Anywho, where we have plenty of club life and room for rockin' musical interludes, we also have humorous alpha male showdowns as they jockey for position in Violet's bed/heart (hey, two fellas, two agenda...at least!), a secret about the club that's about to blow the lid off all their dreams, and some soul searching that's gonna uncover explosive results. In short, the makings of a FAB story with alternating chapters that allow you to get to know each of the characters in a far amount of detail considering the shorter length of the work. Speaking of those characters...
Violet is our kick butt leading lady. She won't rock a mic thanks to a nasty past experience (take that as you will), but give her a club to fill, and stars to intro to the masses, and she'll knock your socks off. Some things don't come down to strictly her own talent though, and I gotta say, I respected her for holding out on the competition despite it being the easy way out. Hey, some things aren't able to be bought or bartered, a heart should be one of them. As for our two dueling, guitar wielding dudes, Alex and Razer, I will say this...still waters run deep and sometimes those that you would least expect to blow your mind will in all the best ways possible. I had my own first impressions of both fellas, Alex was all suave and devil-may-care, Razer spent WAY to much time with guitars (see approximately page 9) but seemed to have good intentions under the macho guy exterior, but in the end, there could be only one...and what a one it is!
To conclude, it was short and... okay, not so sweet (they are ROCK STARS!) but it had its moments and regardless of the crass verbiage/descriptions, or editorial misses, you'll be glued to the story like a groupie to a stage...I know I was. One comment though...the series promises "no cliffhanger endings" which I totally like the sound of and yes, it is true for Violet's story, the intro to the next one shared on the final page left me SCREAMING for more... no cliffhangers but patootie!
Need a little more convincing?
Here's a sneak peek inside...
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~~~ EXCERPT ~~~
Our bodies almost touched. I waited for him to try to kiss me again. I prepared to fight. I didn't want to kiss him. I didn't want him to make those kinds of moves. I sure didn’t want him to make me feel those kinds of feelings. Our breathing fell into time with each other. My heart still beat so hard. I wanted to move away from him but my legs had turned to jelly. From that ride on the back of the bike, of course. I'd been clenching my muscles so hard they no longer worked.
A bird squawked in the distance somewhere. The wind blew through the trees. The smell of eucalyptus filled the summer air. I stayed perfectly still. The moment drew out and he didn't move. He just stood beside me until my anticipation turned to disappointment.
I didn't want him to kiss me but he could at least try. Maybe he'd lost interest in me and only saw me as a friend. That's what I wanted. That's the only thing I wanted. So why did my heart feel like a big, heavy stone weighing me down? I couldn't handle this tension and walked away from the bike, my footsteps crunching on the gravel.
About the author...

Candy J. Starr used to be a band manager until she realized that the band she managed was so lacking in charisma that they actually sucked the charisma out of any room they played. “Screw you,” she said, leaving them to wallow in obscurity – totally forgetting that they owed her big bucks for video equipment hire.
Candy has filmed and interviewed some big names in the rock business, and a lot of small ones. She’s seen the dirty little secrets that go on in the back rooms of band venues. She’s seen the ugly side of rock and the very pretty one.
But, of course, everything she writes is fiction.
Special thanks to Cami at Reading Addiction Virtual Book Tours for the ebook for review and chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, THIS TOUR, or those forthcoming, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a virtual shelf near you.
Until next time...ROCK ON...and happy reading!
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