Hello, hello!
Welcome back to another day, another DOUBLE POST here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
For today's second post, we've got the book spotlight shining on a title that shares the story of a wedding photographer with commitment issues. Sounds like there's a bit more to that issue, and you're right, there is...but far be it for me to ruin the surprise of it all! Let's introduce things properly, THEN get between the pages with a special EXCERPT! Ready, set, READ...
Shoot the Moon
Bella Cassidy
About the book...
Tassie Morris is everyone’s favourite wedding photographer, famous for her photos of offbeat ceremonies and alternative brides. Yet commitment is proving impossible for Tassie herself, who cannot forget her first love.
When she’s sent to photograph a ceremony on Schiehallion - the Fairy Hill of the Scottish Caledonians - she meets Dan, who might be the one to make her forget her past. That is, until a family crisis begins a chain of events that threaten to destroy not only Tassie’s love life, but her entire career.
Set in a colourful world of extraordinary weddings, Shoot the Moon explores the complexities of different kinds of love: romantic love, mother love, friendship. And, ultimately, the importance of loving yourself.
~~~ EXCERPT ~~~
Tassie has been asked to photograph the wedding of a D-list celebrity – and things do not go well...
When she returned to the manor house, Tassie asked at reception for the honeymoon suite and was directed to a room on the middle floor. Before she’d even reached the ornate door she could hear the bridal party – loud shouts still audible above a heavy bass beat. She knocked, then, realising no one would hear her, opened the door.
Inside it was mayhem. Five women lounged or stood around, all in varying states of undress: two wearing matching shocking-pink satin robes, the others in an array of pink and apricot underwear. There were some fantastic breasts on show; not least Sadie’s, who was sitting in the centre of the group, dressed in a cream corset, suspenders and lace-topped stockings, her tiny feet up on a low table. She had a large glass of something turquoise in her hand and was smoking a long cigarette, while one of the pink-robed women stood behind her, styling her hair into a small mountain.
Tassie was pretty sure smoking wasn’t allowed inside the venue. But then again it was unlikely anyone was going to tell the bride of the moment that she couldn’t.
She placed her camera bags in the corner, then looked around more carefully. With sun streaming through the large windows it made a brilliant scene, like a tableau from some decadent royal boudoir, or a Victoria Secret’s shoot. Knowing it was a shot she shouldn’t take, she quickly changed the lens on her camera and took a couple of wide angles. Nobody noticed.
After she’d changed the lens again, she walked over to Sadie. ‘Is there anything particular you’d like me to take or shall I just do my own thing?’
‘Did you get the doves?’
‘No, but I saw them, they’re definitely here. The man didn’t want them disturbed after their drive.’
Sadie frowned. ‘But you will get them, won’t you? Lots of photos. I fuckin’ love me doves.’ She took a drag on her cigarette.
‘Yes, I will. But now shall I concentrate on you? I’ll start with the dress, shall I?’
Sadie nodded, and Tassie walked over to the wardrobe where the wedding dress was hanging. It had a tiny shell-pink bodice and a tutu-style skirt fanning out beneath. On the floor were diamond encrusted wedge shoes – at least six inches high.
The room was filled with swirls of cigarette smoke, but the bathroom had wonderful light coming through its windows. She turned to one of the bridesmaids who was busy putting fake tan on her arms. ‘Would it be all right if I photograph the dress in there d’you think?’
The woman looked at her blankly – her eyelids coated with heavy black liner and sparkly blue shadow – before turning to Sadie.
‘Oi, Sade, the photographer wants to take your dress into the dunny to photograph it. That’s all right ain’ it?’
Sadie looked across. ‘Yeah, that’s fine. Just be careful of it. You ’elp ’er will you?’
By the time Sadie was due to arrive, all the guests were noisily congregating, rearranging hats and hair, their voices loud and shrill as they greeted each other. There were a few minor celebrities, as well as the family contingent; although it was the latter who’d really gone to town on their attire: each suit louder, each tan deeper, each hairstyle more elaborately coiffured than the last.
There was a general murmur and Tassie turned to see Sadie’s Rolls-Royce pulling up. She glanced at Dev, who looked distinctly underwhelmed by the imminent arrival of his beloved.
The service was as short and secular as a church will allow. Throughout it Tassie could see Christopher and the dove man talking, the latter frequently peering up at the stained-glass windows. The weather had worsened and now the occasional grumble of thunder could be heard.
When the couple returned from signing the register, the vicar addressed the congregation. ‘May I be the first to give my congratulations to the happy couple, Mr and Mrs Stavos.’ The audience whooped and clapped, phone cameras flashing. He put his hands up to quieten things. ‘Please wait, while they make their way out of the church, but first…’
He glanced up as another rumble of thunder trundled across the roof, then anxiously to the side, where Dove Man was busy opening the baskets. At the same moment Tassie noticed Sadie looking at a young girl sitting in the front pew, a huge ghetto blaster now propped up in front of her. She watched as Sadie nodded to the girl, who pressed a button.
Then everything happened so fast.
The first notes of Beyoncé’s ‘Crazy in Love’ blasted through the air, just as a clap of thunder detonated above. Then, five bridesmaids stood up, waving their hands in choreographed unison as fifty doves shot out of their baskets, before – instead of leaving in an orderly queue through the open doors – flying around the church in crazy zigzags.
And then it was chaos. Pure, glorious chaos. Birds everywhere, poo everywhere – including on the guests – until, the pièce de résistance, a dove took a low flight over Sadie’s head and got entangled in her hair.
Sadie screamed, swiping at the bird as it flapped wildly. Meanwhile, the ghetto blaster crashed to the ground but still carried on playing – Beyoncé now belting out ‘Love on Top’. Three of the bridesmaids rushed to try and help the bride, all screeching while battling against Dove Man, who was apoplectic with rage as he tried to stop everyone hitting his birds.
And Tassie?
Tassie was busy taking photos.
Eventually someone turned the music off and a sort of calm settled. Some of the doves had flown out of the doors, and those that were left had found various perches. By the time the dove man had managed to release his bird from Sadie’s hair it was a toss-up as to who was more damaged. Although, when Tassie saw the bird flapping its wings then settling into the man’s hands, she suspected it was the bride who would take more recovery work.
Sadie was panting heavily, her eye makeup smudged down her cheeks as her new husband tried his best to calm her, no doubt reminding her of their public image. Her hair was hanging in stiff shards around her shoulders and Tassie could see spots of white on her dress. This wasn’t going to be good.
The vicar returned to the front, nervously looking above him before he spoke. When he did, his voice shook.
‘Well, I think we can say that the service has now ended. So if you’d like to calmly make your way through the doors, perhaps that’s the best way of ensuring the safety of any remaining birds. The groom has asked that you then make your way to the manor, where he and,’ – he glanced at the couple – ‘his beautiful bride will see you soon.’
About the book...
Bella Cassidy grew up in the West Country - reading contemporary romances, romances, historical novels, literary fiction... just about anything she could lay her hands on. After a few years in London, working as a waitress and in PR and advertising, she went to Sussex to read English - despite admitting in her pre-interview that this rather sociable period in her life had seen her read only one book in six months: a Jilly Cooper.
She’s had an eclectic range of jobs: including in the world of finance; social housing fundraising; a stint at the Body Shop - working as Anita Roddick’s assistant; as a secondary school teacher, then teaching babies to swim: all over the world.
She’s done a lot of research for writing a wedding romance, having had two herself. For her first she was eight months pregnant - a whale in bright orange - and was married in a barn with wood fires burning. The second saw her in elegant Edwardian silk, crystals and lace, teamed with yellow wellies and a cardigan. Both were great fun; but it was lovely having her daughter alongside, rather than inside her at the second one.
...a paperback copy of Shoot the Moon and Moon and Stars bath salts!
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Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!