Hi there!
Welcome back to the place that welcomes you whether you follow the trends of the day or choose to live life entirely your own way...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. Now, speaking of trends...
Today's featured title stars a woman in her prime tossed on her rear assets by love, given the boot by life, and yet still winding up somewhere other than last year's pashmina scarf - you know, not under the pile but not exactly on top either. It's a jet setting, trend spotting adventure through two of the biggest and most sought after locales that will make your head spin with possibility...with a healthy dose of heart (and heartache) thrown in for good measure. Does it measure up to the status quo? You be the judge. Ready or not, today's title on the bookish virtual runway of SFIR is (and book of choice!)...
About the
Not exactly a goddess of cutting-edge culture, Lindsey Miller is shocked when she’s offered the über-hip job of writing “The Pulse,” a newsletter that tracks white-hot trends in everything from fashion to cosmetics to entertainment. Before long, Lindsey finds herself on a whirlwind bi-coastal romp as she jet-sets between New York and Los Angeles, fumbling to uncover what’s cool today and what will be the next big thing tomorrow.
The grit and glamour of Manhattan is electrifying, and so is Victor Ragsdale, the slick Wall Street broker who charms her with his street-smart savvy. But he warmth and sunshine of L.A. are bliss, and so is Danny Wynn, the dreamy blonde surfer who sweeps her into his strong, suntanned arms.
Lindsey’s two lives are both so exciting – and both so different. But disaster strikes when her evil trend-spotting partner begins to expose Lindsey for what she really is: tragically un-hip and only one dirty martini away from being found out and fired.
As much as it sounds like the soul focus is on the two new potential loves in her life, it's not...city or man wise. In fact, speaking of the guys, I think Danny kinda got gypped on the whole thing seeing as Victor gets a lot more face time (and other time..*ahem*) but I digress....it's not solely about the fellas. This is a story that masquerades as a total romance indulged read that actually has a lot more heart, a lot more depth to it than first meets the eye. Take our leading lady...

Lindsey is not your typical skinny-minnie, blond-headed, big...umm, topped...bubble head floating around with dreams of big city lights and ravishing nights dancing through her head. Nope...not that some of that wouldn't be in her actual dreams mind you. She's your average beauty with a heart of gold that's been trampled on by one too many things yet still puts her trust in many even when the outcome is uncertain. She's not prone to make quick decisions (unless plied with alcohol...note to interviewee folks, avoid a meeting with drinks to keep a clear head!) and she'd not be the first person you'd look to when wanting to know what's on the cutting edge and yet, here she is in a job that demands just that and then some. It's okay, she's a smart gal; she'll figure it out....eventually, sorta...okay with some help and the outcome is not exactly what you'd expect either, but in a GOOD way! Let's just say that portion of the story was a surprise, though some of the hints that Victor was dropping were leading me subtly there. Anyway, yay Lindsey! I really enjoyed getting to know you and your antics made you REAL...a positive in my book. Moving forward...

Character wise, I'll keep the rest brief. We have her Chicago friends (great bunch), her New York friends (I should put quotes around that because they are limited and some not so friendly) and her Los Angeles friends...and believe it or not, that last one is where we meet someone new that she actually gets close to and who doesn't have only their best interests at heart. Meet Carmen! A name I've associated with a "good friend" and someone you can count on ever since reading
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Guess what? Applies here too! She's a great gal pal; open, accepting, happy to lend a hand or take your mind off things with a night on the town. In short, a personality we'd each be lucky to have in our lives...and speaking of which, that actually goes for Liz too. Who is she? She's actually the boss lady behind Lindsey's new career, but don't be fooled by her first impressions (can we say B-I-T..you know where I'm going with this)...she's really much more than she seems (in a good way!). Then there's Jen, her trend spotting other half in this two person team...let's just say even if you envy her confidence, her fashion, or her go-get-em attitude, there is MUCH more that goes into making a good person, in lieu of a conniving, conceited, little...*ahem*. As for the fellas, we meet them, we like them, we get confused by whom we like more. It's a bit of a soap opera without the actual opera because like I said, the romance aspect is there but NOT the focus! Who wins her heart is secondary to which city sings to her soul...

Think you know the answer to that one, do you? Ha! Think again. The author makes a case worthy of a trial for BOTH locales; even I would have a hard time choosing. New York has its fast paced EVERYTHING, skyscrapers, shows, fashion, sidewalk vendors and more (hey, don't knock the vendors, a good slice of pizza or hot dog can do wonders!). Los Angeles has the beach within reach, the laid back Hollywood atmosphere, stars around every corner, a sense of making peace with the universe and yet being able to touch the bubble of present fury if you wish. So...NOW which would you choose? Yep...harder than it sounds now isn't it? Can't say I envy Lindsey in that choice (okay, I CAN say it because she HAS the choice!)...
Some other things I noticed along the way that I thought might be of interest to all of you...I do believe the author has a greater bias for New York...or maybe it was Victor? (*wink wink*) Like I said, he gets a lot more time in the spotlight...better get use to him ladies, he's here to stay, for now at least (dun dun dunnnn...). I do wish we had more time with Danny though (even if his habit really needs to be kicked) not only to get to know the bronzed surfer better but to explain Lindsey's infatuation with him more clearly. To me, it seemed that their brief encounters weren't nearly enough to create the kind of drama that she was experiencing between D and V but then again, who am I to say what's in a girl's heart? Everyone is entitled to their feelings, even literary characters...just wish we were privy to them more in this case. Last but not least, something small that I was expecting more of or perhaps missed something on. There's a point when her trend spotting "friend" Jen loans her a bracelet and though many misfortunes happen that particular night. the way it was set up, I was expecting more. Something like a revelation of it coming from someone in particular, or that flush she was avoiding or I don't know, something...not just a sanitary (and cringe worthy) nightmare. Oh well, still provided for some unexpected "oh no" moments.
Author Cynthia Langston |
In conclusion, a great read to while away a summer day or include in your beach bag this weekend that will have you contemplating life as a jet setter while discovering where your home REALLY is. Of course, the added bonus of two FAB cities for a backdrop and two GORGEOUS guys never hurt anyone. ^_^ The author takes the heart of both cities and puts their best and worst features on display in a pro/con list battle that will never truly be settled, because really...where would the fun be in that! It's heart warming, funny, romantic and at times steamy, and when all is said and done...a great read indeed. Oh and if the author is reading this, about that ending....what?!? How could you leave us like that? I mean, yay for...well, you know...but what happens next? Sequel please...sequel! (^_^) Recommended for older teens through adult readers for some content, very little language and some adult situations.
Review copy received courtesy of
Hayley at
Debutante Media. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as their future promotions, be sure to check out their official
site or connect with them on
Twitter. To discover more about the author behind the work as well as her growing catalog of wordy wonders, pay a visit to her
site, pin her on
Pinterest, like her on
Facebook, or follow along on
Twitter. This title is available now so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you. Need a lead? Look for it at these online retailors....
Amazon, and
Barnes & Noble. EXTRA NOTE! Sources (okay, Hayley) tells me that this title has been optioned for a television series with Katherine Heigl called
TRENDING...if it's as good as the book, it's a definite future must see.
Until next time...happy reading!