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Today, we're joining TLC Book Tours to kick off the third part of their current promotion featuring the latest release from author Susan Mallery. Yes, THE Susan Mallery! It's official BOOK BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW, but I couldn't be any happier to share my thoughts on it with all of you today because I quite literally just finished reading it and OMG....it was SO GOOD! So, if you think you're ready, let's meet and greet today's blog tour guest and book of choice...
When We Found Home
Susan Mallery
About the book...
Life is meant to be savored, but that’s not easy with no family, limited prospects and a past you’d rather not talk about. Still, Callie Smith doesn’t know how to feel when she discovers she has a brother and a sister–Malcolm, who grew up with affection, wealth and privilege, and Keira, a streetwise twelve-year-old. Callie doesn’t love being alone, but at least it’s safe. Despite her trepidation, she moves into the grand family home with her siblings and grandfather on the shores of Lake Washington, hoping just maybe this will be the start of a whole new life.
But starting over can be messy. Callie and Keira fit in with each other, but not with their posh new lifestyle, leaving Malcolm feeling like the odd man out in his own home. He was clever enough to turn a sleepy Seattle mail-order food catalog into an online gourmet powerhouse, yet he can’t figure out how to help his new sisters feel secure. Becoming a family will take patience, humor, a little bit of wine and a whole lot of love. But love isn’t Malcolm’s strong suit…until a beautiful barista teaches him that an open heart, like the family table, can always make room for more.
In this emotional, funny and heartfelt story, Susan Mallery masterfully explores the definition of a modern family—blended by surprise, not by choice—and how those complicated relationships can add unexpected richness to life.
I totally and absolutely without a doubt got lost in this book...in the BEST way possible! All the characters, all the stories, all the feels...I couldn't separate one out without touching another and couldn't be any more happy about having such a conundrum in the first place. This is a story best told by looking at the characters because it is each of them that move things along, change the paths previously set, and otherwise open both our eyes and theirs to the endless possibilities in life. Let's take a look, shall we?
Malcolm...he's the big brother and has been living the longest with the family name, business, and their doting grandfather. He's plays the suit wearing tall, dark, and handsome part to perfection, but without the immense ego to go along with it. His flaws...a bit too serious, had his heart broken so trust comes slowly, and he has issues connecting with his new siblings...much of which is to be expected considering the circumstances, but still...if he doesn't learn when to let go and how to let his walls down, he may miss out on much more than he's willing too.
Keira...the youngest of the siblings. Discovered in foster care not so many months back and brought to live in the family home with all the luxe it comes with. She's sweet, intense, caring, brilliant, and definitely has a way of reading people and situations. Flaws...she hides her true emotions, finds it hard to trust (a family trait it seems), and can certainly be bossy (then again, she is twelve, so...). She wants to believe everything that's been given to her is real and there to stay, but her past, limited though it is, doesn't lend her the insight to fully trust that. Callie helps, as does her friendship with Delaney, but until her older brother figures things out, she's still treading water, barely breaking the surface.
Callie...the middle of this sibling sandwich. She instantly connects with Keira, helping to break the ice on the awkward situation cake, has a wonderful heart despite the walls she's built, and is always trying to do the right thing. She's got a history created by a mistake that she's certainly paid her debt for, but as much as she worries that others won't accept her past, she can't seem to get passed it exactly either...her own flaw. If she can forgive herself and let others see her for who she is not what she did, she may just get the full benefit of her second chance beyond her wildest dreams.
Delaney...friend to Keira, acquaintance (initially) to Malcolm, and new girl friend to Callie. She's struggling to overcome a recent personal tragedy in more ways than one, but she's on the job and not one to give up. Flaw...stuck in the past, or rather held down by it. She's never really let herself feel through everything that happened, both before and after the accident, and while she has healed in some ways, there are unexpected holes in heart she may not discover until it's too late. Fingers crossed it won't be....
Santiago...tall, dark, and handsome, number two! Bestie to Malcolm as well as coworker, he's a family man through and through...as in nothing stands between him and his family, those he loves...nothing. He's got a big heart and a self-acknowledged hero complex, but as much as that big heart is appealing...and the looks aren't bad either...he may find when his loyalty is tested, he's blinded to the truth. Here's hoping the blinders come off before it's too late because seriously, he and Callie have some C-H-E-M-I-S-T-R-Y!
...and those, my friends, are just the top of the top! All the characters brought something memorable to the table and I found myself hanging on to every word, every sentence, every feeling, so much so that it actually slowed my reading time down, but there was no way I was going to miss a second! If I had to choose a favorite...I couldn't, not really anyway. As you can see, they all had positive points and left a grand impression...though if pressed for the "steamiest guy" of the bunch, I'm going with Malcolm... *swoon*. *ahem* Anywho...
All in all, another FABULOUS work by this talented writer and one fans won't soon forget! Not a fan at the moment? What rock have you been under? Just kidding...but seriously, if you love Contemporary Romance or Women's Fiction, this baby combines the two most eloquently, so give it a go!
About the author...
Susan Mallery is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of books about the relationships that define women’s lives—romance, friendship, family. With compassion and humor, Susan keenly observes how people think and feel, in stories that take readers on an emotional journey. Sometimes heartbreaking, often funny, and always uplifting, Susan’s books have spent more than 200 weeks on the USA Today bestsellers list, thanks to her ever growing legions of fans.
Critics, too, have heaped praise on “the new queen of romantic fiction.” (Walmart) Booklist says, “Romance novels don’t get much better than Mallery’s expert blend of emotional nuance, humor, and superb storytelling,” and RT Book Reviews puts her “in a class by herself!”
Although Susan majored in Accounting, she never worked as an accountant because she was published straight out of college with two books the same month, January of 1992. Sixteen prolific years and seventy-four books later, she hit the New York Times bestsellers list for the first time with Accidentally Yours in 2008. She made many appearances in the Top 10 before (finally) hitting #1 in 2015 with Thrill Me, the twentieth book in her most popular series, the Fool’s Gold romances, and the fourth of five books released that year.
Susan lives in Seattle with her husband, two ragdoll cats, and a tattletale toy poodle. Her heart for animals has led Susan to become an active supporter of the Seattle Humane Society. Animals play a big role in her books, as well, as she believes they’re an integral component to a happy life.
The Taste of Seattle Gift Bag includes:
An “I [Heart] Happy Books” tote bag
Starbucks Pike’s Place ground coffee
Seattle Chocolates gift set (3 truffle jars)
Cucina Fresca marinara sauce
Sahale Snacks (6 packs)
Maury Island Farms jam (2 jars)

Special thanks to Lisa at TLC Book Tours for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as to the Harlequin Book team for the ARC for review. (THANK YOU!) For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, THIS TOUR, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title hits bookstore and virtual shelves TOMORROW, so mark your calendar, set your reminder, add to your to-do list, or whatever floats your boat, just DON'T MISS IT!
Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
My favorite novel is The Tulip Sisters. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway.
I just finished Barefoot Season and loved it!
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