Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Saturday, April 1, 2023

RRR presents... Bound To The Warrior Knight by Ella Matthews - REVIEW!

Time to head back to Medieval times as we venture between the pages of the latest Historical Romance from Ella Matthews, on tour now with Rachel's Random Resources! So grab your TBR list and make room because by post's end, I'm pretty sure you'll have a new addition to the list. 

Bound to the Warrior Knight
Ella Matthews
Mills & Boon | Harlequin 

About the book...
Wed to a stranger 
Awakened by his touch 

As the new wife of stoic knight Benedictus Monceaux, innocent Adela finds herself in a whole new world... Their union is one of convenience and power, but her feelings for the warrior unsettle and excite her. Hiding an inner strength, Adela knows she can be a strong ally to her husband but first she must walk a fine line between duty and desire, both in court and in the bedchamber.  



She's been sheltered her entire life, but not for her own good. She knows she has more to offer than simple beauty and innocence, but until it's put to the test, it remains a mystery that's hard to solve. He's been promised to her since she was ten, and cashing in on that deal now for his king and country, but all work and no play make for a dull Benny... and he's gotten oh so dull. Ah yes, the challenges of acting in the King's steed, while keeping his men in line, and an iron grip on his emotions...quite the tight rope to walk. Good thing between them, their balance is getting much much better...

My heart went out to Adela and her plight, but I couldn't help but grin at her determination right from the start. Being stalwart of heart, only aided her cause, even if it didn't crack Benedictus' hardened first. He's a man of action, and truth, not pretty words without intentions. So when Adela starts surprising him with what she chooses to undertake, he can't help but be drawn to her that much more... but he won't be that husband. He won't be the one to take his way and be done, come heck or high water... and you can't help but respect him all the more! When things get dicey and her fate is uncertain, you'll be right there by his side as he takes care of business, and tries to recapture the magic they were making...if only he knew how!

A great pick for Historical Romance fans from a very talented author, and a great addition to the series already in progress. Don't miss your chance to experience this one first hand; snag your copy today!..


About the author... 

Ella Matthews lives and works in beautiful South Wales. When not thinking about handsome heroes she can be found walking along the coast with her husband and their two children (probably still thinking about heroes but at least pretending to be interested in everyone else). 



Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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