Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Monday, November 30, 2020

LOVE & OLIVES by Jenna Evans Welch - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're shining the spotlight on a title that I actually finished earlier this month and, thanks to the many pitfalls that life can throw at us, have not had the proper chance to review it. I'd say “my bad”, but I think you guys would understand, and I'm 100% certain our leading lady would get me. Speaking of which, the title on deck today is a Young Adult release from Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, and toted as a companion read to the author's previously released (and quite popular!) titles, Love & Gelato and Love & Luck. Don't worry though, if you've not read the others, it's a COMPANION, not a SEQUEL, so you won't be in the dark. So, if you're ready, pack your bags as we head to Santorini, Greece for an adventure you won't soon forget in today's book of choice...


Jenna Evans Welch


Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

About the book...

From the New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato comes a Mamma Mia!–inspired tale about a teen girl finding romance while trying to connect with her absent father in beautiful Santorini, Greece.

Liv Varanakis doesn’t have a lot of fond memories of her father, which makes sense—he fled to Greece when she was only eight. What Liv does remember, though, is their shared love for Greek myths and the lost city of Atlantis. So when Liv suddenly receives a postcard from her father explaining that National Geographic is funding a documentary about his theories on Atlantis—and will she fly out to Greece and help?—Liv jumps at the opportunity.

But when she arrives to gorgeous Santorini, things are a little…awkward. There are so many questions, so many emotions that flood to the surface after seeing her father for the first time in years. And yet Liv doesn’t want their past to get in the way of a possible reconciliation. She also definitely doesn’t want Theo—her father’s charismatic so-called “protégé”—to witness her struggle.

And that means diving into all that Santorini has to offer—the beautiful sunsets, the turquoise water, the hidden caves, and the delicious cuisine. But not everything on the Greek island is as perfect as it seems. Because as Liv slowly begins to discover, her father may not have invited her to Greece for Atlantis, but for something much more important.


First things first, I've never read any of the titles from this loosely attached series, but I've always admired them.  You know, it's like when you see a cover that just catches your eye for whatever reason, or read a title that makes you stop and think I wonder what THAT'S about, but just never get a chance to partake of it.  Okay, well it's the curse of the avid reader/ many books we want to read, and only so much time!  Anyway, so I recognized the artwork and series(ish) title when I saw the invite come through my inbox.  My brain gave a slight pause and said YES!  This is the moment.  This is the time.  This is the book we're going to introduce our selves to the series(ish) through....and so I did.  The rest as they say is history, or rather the story you've stopped by to read.

Second things second...the setting couldn't have been more beautiful.  The characters couldn't have been any more memorable.  I really liked getting to know Liv in the now, Olive in the then, and the combination of the two she becomes by book's end.  The growth she experienced, the changes she unwittingly (and at times were certainly unwanted) underwent, all made you remember that life isn't about simply the end result or getting everything we's about the journey, all the missteps along the way, and being happy with what we have/are given.  They say every day can be a gift, if only we're willing to live in the present...I think Olive would have to agree with that sentiment, though she'd still be unwilling to completely let go of the past as those memories, those cherished times were welcome additions to her mental memory book, even when caste in a new light.  That dawning of understanding was difficult, no lie, but SO worth it in the end.

Third things third...despite all the GOOD, I did have one issue.  As I previously said, overall the story was wonderful, filled with issues that were easy to relate to, growing pains that were believable, and dreams that weren't out of reach, but needed new understanding through which to view them.  It all played well together.  My issue was the time over which the story developed.  If you're one that needs a driving plot, or characters to change, converse, or bloom at a rate faster than the average lifespan, it may be something you need to take note of before beginning.  It's not a speedy trek forward, in fact if we were comparing it in romance terms, it's not even a slow burn...more a warm kindling barely burning on its own in the dark of night, and yet still able to keep the sparks alive.  I don't mean that in as bare a way as it may sound, merely a nod to those expecting a steady's not there.  It's more tortoise than hare, but in the end, it gets us exactly where we and Olive (and a slew of other warm hearts!) need to be, and isn't that the real purpose?

So, in closing, seeing as I've now written my own mini story and probably lost a few of you along the way, it may not be and edge of your seat, take no prisoners, break neck speed of a tale, but it's not a story to be missed.  For all the heart, all the love, all the self-discovery that takes place, not to mention the gorgeous (yet annoying!) company she keeps, and the uber fab bookstore (with hidden bunks!), this is one to keep on your radar, indulge in, and perhaps share with those you hold dear.  


About the author...

Photograph © 2016 by Maggie Herbst/Echo Photography

Jenna Evans Welch was the kind of insatiable child reader who had no choice but to grow up to become a writer. She is the New York Times bestselling author of Love & Gelato, Love & Luck, and Love & Olives. When she isn’t writing girl abroad stories, Jenna can be found chasing her children or making elaborate messes in the kitchen. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and two young children. Visit her online at


Special thanks to Jenny at Simon & Schuster for the ARC for review.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is newly available this month, so click on over to your favorite online retailer or visit your local brick and mortar to snag your copy for gift giving, or your own reading, today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... BELLA CIGNA by Wendi Dass - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!


Bella Cigna
Foreign Endearments Book 1
by Wendi Dass
Genre: Chick-Lit, Contemporary Romance

Devastated by personal loss, Sarah Flynn escapes to Rome where she finds a job teaching English. Only the girls' school is like a nunnery and she's expected to speak fluent Italian overnight. What has she gotten herself into? While the beautiful sights rekindle her interest in art, not even her brush finding canvas can heal all the wounds she carries. She'll need the help of a meddling nun, a nutty mathematician, and a handsome Italian admirer. Can Sarah overcome the insecurities born of a shattered marriage? Will she again take a chance on love?

**On Sale for only $2.99 Dec 1st-13th!!**

Wendi Dass is a math professor and author from Charlottesville, Virginia. Her writing interests include literary short stories, flash fiction, and novel-length women's fiction and romance. Wendi's short stories have been published in several small journals, including Black Fox Literary and The Ocotillo Review, among others. When she's not devising deceptively delicious problems for her students she can be found drafting her latest story.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon gift card + Author Swag


Sunday, November 29, 2020

RRR presents... THIS YEAR MAYBE by Liz Hinds - SPOTLIGHT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're on board with Rachel's Random Resources for a stop along their current promotion highlighting a title that may just become your next must read!  Ready to find out?  Great!  Ladies and gents, allow me to introduce today's featured title...

This Year Maybe
Liz Hinds

About the book...
Alison and David have been engaged for so long that even Alison’s mother has given up asking when, but it’s second time around for both of them and they’re not in any particular hurry.

That said, Alison is beginning to wonder if living with her has put David off the idea of marriage so when he suggests they set a date she is delighted. But that date is six months’ away and a lot can happen in six months – especially if you’re Alison!

‘My son’s been arrested, Great-aunt Millie’s fallen in love, my best friend suspects her husband of having an affair, and I still need to lose weight. How on earth can I think about getting married?’



About author Liz Hinds...

I’m a golden-retriever-loving granny, who enjoys walking by the sea or in the woods, who eats too much chocolate, and who gets over-excited when the Welsh team plays rugby.

I have self-published two novels, This Time Last Year, and The Dog-walking Club, but I'm also an experienced freelance writer and author of several non-fiction books published by Hodder & Stoughton, Scripture Union and Kevin Mayhew.



Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

RRR presents... A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE by Linda Fawke - EXCERPT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're helping to spread the word about a new title that you won't want to miss, on tour now with Rachel's Random Resources!  We're taking you between the pages with a special excerpt, so READ ON and then be sure to catch the rest of the tour for more bookish fun.  Ready?  On your mark...get set...READ!

A Taste of His Own Medicine
Linda Fawke

About the book...
How long can the desire for revenge last?

Kate Shaw, a successful pharmacist, goes to a thirty-year reunion at her old university and uses the weekend to settle some old scores. Her main target is her ex-lover, Jonathan. She decides to scar him for life as he scarred her. Her bizarre plan works but he shocks her with his strange, unwanted reaction.

What is the unexpected link between Jonathan and Kate’s husband?

What is the significance of the ‘Love Bite’ photograph?

What hold does Jonathan have over Kate?

Revenge is never simple.

A darkly humorous story of love, lust, loss and vengeance.



~~~   EXCERPT   ~~~

Becky, Kate’s friend and fellow pharmacist, bumps into Neil, Kate’s husband in town… extract from Chapter 19

A couple of months later she saw him in town, rushing along a side street with a canvas shopping bag in one hand. He was wearing a scruffy, brown sweater and old jeans. He needed a shave and a decent haircut. When she greeted him, he put a hand to his face and then smoothed his hair. He straightened up and tried to throw his embarrassment away with a toss of his head. 
‘Oh, hello, Becky. Excuse my appearance. I’ve been working and popped out to buy a bite to eat. I wasn’t expecting to see anyone.’
‘You didn’t coat yourself with invisible paint. I spotted you.’
He laughed and looked relieved.
‘How’s things? You look fraught,’ she said.
He didn’t answer immediately. Then he examined her intently. ‘Are you busy? Could you spare time for a drink? I could do with a friendly ear.’
‘It’s my afternoon off. Coffee would be pleasant.’
They went into one of the many coffee shops that proliferated in the town and sat down in comfy leather armchairs. There was a long silence. 
‘This is a cheek. I hardly know you and now I’m asking you to listen to my problems. You don’t have to, you know. We can have our coffees and you can go.’
‘That’s silly. Often it’s easier to talk to someone you don’t know well than to a close friend.’
There was another silence while Neil ate.
‘If you’re worried I’ll repeat anything you say to Kate, then don’t be. I’m discreet.’
Neil took a deep breath. ‘Okay. Here goes. I think Kate may be two-timing me.’ He looked at Becky for her reaction which was minimal. 
‘Why do you think that?’
‘She’s been working evenings a lot lately. She says it’s because she’s expanding the business and it needs so much attention. She’s been away overnight once. Twice, a strange guy phoned to speak to her. She said it was her new manager.’
‘This sounds feasible. Why do you doubt her?’
‘She’s been less responsive in bed. Our sex life is usually vibrant. She’s been tired, even turned me down. That’s never happened before.’ 
‘Tiredness and overwork can have that effect.’ 
‘I know. But my gut reaction tells me it’s not that.’ He hesitated, looking as if he was trying to decide whether or not to continue. ‘Oh, I may as well tell you. We’d been trying for a baby without success. It turns out I have a low sperm count. It’s had an effect on both of us.’ Relief at saying what was on his mind was obvious, washing over him like a cloudburst.
‘So what are you intending to do?’
‘Nothing. Neither of us minds if we don’t have children. So we’re not thinking of adoption or any other alternative. It’s not that.’
‘So what is it?’
‘It’s the end of a phase of our lives. We now have to move on. Being told you have a low sperm count is like hearing you’re a second-rate man. I would rather not have known. It knocks your confidence.’
‘You seem a first-rate man to me.’ Well, she said it.
He smiled. ‘I’m glad you think so. But you don’t have to make complimentary noises. I wasn’t fishing.’
‘I don’t say what I don’t mean.’
Neil leaned back in the chair and stretched his legs. Scruffy suits him, Becky thought. I can see why Kate was attracted to him. 
‘So do you think Kate is having an affair as a reaction to what you’ve both been through?’
‘Partly, yes. Partly because she’s always looking for a new stimulus. It’s served her well business-wise. It’s not so beneficial for a relationship.’
‘Are you going to confront her with it?’
‘I don’t know. Although part of the early passion has gone, I do still love her. I don’t want us to break up.’
‘But surely you don’t want to be second-best? In her eyes, I mean.’
‘I don’t think she wants a break-up either. I suspect this is a fling. Nothing serious. I may have to accept this will happen from time to time.’
Becky placed her hand on his. ‘Don’t you think that’s defeatist?’
‘I don’t know what I think, Becky. But thanks for listening. It’s helped hugely.’
Becky was debating whether this was her cue to say thanks for the coffee and go when Neil leaned forward and said, ‘Your turn now.’
‘My turn?’
‘Yes. I’ve done nothing but talk about me. I want to hear about you.’
‘Not much drama there. Disappointing, in fact. I’m currently unattached. I was in a relationship for around three years but it fizzled out. That’s the story of my life. Most of my affairs are like fireworks. They start with a bang then peter out.
‘That’s sad.’
‘I’ve got used to it. I’m independent and don’t know if I want a permanent relationship. Maybe I’m not cut out for it.’ Becky looked at her watch. ‘I need to go, Neil. I have things to do. I hadn’t realised how long we’ve been here.’
They both stood up. It felt natural to give each other a hug.
As they reached the door and Becky turned, Neil caught her shoulder. ‘Is Tuesday usually your afternoon off?’
‘At the moment it is.’
‘Coffee same time, same place, next week?’
Becky hesitated and gave him a quizzical look. ‘Same time, same place, next week.’ Was she lighting the blue touch paper again?


About the author...

Linda Fawke is an arts person who studied science but always wanted to write. Now retired, she indulges this passion, writing fiction and non-fiction, even occasional poetry, preferably late at night. She has now written two novels, 'A Taste of his own Medicine' and its sequel, 'A Prescription for Madness' using her background in pharmacy as the setting of both. These are easy books to read, suitable for Book Club discussions. ' A Prescription for Madness' is more serious than the first book, dealing with such issues as pregnancy in later life and Down's Syndrome.

She has been a winner of the Daily Telegraph 'Just Back' travel-writing competition and has published in various magazines including 'Mslexia', 'Litro' online, 'Scribble', 'The Oldie', 'Berkshire Life' and 'Living France'. She was a finalist in the 'Hysteria' short story competition.

Linda blogs at where her 'Random Writings' include a range of topics from travel to 'Things that pop into my head'.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... HECTOR'S PERFECT CAKE by Lily Clarke - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're bringing you a stop along a DELICIOUSLY DELECTABLE Picture Book tour brought to you by Rachel's Random Resources! It's decidedly SCRUMPTIOUS in all the best ways and a gorgeous reminder of how it's never the gift, but the thought and LOVE behind it that counts! But wait a second...I'm getting WAY ahead of myself. Let's get this party started right with a proper introduction to today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice....

Hector's Perfect Cake
Lily Clarke

About the book...
Hector is baking a cake for his Granny and he's determined that it's going to be perfect.
But when he discovers that the peanut butter jar is empty, Hector decides that he must head out to find some more, or else his perfect cake will be ruined.

As time begins to run out, Hector's luck begins to run out too. He may have to accept that sometimes perfection just isn't possible…



Now, back to what I was saying...
...this book was so SATISFYING, so DELIGHTFUL, so EYE-CATCHING, was an absolute joy to read.

I love that Hector was so worried about getting things just right for his Granny's birthday.  He put his whole heart into making that cake and simply wanted her favorite to be the best of the best!  When things weren't going his way, he never gave up.  When things went past the point of saving, my heart was in my hands because I so wanted to reach out and give him a hug.  He put such effort forth and it wasn't his fault things were looking down...but then good old Granny comes through with the best of the best responses to little Hector's worries and reminds us once again that it's not the gift (or the cake!), but the thought, the LOVE behind it that really counts.


About the author...

Lily Clarke is the author and illustrator of Hector's Perfect Cake. 

She studied Physics at the University of York and now works as an innovation consultant in Cambridge. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she runs a small business called Lily in Space Designs, where she sells a range of illustrated products inspired by books and nature. Her favourite animals are badgers, birds and bats, (although she also loves animals that don't begin with the letter B!). 

Hector's Perfect Cake is Lily's first book, inspired by her own experiences of dealing with perfectionism.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, November 27, 2020


Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're back from turkey day with another Rachel's Random Resources tour featuring a work of Historical Romance, but this time, we're heading more along the lines of medieval times than that of the regency era.  Note to self, I found myself initially out of my element, but one things got going, I was hooked...for anyone that may have been wondering where one time period would differ that much from another when reading, my answer is a resounding YES!  But I digress, let's get on with the show because there was much showing and sometimes telling going on between the pages of today's blog tour guest and book of choice...

The Maiden and the Mercenary
Nicole Locke
Mills & Boon/Harlequin Historical

About the book...
Keep your friends close…
But your enemies closer?

In order to find a legendary treasure map, mercenary Louve of Mei Solis must infiltrate his enemy’s fortress under the guise of a servant. There, Louve meets beautiful maiden Biedeluue, a fellow servant with her own hidden agenda…to save her sister from the malevolent Lord’s clutches! Their high-stakes missions may be at odds with one other, but their attraction cannot be denied even in this most dangerous of situations…



What did I love about thee?
Let me recant the ways...or rather the situations!

Seriously guys, these two get into all sorts of shenanigans right from the start!  A favorite scene?  Ooh...that's a tough one.  Let's see, there's the initial goblet stacking scene (which was definitely not one of Bied's finer moments) in which she's not only trying to out drink/stack a fellow "competitor", but keep her own goblets out of the way of knocking everything over, if you know what I mean!  Then there's Louve trying to act the part of a lowly Usher (let's just say his acting skills leave much to be desired...and he's already desirable!), accomplishing said task (sort of), and being granted a higher position albeit temporary (sort of) by a less than above the bar Steward (seriously guy, goblets?  That's your important mission? *cough cough*  Yeah, I believe that for a nanosecond...).  Next we have the day after scene in the kitchen...and by that I mean Bied's vague attempt to step into the cook's roll wearing an overly flattering (not really) dress that will serve her well as it distracts those she is serving from the less than palatable food (hahaha!).  But then there's her nighttime drinking party with the barrels, the ladle, and an uninvited (yet not wholly unwelcome) guest, their time spent inspecting the previous mentioned kitchen (and I mean inspecting in a not for cleanliness way!), their new found closet space (let your imagination roam!), and a myriad of others situations I warned you they get into, up to, and so on!

There are some serious things going on as well though, so it's not all "fun" and games...okay, so it is a lot of games, but not in the way you think!  The Warstones are a formidable family, but they are also all pretty much trying to kill one another, and by book's end, someone (though you may not guess who!) definitely falls...much of this particular game is where Louve is either pawn or master.  The formidable family has skeletons in its closets as well though, and also a mistress who may be being kept against her will...which is whom Bied means to free!  

So you see, not all simply trysts, drunken madness, and broken goblets.  Definitely spying, espionage, kidnapping, and rescues needing to be made!  Sound like something you'd like to get lost in?  Good's available now, so seek thee out a copy and get to know this curious duo you never saw coming!


About the author...

Nicole [Locke] first discovered romance novels hidden in her grandmother’s closet. Convinced that hidden books must be better, Nicole greedily read them. It was only natural she should start writing them (but now not so secretly). 



Chance to Win a £20 / $20 Amazon Gift Card
 (Open Internationally)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you and to the author for the signed edition for review. (THANK YOU!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

RRR presents... THE HEART OF DOCTOR STEELE by Colette Dixon - REVIEW!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we've got another Rachel's Random Resources tour starring a Historical Fiction title you won't want to miss!  It had me nostalgic for one of the first of this genre that I read so many books ago (it was from the Wild Warriner's series by Virginia Heath and yes, you should totally check it out after reading this post!) not only for that shared shelf space, but the basic storyline, and the wonderful characters.  But I digress, let's get the introductions done properly so we can REALLY dive in!  Ladies and gents, get ready as we welcome today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

The Heart of Doctor Steele
Colette Dixon

About the book...
Are the rumors about him true? She intends to find out. 

The mysterious Dr. Steele has taken up residence next door, and scandalous rumors about him are spreading through Margaret Landeau’s small Massachusetts town. Rumors of women he’s ill-used and exploited for his experimental surgeries. Never one to believe gossip, Margaret arms herself with a basket of baked goods and ventures to discover the truth from the man himself.

John Steele has lost everything. His parents, his aunt, too many women he intended to save, and his good name. All he has left is his aunt’s home in a far-flung village and a library he’s stocked with whiskey. He has nothing to offer anyone. Especially not the bold woman next door whose passion for healing reminds him of the man he once was.

But when a dangerously ill girl arrives on his doorstep, pleading for help, Margaret is thrust into his world. She will learn who the real Dr. John Steele truly is, and soon, not even his dark past can stop her from fighting for the brilliant doctor she now loves. But he must deny his crushing desire for her—loving a man like him can only cast a shadow over her own bright future.


Did I mention I really liked this one?
Oh...good.  Because yes, yes I did.

So, the short and sweet of it all is we've got an unconventional lady of her time, and the similarly unconventional man that happens to land right next door after the passing of his aunt. Margaret is forward thinking, unlikely to judge without proof against which to measure, and trusts her heart...which until now, hasn't been affected nearly as much as by the gorgeous blue eyes of one Doctor Steele.  The good doctor, for his part, claims to be anything but good as he is running from a past that won't let him be, and trying to find his way beyond it at the bottom of a bottle.  Good thing Margaret doesn't take no for an answer!  Good thing she can see past the downtrodden exterior and to the heart of the man that beats strongly beneath.  Through her, he begins to gain his footing...and yet also through her, he may ultimately break his heart for good, unless he let's her into every corner of that same said heart to lay everything bare and accept what fate (and love!) may bring...

Again with the whole I LOVED IT bit, but as I said...the characters are well written, the back stories had depth, the message of second chances was received loud and clear, as was that of Margaret's methods of people being innocent until proven guilty.  I adored her character for all her strength, the perceived weaknesses turned attributes, and the way she never gave up.  I adored his character for his strength of heart even when it seemed completely used up, his ability to accept (eventually) what/who he truly was, his desire to take back what was taken from him, and let's face it, his skilled hands and forward thinking were nothing to shy at either!

So, if you're a fan of Historical Fiction and love a good Romance angle as well, this is SO the book for you and yours this holiday season, or any season for that matter!


About the author...

Colette Dixon writes steamy stories with heart and humor about slightly tortured people who learn how love can heal. For more years than she cares to admit, she worked in a hospital while dreaming up love story plots. A farm girl who landed in Chicago, she loves to eat (food made by others), drink tea, and sun herself at every chance she can get to survive the Midwest winter.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Silver Dagger Book Tours present... Black Friday Week READER'S CATALOG!


Check out the Black Friday Reader's Catalog with 2020's popular books!

USA Today, NYT, and Amazon Bestselling authors with B-I-G discounts.

Sales last all week!

CLICK HERE to check it out!

This post is sponsored by

Silver Dagger Book Tours

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... DRAGONFLY DANCE by Becca Maxton - EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY!


Dragonfly Dance
Mercy Mountain Series Book 1
by Becca Maxton
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Some things are worth the wait…

Ben Mannis never got to be young, wild, and free. Both his parents died when he was 20, leaving him a ranch to run and younger siblings to raise. Now 42, life—and love—seems to have passed him by. Not that he’s complaining, the town is his family and he’s been too busy to fret a missing love-life. When he’s asked by the newspaper editor to show the Gazette’s owner around the local area for a few days, Ben is happy to oblige. Little does he know everything he’s missed out on is arriving wrapped in one sophisticated leggy, blonde package.

Catherine Kendall wants to live her creative dream and not the dictated life her father has assigned. As the only child, she’s been groomed to run the family publishing empire. Trouble is, she hates the news business, hates the city, and longs to live near mountains and indulge in becoming a sculptor. So, while the town thinks she’s come to inspect the Gazette, she’s really there on a frustrated dare her father tossed out—prove herself an artist or return to Kendall Publishing and never speak of her silly ambitions again. The mountains are just what she needed to spark her passion. Turns out, so is the handsome rancher acting as tour guide.

Can two late-bloomers turn a sexy fling into true love, or has their time passed them by?

Ashnee Valley, Colorado 1977


Rolling down his window, he offered the kid drying his car an extra dollar. “Get all the windows and mirrors. I’m looking to impress someone.”

Fancy truck, mister.”

Thank you, son.”

With his truck polished, Ben headed off down Main Street. He drove past the post office and the turn off toward the senior center before pulling into a parking spot. It wasn’t glamorous, but the Ashnee Valley Gazette was headquartered directly above Gordy Sinclair’s Hardware Store. He stepped out and waved to Mrs. Gordy through the store window. Officially, she was Mrs. Sinclair. But for as long as he could remember, everyone called her Mrs. Gordy. He guessed she must be eighty years old now. It didn’t seem the time to switch things up and start calling her by another name.

He winced at the inordinate amount of noise the creaky wood steps made while he walked up the narrow staircase to the second level. So much for a subtle entry, he mused. At the top of the stairs, he opened the glass door with the stenciled words The Gazette on it and stepped into a scene filled with a handful of people singing.

Removing his hat, he stared at his friend Brady playing a banjo at the front of the room. Even Brady’s wife, Alicia, their two older boys and five-year-old twin girls were there. A petite blonde woman led the entire room in singing “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver.

What the heck?

When the song ended, the tiny group clapped enthusiastically. The blonde, who Ben quickly surmised had to be old Catherine, was anything but. She was a modern day Grace Kelly with slim, modest curves in all the right places and a face bordering on aristocratic.


Watching her attempt an awkward curtsy for the crowd sent a jolt of electrical thrill up his spine. On the highest heels Ben ever saw, the blonde spun around, tripped, laughed it off, and picked up a tray from the table behind her. She began handing out cupcakes. Mesmerized, he flinched a little when someone touched his shoulder.

Ben, you’ve got to meet Catherine,” Brady said. “She’s the most fantastic woman. Have you ever met a person who knows all the words to every country song ever written?”

I can’t say that I have.”

Catherine,” Brady called across the room while pointing at Ben, “this is Ben, the one I told you about.”

You mean my tour guide?” she called back. “He’s so handsome, Brady, are you sure that’s him?

Brady quivered all over, laughing at Catherine’s teasing. This was certainly a side of his friend he’d never been witness to.

Setting down the tray of cupcakes, she put her hands on her hips. “You aren’t playing with me now, are you?”

 “No, ma’am. This is him!”

Ben enjoyed the form-fitted grey tweed suit Catherine wore as she walked his way. The skirt was long, past her knees. Black buttons ran up the skirt on a slant. The matching jacket was tied tight with a belt around the waist.

A little big city. A little old-fashioned. A whole lot classy.

He stepped forward holding out his hand. “I’m Ben Mannis, tour guide. At your service.”

Catherine Kendell,” she said with a strong handshake. “Kendall Publishing and wanna-be country singer.”

He smiled. “What, no cupcake for me?”

A flush crept across her skin and to his chagrin she let go his hand. She crossed the room, picked up a cupcake, and headed back.

Ben chuckled. “I was kidding, darlin’.”

What made me drum up that endearment?

I don’t know where my manners went.” She handed him a chocolate-frosted cupcake with a wink. “I never kid about treats. Darlin’.”

After saying goodbye to Brady and the rest of the newsroom, Ben held the door for Catherine, and they headed downstairs. He’d seen her falter twice on her shoes already and worried she might teeter on the steps, but she managed the descent like a pro.

My truck is the white one right in front,” Ben said, taking the lead and walking around to open the passenger door.

He stood back as Catherine took hold of the safety handle inside the vehicle and made a valiant attempt at lifting her knee against the restraint of her skirt. Failing to get her foot on the runner, she glanced at him.

Give me a minute. I can do this.”

Of course. There’s no hurry.”

Her hand on the handle again, she wiggled her behind like a cat ready to pounce then jumped with both feet.

Ben bit the inside of his cheek to school his expression. “Hold on. I think we need a plan that doesn’t involve you falling in the street. How would you feel about me picking you up?”

She wrinkled her nose at him.


We’ll do this quick. No one will be the wiser.” He glanced above her head at the two reporters who had their faces mashed against the newsroom window. Brady gave him a salute.

Straightening her skirt, Catherine held her arms out to him like a child. “Okay, you can pick me up.”

Uh, well… I’m going to have to do this more like we’re crossing the threshold on the way to the honeymoon suite. I mean as far as the style of lift.”

Catherine lowered her sunglasses, looking him right in the eye. “Should I pretend I don’t know we have an audience?” Without waiting for his answer, she stepped forward and wrapped her pretty arms around his neck. “Or should we give them something to write about?”

With one arm supporting her back and another under her legs, Ben swooped Catherine off her feet, suggested she duck her head, and placed her on the seat inside the truck.

I’m pretty sure we just made the front page,” Ben said.

It only matters if we’re above the fold. And, thank you by the way.”

My pleasure, old…” He stopped himself just in time. “My pleasure, Catherine.”

Becca Maxton is a contemporary romance author. She writes sensuous (dare say, steamy) and encouraging stories about rocky road detours leading to resilience and romance. Her characters are brave women and men facing challenges together and finding love.
Becca is a member of Romance Writers of America, Colorado Romance Writers and the best critique group of writer friends ever. She lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and son.

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