Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that aims to stick with you these final days of 2013...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Can you believe it? 2014 is almost here! I don't know about you, but this year has flown by and I'm still enjoying the reads I've read and those I'm still trying to devour at an ever increasing pace. (Eeek!) Deadlines aside, I thought I might help you ring out the old and ring in the new with one of my more recent reads that certainly deserves your attention. It falls squarely in the land of Young Adult books with a air of Mystery for good measure. It'll appeal to all you classic YA lit fans as the structuring will look familiar but trust me, it's only just. Ready to meet the book with an ironic title considering the characters come from anything but poverty? Make way for the...
Merit Press
About the book…
Is it a game?Or is it murder?The first time she is blindfolded and kidnapped, star athlete and posh boarding-school newbie Sadie is terrified. She wakes up in a dark room surrounded by hushed whispers, hooded strangers, and a mysterious voice whispering not-so-sweet nothings in her ear. But once the robes come off, she realizes it’s just an elaborate prank designed to induct her into the group that’s been pulling the strings at Keating Hall for generations. The circle has it all – incredible connections; fabulous parties; and, of course, an in with the brother society’s gorgeous pledges. The instant popularity is enough to make Sadie forget about the unexplained marks on her body, the creepy ceremonial rituals, and the incident that befell one of her teammates the year before. So the next time Sadie is kidnapped, she isn’t scared, but she should be. The worst of Keating Hall is yet to come.
Oh Sadie. You REALLY should have stuck with your gut feeling of “terrified”.
Just when you thought you had your fill of Young Adult stories set at uber fancy boarding schools with a newcomer that isn’t necessarily from money like all the rest about to step right into something they never saw coming, comes THIS story. While a lot of the aforementioned been-there-read-that’s are accounted for, this one has a few new twists that keep things fresh AND interesting. Don’t believe me? Okay. I understand your need for proof. Let’s see…
First off, there’s the whole secret society bit where, as you read in the synopsis, they kidnap our new arrival and put her through the ringer only to induct…hey, wait a second! Where are you going?! That’s not ALL that happens silly. You see there’s this crazy ceremony, and a hospital, and procedures done under the guise of goodness and...oh, NOW I have your attention. Alrighty. Let’s build upon that foundation.
Add in a layer for access to high profile events that many would sell their left arm for and mingling that would set you up for almost ANY future. Another layer for friends like Jessica and surprisingly the Brit twins (you’ll read all about them), with a semi solid layer for those in the questionable friendship category like Brett and Jeremy. Sorry Jeremy but YOU are definitely a conundrum even if your case is made for you one way or the other by book’s end, and a handsome one at that. (What? You thought I’d spoil it for you? Ha ha ha ha HA! ^_^) Now, let's not forget that upper crusty layer for those that feel themselves to be better than the rest though their own morals are more than questionable, like Finn and Thayer. A match made in heaven? Maybe....but not really once you know the whole truth. Speaking of truths...
We've built our platform with a formidable base of interest, and we've barely even talked story line! Truth...it's much more than expected, in fact if you're not paying attention to the details, you might miss something. ~whistles~ What?! I reread the part I spaced on and was right on track thank you very much. *humpf* True truths are not something that run rampant in this story. More often than not someone is trying to manipulate someone else and by the time you figure out what, why, or who, we're spinning off in another direction...but don't worry readers, it all connects in the end, FOR THE BETTER! (well, not for ALL parties involved *ahem*)
To close (because if I don't I'll just keep going on and on and ruin the whole darn thing), mystery and intrigue abound in this familiar and yet not story about a new girl in new-to-her surroundings with connections to her past she never dreamed possible and a dark hazy future lurking just beyond the bend. If she doesn't watch where she steps not only will she lose her spot on the lacrosse team for which she was brought in to play on (supposedly), but her very chance at choosing a life that suits her inner self....oh, and her life. Yeah, suppose that part is the BIGGEST worry then. (^_^)
To close (because if I don't I'll just keep going on and on and ruin the whole darn thing), mystery and intrigue abound in this familiar and yet not story about a new girl in new-to-her surroundings with connections to her past she never dreamed possible and a dark hazy future lurking just beyond the bend. If she doesn't watch where she steps not only will she lose her spot on the lacrosse team for which she was brought in to play on (supposedly), but her very chance at choosing a life that suits her inner self....oh, and her life. Yeah, suppose that part is the BIGGEST worry then. (^_^)

Until next time...happy reading!
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