HI guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
The race is on to the 2016 finish line and I don't know about you, but I've still got books I want to read and share...but today's post is a smidge different. You see, once upon a time there was a blogger (no idea who THAT could be) who had a hard time saying "no" to review requests (and quite possibly still does, but really WHO IS THIS PERSON?!) and while her intentions were great, sometimes the calendar wasn't so kind (i.e. she's still trying to figure out that darn create-more-reading-and-blogging-time formula!). What does all that mean? Here and there, surprise titles arrived on her doorstep, said title were read, and then...disappeared into TBR2 (aka to-be-reviewed mountain). Their time is NOW....or at least a good portion of their time is now.
That's right. Today, we're setting our sights on clearing out a portion of those titles that were patiently waiting their day in the sun and if you make it to post's end (which I've not doubt you will), not only will the identity of the blogger in the "fairy tale" mentioned above be abundantly clear (*wink*), but you'll score a CHANCE TO WIN A FAB CANDLEWICK TITLE you're gonna want to dive into STAT. So, if you think you're up to the challenge, LET'S DO THIS! Readying the spotlight and here...we...go...
David McPhail
Abrams Appleseed
In this charming board book perfect for the tiniest of hands, we get to know Olivia and Owl. They may be different in many ways, but they complement each other perfectly. Where one sees things far away, the other notices those things nearer. Where one flies through the air as she leaps into a pile of freshly raked leaves (so much fun!), the other can fly high in the sky. Where one is tired, the other is wide awake...until...*YAWN*...finally bedtime rolls around and both say good night. It's a sweet story to help little ones wind down from the day filled with equally sweet illustrations for all to enjoy.

What This Story Needs is a Munch and a Crunch
A Pig in a Wig book
Emma J. Virjan
As the title states, this is a step into reading title that features....a pig in a wig. Yes, I blinked a few times at that two, but hey...who am I to judge? If the piggy wants to wear a wig, go for it! She does look rather dashing in it. Anyway, in this installment of the series, Pig and friends set out to have a picnic with all the best munchies, and outdoor fun you could mustard...I mean, muster. They're having a marvelous time until...Mother Nature decides to go all wet an gray. What's Pig and her friends to do? Get creative...and remind us that just because things don't go exactly as planned, it doesn't mean the new option can't be as good if not better, as long as we have good friends. With simple but vibrant illustrations, this will have kiddos hungering for the next release....
Emma J. Virjan
As the title states, this is a step into reading title that features....a pig in a wig. Yes, I blinked a few times at that two, but hey...who am I to judge? If the piggy wants to wear a wig, go for it! She does look rather dashing in it. Anyway, in this installment of the series, Pig and friends set out to have a picnic with all the best munchies, and outdoor fun you could mustard...I mean, muster. They're having a marvelous time until...Mother Nature decides to go all wet an gray. What's Pig and her friends to do? Get creative...and remind us that just because things don't go exactly as planned, it doesn't mean the new option can't be as good if not better, as long as we have good friends. With simple but vibrant illustrations, this will have kiddos hungering for the next release....
9781419718250 / 9781419721120
Abrams Appleseed
With unquestionably adorable illustrations (because really, who doesn't love Hello Kitty?!), these two storybooks allow for a gentler introduction to the classic fairy tales of old. How so? Well, outside of the familiar characters and beautiful color palette utilized, the folks at Sanrio decided to put less of a dark spin on the stories themselves. So, instead of the sea with being utterly evil, scary, and interfering in the young mermaid's quest for true love, she's still magical, and the consequence of losing her voice forever is still there, but all the other dreary-ever-after potential disappeared like so much krill before a whale shark. The same is done with LR, but despite the changes, they still retain their charm.
I Don't Want to Be Big
Dev Petty
Illustrated by Mike Boldt
Doubleday Books for Young Readers
This is the story of a little frog who doesn't want to eat his dinner. Why? Because...he doesn't want to grow up...literally, as in get any bigger than his tiny little self is at the moment. The way he sees it, he's got all he needs in his height range now and anything outside of it, well he has BIG friends and family so THEY can get it for him. What's a Dad to do? He tries reasoning with him, but to no avail (though much humor is there for readers to enjoy)...until a few BIG friends decide to show him how wondrous it is to be BIG, making our little frog rethink his "little life plan". It's a fun and funny story with illustrations that drag you right into the mud puddles, that will not only entertain but give little ones that extra boost of confidence as they continue on their own journey through childhood.
Ada Twist, Scientist
Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by David Roberts
Abrams Books for Young Readers
Diversity in books is all the rage these days, and this one takes the cake times two! Here, we have little Ada Twist (inspired by the accomplishments of Marie Curie and Ada Lovelace), a wonderful girl who wants nothing more than to know all about the world in every which way and is not afraid to ask the questions that her curiosity sparks! I, for one, understand her desire because as a child (and still today), my curiosity was never quenched with the answer "because" or "that's the way it is". I wanted to KNOW. So, hat's off to the author and illustrator for bringing this little girl wonder to life. May her exploits reach kiddos far and wide to remind them that the only silly question is the one not asked because the only way to learn more is to ask.
The Berenstain Bears' Caring and Sharing Treasury
Jan & Mike Berenstain
I grew up reading the original Berenstain Bears adventures, but the Living Lights extension of the series provides faith based options for parents and children that are just as heart filled, moral based, and wonderful for today's generation. In this collection, we get the chance to...
...check out just what roles many of the grown bears fill in Bear Country and how important each one really is
...learn that lending a helping paw (or hand) when able is not just something to do, but a privilege
...remember to not judge another by their "cover" as some of the best souls are in the simplest of life's stations
...see how gossip hurts everyone involved whether the teller, the listener, or the subject
...think twice about being a brag-gert because humility in the soul is the only way to go.
A great addition to the kiddos reading library with lessons to take forth into their everyday lives.
The Giggler Treatment
Roddy Doyle
Drawings by Brian Ajhar
Arthur A. Levine Books
This title was a find in our library's second chance bookstore and boy was it a find! It's all about The Giggler Treatment which is well, okay, I can't really tell you without spoiling it, but the whole story revolves around this particular moment when Mr. Mack is going to get what's coming to him...but does he deserve it? Uh-oh. PANIC! PROBLEM! Solution? A very funny tale that will have kiddos searching high and low for the little scoundrels in charge of this particular treatment, and have parents thinking twice about scolding a child in any fashion. Just trust me...seek thee out a copy.
Faithgirlz: Glimmer Girls: Miracle in Music City
Natalie Grant
In this charming reading for Middle Grade to Tween readers, Mia, Maddie, and Lulu are just your average sisters, going to school, dancing with friends, and...traveling the country on a fantastic music tour? You bet! The girls are musically gifted, which is great...but the time away from their friends and normal lives has taken a toll. Add to that obstacle, the disappearance of a valued guitar from their next venue (a holy grail of sorts for musicians) and they've more troubles on their hands than they first imagined. Not to worry...with a helping hand from up above, and some resourcefulness on their parts, things will be sorted right in the end...and you can bet it will sound wondrous too. It tugs at the heart while bringing a smile to your face...a winning combination, if I do say so myself.
A Week of Mondays
Jessica Brody
Farrar Straus Giroux
9781419718250 / 9781419721120
Abrams Appleseed
With unquestionably adorable illustrations (because really, who doesn't love Hello Kitty?!), these two storybooks allow for a gentler introduction to the classic fairy tales of old. How so? Well, outside of the familiar characters and beautiful color palette utilized, the folks at Sanrio decided to put less of a dark spin on the stories themselves. So, instead of the sea with being utterly evil, scary, and interfering in the young mermaid's quest for true love, she's still magical, and the consequence of losing her voice forever is still there, but all the other dreary-ever-after potential disappeared like so much krill before a whale shark. The same is done with LR, but despite the changes, they still retain their charm.
Dev Petty
Illustrated by Mike Boldt
Doubleday Books for Young Readers
This is the story of a little frog who doesn't want to eat his dinner. Why? Because...he doesn't want to grow up...literally, as in get any bigger than his tiny little self is at the moment. The way he sees it, he's got all he needs in his height range now and anything outside of it, well he has BIG friends and family so THEY can get it for him. What's a Dad to do? He tries reasoning with him, but to no avail (though much humor is there for readers to enjoy)...until a few BIG friends decide to show him how wondrous it is to be BIG, making our little frog rethink his "little life plan". It's a fun and funny story with illustrations that drag you right into the mud puddles, that will not only entertain but give little ones that extra boost of confidence as they continue on their own journey through childhood.
Andrea Beaty
Illustrated by David Roberts
Abrams Books for Young Readers
Diversity in books is all the rage these days, and this one takes the cake times two! Here, we have little Ada Twist (inspired by the accomplishments of Marie Curie and Ada Lovelace), a wonderful girl who wants nothing more than to know all about the world in every which way and is not afraid to ask the questions that her curiosity sparks! I, for one, understand her desire because as a child (and still today), my curiosity was never quenched with the answer "because" or "that's the way it is". I wanted to KNOW. So, hat's off to the author and illustrator for bringing this little girl wonder to life. May her exploits reach kiddos far and wide to remind them that the only silly question is the one not asked because the only way to learn more is to ask.
Jan & Mike Berenstain
I grew up reading the original Berenstain Bears adventures, but the Living Lights extension of the series provides faith based options for parents and children that are just as heart filled, moral based, and wonderful for today's generation. In this collection, we get the chance to...
...check out just what roles many of the grown bears fill in Bear Country and how important each one really is
...learn that lending a helping paw (or hand) when able is not just something to do, but a privilege
...remember to not judge another by their "cover" as some of the best souls are in the simplest of life's stations
...see how gossip hurts everyone involved whether the teller, the listener, or the subject
...think twice about being a brag-gert because humility in the soul is the only way to go.
A great addition to the kiddos reading library with lessons to take forth into their everyday lives.
The Giggler Treatment
Roddy Doyle
Drawings by Brian Ajhar
Arthur A. Levine Books
This title was a find in our library's second chance bookstore and boy was it a find! It's all about The Giggler Treatment which is well, okay, I can't really tell you without spoiling it, but the whole story revolves around this particular moment when Mr. Mack is going to get what's coming to him...but does he deserve it? Uh-oh. PANIC! PROBLEM! Solution? A very funny tale that will have kiddos searching high and low for the little scoundrels in charge of this particular treatment, and have parents thinking twice about scolding a child in any fashion. Just trust me...seek thee out a copy.
Natalie Grant
In this charming reading for Middle Grade to Tween readers, Mia, Maddie, and Lulu are just your average sisters, going to school, dancing with friends, and...traveling the country on a fantastic music tour? You bet! The girls are musically gifted, which is great...but the time away from their friends and normal lives has taken a toll. Add to that obstacle, the disappearance of a valued guitar from their next venue (a holy grail of sorts for musicians) and they've more troubles on their hands than they first imagined. Not to worry...with a helping hand from up above, and some resourcefulness on their parts, things will be sorted right in the end...and you can bet it will sound wondrous too. It tugs at the heart while bringing a smile to your face...a winning combination, if I do say so myself.
Jessica Brody
Farrar Straus Giroux
Think Groundhog Day meets YA. Wait no that's not quite right because that's pretty much Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. OK think Before I Fall, but with a less permanent ending. Oh don't get me wrong things change, but of course after seven attempts at the same day one would hope that it would, just in Ells case, she discovers it's not just the results she's trying to alter but her self, or rather the one she presents to the world. How DOES one accomplish that? Simple...a change of heart.
Both the trys and the final results are totally worth the journey through the 400+ pages presented here. Seeing Ellison try on a different version of herself everyday just to try to make things stick was touching. I mean, there's not one of us out there that hasn't done it to some degree growing up... it's a part of life, finding yourself, and something that not everyone is lucky enough to actually do.
Next up on the list....
That's right!
You made it...and just look how your reading/wish lists have grown over the past few minutes. *smirk* You're welcome. Anywho, I'm about to add to your lists once again but this time, you're getting a chance to win the title in question. Sounds awesome, right? Oh, but it is!
Thanks to the FAB folks over at Candlewick Press (Hi, Raquel!), YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO WIN your very own copy of THE EVIL LIBRARIAN by Michelle Knudsen! Not in on the awesomeness that is this title yet? No worries. Here's the book trailer to get you in the know...
Sounds like fun, right?
CLICK HERE for a quick peek between the pages...
Now, I'm about to embark on my own journey through the pages (review to come in the new year) in preparation for the release of book 2, Revenge of the Evil Librarian, due out Valentine's Day 2017 (something tells me he won't be giving out CANDY hearts to library patrons.... *gulp*), and thought you might want to come along with me. So, do you? *plugs ears to avoid squealing* Okay, okay, calm down just smidge because to win it you have to enter...and all the yelling and jumping may make it hard to click and/or type the needed info. Deal? Good. Now, here's the details...
The Prize:
(1) paperback edition of The Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen
CLICK HERE for a quick peek between the pages...
Now, I'm about to embark on my own journey through the pages (review to come in the new year) in preparation for the release of book 2, Revenge of the Evil Librarian, due out Valentine's Day 2017 (something tells me he won't be giving out CANDY hearts to library patrons.... *gulp*), and thought you might want to come along with me. So, do you? *plugs ears to avoid squealing* Okay, okay, calm down just smidge because to win it you have to enter...and all the yelling and jumping may make it hard to click and/or type the needed info. Deal? Good. Now, here's the details...
The Prize:
(1) paperback edition of The Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen
The Rules:
Entries accepted now through January 4th, 2017.
Open to US residents only; no P.O. Boxes please.
Winner will be drawn and emailed with 48 hours to respond with mailing information to be sent over to the publisher for prize send out. If response is not received in given time frame, a new winner will be chosen. SFIR is not responsible for lost or undelivered prizes, though if you let me know, I'll gladly contact the sponsor to follow up!
How to Enter:
Fill out the Rafflecopter form below and BAM! You're in it to win it!
My thanks to all the publicists and marketing teams that work hard day in, day out to get the word out about all the great titles hitting the shelves, both virtual and tangible, every day of the year...and for the review copies! (THANKS!) Many thanks as well to the author's working their craft and sharing their creative works with readers like me. Please know, if someone hasn't told you already, you are FABULOUS and provide so much more than simply a beautiful addition to our growing shelves. You touch lives and hearts, send us on journeys to the stars and back, and provide an avenue for escape from the daily humdrum like no other...all from the comfort of our favorite reading spot. (THANK YOU!)
Until next time (because let's face it, this isn't my last post of the year!), remember...if it looks good, READ IT!
1 comment:
The novel which was memorable, unforgettable and captivating this past year was The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.
I enjoyed this post and tanks for the wonderful giveaway.
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