HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We're celebrating another day of bookish fun with Storybook Sunday! For those not up to speed on the post, I read a lot of great storybooks and thought, why not give them their own day in the sun. Hence, Storybook Sunday! Feel free to join the fun and create a post on your own site with the same name. I'd love to see any linked up in the comments! Anywho...back to the matter at hand.
Today, you're in for a double treat as we explore the latest release from author Julia Dweck! If the name isn't familiar by now, you may have been out of the country, out of WiFi reach, or forgetting to indulge the kiddo in you as of late, but that's okay...you can change all that now. Why? Because...there are two things you can always count on with her books....a fun story and awesome illustrations. So, if you're ready...I think it's your turn at bat! Please join me as we welcome, today's ebook of choice...
Woodville Tails, Book 1
Julia Dweck
Illustrated by
Chris Kennett
Stan Lee's Kids Universe
This is the story of...well, Boomer at bat. Kind of guessed that from the title, huh? Well, that's not all! Yes, Boomer gets his chance at bat, which is well and fine because really, he swings, misses, swings, misses, and well, let's just say it's going, going, going for quite some time. What he also gets though is a much needed lesson in sportsmanship, and how to have FUN!
So many kiddos (and let's face it, adults) get lost in the pursuit of WINNING that they forget to actually enjoy themselves. After all, baseball (among other sports) was not invented to see who has the highest batting average, number of strike out pitches thrown, or the speediest feet on the planet....it was a GAME, to pass the time and have a little FUN! Being a sore sport doesn't make it enjoyable for anyone, so I was oh-so-glad to hear Coach Wuzzle help our little Boomer out with his sage advice. After we get a little adjustment on our focus, the outcome of the swing, hit, and maybe miss or maybe not, doesn't seem nearly as important, but the enjoyment gained, and the friendships made...now those are some headlines to write about.
All in all, another fabulous release from an author whose work I know and love, as should you! Every adventure has an element of fun, learning, and those wonderful illustrations that you simply can't take your eyes off of. No, really! I'm still looking through the virtual baseball cards at the end of the story. So cute!
Special thanks to author Julia Dweck for the ecopy loan for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, the illustrator, or the wide world of Stan Lee's Kids Universe titles, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to Amazon to snag your ecopy today!
Until next time, remember... if it looks good, READ IT!
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