Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... BY THE BOOK by Sheritta Bitikofer - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining Silver Dagger Book Tours to shine a spotlight on a "Contemporary Romance with an Urban Fantasy twist"...their words, not mind...though admittedly, I am intrigued by the combination.  Though my reading plate is a bit over served at the moment, it doesn't mean you can't check it out and report back.  So, ready...set...READ ALL ABOUT IT!

By the Book
Sheritta Bitikofer

When Tara Christiano slid the pretty romance novel down from the shelf at the local bookstore, she never suspected that her life would be turned upside down. It isn't just any ordinary book. It can predict the future. Specifically, Tara's. And when her future becomes intertwined with a handsome new face in town, she anxiously awaits each new page that is revealed, hoping Beau will become her love interest. 

Beau Bremor came back to Brooksdale, Texas to help his brother get back on his feet after the loss of his wife. Helping on Daniel's ranch is one thing, but the well-being of his little niece, Dixie, is in the forefront of his mind. She needs a mother and Daniel needs a wife. When Beau reunites with his former high school crush, a scheme formulates. But, can he keep his objective in mind while he's falling head-over-heels again for the beautiful and witty Tara, whom he is trying to set up with his brother?

A paranormal author of eclectic tastes, Sheritta Bitikofer has a passion for storytelling. Her goal with each book is to rebel against shallow intimacy and inspire courage through the power of love and soulful passion. Her biggest thrill comes when she presents love in a genuine light, where the protagonists not only feel a physical attraction to one another, but a deep emotional (and dare we say spiritual?) connection that fuels their relationship forward into something that will endure much longer than the last pages of their novel. A devoted wife and fur-mama to two shelter rescue dogs, Sheritta’s life is never dull. When she’s not writing her next novel, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows on Netflix, being creative with her husband, playing with her shelter rescue dogs, or painting at a medieval reenactment event. 

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!
Speaking of giveaways...

Special thanks to Silver Dagger Book Tours for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Lady Amber's Reviews & PR presents... OUT OF NOWHERE by DL Gallie - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR

Today, we're joining Lady Amber's Reviews & PR to shine a spotlight on a newly released Contemporary Romance from DL Gallie.  So if you're ready to saddle up to your next read, let me get to suggesting!  Ready or not, our freshly wrangled title in the spotlight is...

Out of Nowhere
DL Gallie
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Tash Drake, Outlined with Love Designs
Editor: Karen Hrdlicka, Barren Acres Editing
Publication Date: March 24th, 2018

About the book...
Emerson James had it all. Great job. Wonderful fiancé. Amazing friends. Loving family. Life was perfect. Out of nowhere, her life fell apart. Rather than dealing with it all, she packs a bag and leaves New York behind. By a twist of fate, she ends up in Nels Cove, Colorado and decides to stay.

Moving to the country is just what she needed. The quaint town, the countryside, and the people are perfect, well most of the people. Chase Archibald is an arrogant ass who grates on her nerves but he also sets her ablaze.

Chase Archibald is Nels Cove royalty. Everyone loves him and his family, well everyone except one person: Emerson James. She is the first person to call him out and not fall at his feet. That pisses him off but at the same time she sparks something inside of him; he can’t stop thinking about her.

Eventually, Emerson lowers her guard and Chase wins her over. Just as she begins to feel like herself again, her past and present collide and she will finally have face what she ran from.

Out of nowhere, she makes a decision but does she make the right one?

AMAZON:  US  |  AU  |  UK  |  CA

DL Gallie is from Queensland, Australia, but she’s lived in many different places all over the world, including the UK and Canada. She currently resides in Central Queensland with her husband and two munchkins. She and her husband have been together since she was sixteen, and although they drive each other crazy at times, she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

Shortly after her son was born, DL began reading again. With encouragement from her husband, she picked up the pen and started writing, and now the voices in her head won’t shut up.

DL enjoys listening to music, drinking white wine in the summer, red wine in the winter, and beer all year round. She’s also never been known to turn down a cocktail, especially a margarita.

The door has just closed behind me when I see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She’s walking down Main Street and I immediately notice her. How could you not? She is absolutely stunning. She’s wearing a yellow sundress. Her red hair is half up and half down and it’s blowing in the wind. Never have I seen someone so breathtaking. She went into Tiff’s and I decide to head there myself; after all Tiff makes the best muffins in three counties. It’s time for my afternoon coffee break and a guy has to eat, that’s what I tell myself as I walk across the street. In truth, I want to see this beauty up close and in person.
Walking in, my eyes immediately find her in the back corner booth…my back corner booth, I think to myself as I walk further inside. My eyes are steadfastly locked on her as I head toward the counter. I’m not looking and don’t see Jolene coming in my direction; her arms full of orders, we collide with each other. The plates she carries go flying and shatter on the floor with a loud crash.
“Chase, I’m so sorry,” she says as she drops to her knees to start cleaning up the mess. Tiff appears and begins to berate Jolene for being clumsy, again. Jolene isn’t cut out for waitressing, but Tiff is too kind to get rid of her. Before I have a chance to say anything, the hottie I’d come in to see is on her knees helping Jolene clean up. My mind immediately imagines her leaning forward, unzipping my slacks, and her pert, pouty lips wrapping around my cock. My deviant thoughts are thwarted when I hear her voice, laced with anger say, “It wasn’t her fault. This guy here wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped into her.” She pauses and looks up at me. “You can always help clean up the mess you made,” she sassily says, her eyes shooting daggers at me.
“Excuse me?” I growl, no one speaks to me like that.
“You heard me, grab the broom from the lady there and help us clean this up,” she responds as she picks up a broken plate and places it into the bin that magically appeared.
“Do you know who I am?” I ask, shocked that someone would speak to me like that.
“I don’t care if you are the president, you will help clean up the mess that you caused.”
Everyone around us gasps. No one has ever spoken to me like that before, and with this one conversation, this little spitfire has piqued my interest. Turning around, I grab the broom from Tiff and begin to help sweep up the mess. Within a few minutes, the debris is all cleaned up. Grabbing the broom from me, she hands it back to Tiff before she makes her way back ‘my’ booth. I watch her walk away, while everyone in the café has gone back to his or her business. Shaking my head, I continue to the counter and order my usual. While I wait, I stalk over to the woman who has garnered my attention. As I sit across from her, I stare at her. I don’t think I have ever been drawn to someone like I am to this woman. “Well, aren’t you a little spitfire?”
Her head pops up from the book she is reading and her cobalt blue eyes glare at me. “Excuse me?” she says.
“I didn’t stutter. I said you are a little spitfire.”
“Did you just quote Major Payne to me?”
Shaking my head, I laugh that she picked up on the movie reference, not my questioning. “Well, I guess I did.” Putting my hand out, I say, “Chase Archibald, nice to meet you.”
She hesitantly looks at my hand before placing hers in mine. Her hand is soft and delicate, compared to mine. “Hi, I’m Emerson,” she replies, immediately withdrawing her hand as if touching me will cause her to catch some horrendous disease, or worse, man germs. She drops her hand back into her lap and goes back to reading, effectively dismissing me.
Never has a woman acted like this around me, usually they fall at my feet, begging me to give them the time of day. This girl intrigues me. “So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company here in Nels Cove?"
“Well, I’m trying to read while I wait for my late lunch.” She pauses, looking over at me before sassily adding, “but some arrogant ass keeps interrupting me.” Lowering her gaze back to her book once again, she ignores me.
“If you want to see my ass, you just have to ask,” I smugly reply. Her head shoots up and once again she is casting daggers my way. Winking at her, I smile before adding, “So, apart from wanting to see my ass, I’ll ask again. To what do we owe the pleasure of your delightful company in our little town?”
Putting her book down, she stares at me and sighs. “You’re not going to go away until I answer your questions, are you?”
Shaking my head from side to side, I confirm, “Nope.” Flashing her a smile, I wink at her. Again, she rolls her eyes, but I’m sure I see a hint of interest flickering there. This woman in front of me intrigues me, even though she’s being blasé and kind of rude, I’m fascinated with her.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m on a road trip,” she huffs. “I was just passing through, but it's so pretty here I’ve been here for a week now and I think I might stay a while longer.”
Her response puzzles me. How has she been here a week and I’m just meeting her now? A newbie like her would normally send the gossip mills blazing. I want to know more, but the phone in my pocket vibrates. I dig it out and see that it’s a reminder for a conference call in ten minutes. It’s a call that I had to reschedule and cannot miss. “Well, I guess you are saved by the bell. I hope to see you around, Emerson.”
“Lucky me,” she sarcastically says. She picks up her book and goes back to reading, once again rejecting my advances.
Standing up, I walk over to the counter, grab my waiting coffee and head out. As I walk across the street, I glance over my shoulder and see her staring out the window at me. Lifting my hand, I nod my head, tap my temple, and salute her. From across the road, I can sense her blushing and I think to myself, Game on, Spitfire, game on. .

Special thanks to Amber at Lady Amber's Reviews & PR for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Barclay Publicity LLC presents... DON'T CALL ME CUPCAKE by Tara Sheets - SPOTLIGHT + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Image result for row of cupcakes

Today, we're joining Barclay Publicity LLC for a FIRST LOOK celebration starring a work of Contemporary Romance that's as tasty as it is sweet!  A cupcake baker with magical abilities suddenly finds herself competing with the unfortunately handsome owner of the fancy new bakery across the street in Golden Heart® Winner Tara Sheets's magical romantic comedy releasing April 24th, 2018...but you're on the inside track for a sneak peek RIGHT NOW!  Ready, set...

Don't Call Me Cupcake
The Holloway Girls, Book 1
Tara Sheets
Digital ISBN: 1420146264
Print ISBN: 9781420146264
Zebra Shout - Kensington Publishing
Release Date:  April 24th, 2018

About the book...
There’s a very special kind of sweetness to life on Pine Cove Island …

Most families have a favorite recipe or two, handed down through generations. The Holloway women are a little different. Emma Holloway, like her grandmother before her, bakes charms into her delicious cupcakes, granting the recipient comfort, sweet dreams, or any number of good things. It’s a strange gift, but it brings only happiness. Until gorgeous, smooth-talking newcomer Hunter Kane strolls into her shop, Fairy Cakes—and Emma makes the mistake of selling him not one, but three Sweet Success cupcakes.

 Hunter, it turns out, is opening a fancy new restaurant and bakery right on the waterfront—Emma’s competition. To make matters worse, the town committee has decided to split the upcoming summer festival contract between the two, forcing Emma to work with her nemesis. But she can’t afford to split her profits. The solution: create a recipe that will make Hunter leave town permanently.

The Holloway charms are powerful. But there are other kinds of magic in the world—like red-hot first kisses, secret glances, and the feeling that comes with falling truly, madly, inconveniently in love . . .

Add to your TBR list...

Available at...

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~~~ EXCERPT ~~~
Copyright© 2018 Don’t Call Me Cupcake
Tara Sheets

“You.” A woman’s voice called behind him, and he turned to see the cupcake girl marching toward him. She was still wearing that black-and-white frilly apron. With her blond ringlets flying around her delicate face and flinty sparks in her gray eyes, Hunter felt like he was about to be attacked by a sexy Goldilocks.
He searched behind him as she approached, to make sure she wasn’t talking to someone else. “Me?”
She stopped in front of him, a little out of breath from her march down the street. Her chest lifted and fell intriguingly over the white apron lace, but her rosebud mouth was pursed tightly and Hunter took a step back. He had seen that look on women before. Goldilocks was not happy.
“Yes, you,” she said through gritted teeth. “You lied to me. You’re not a tourist.”
“Uh,” Hunter glanced around for a moment. “I’m not?”
“No, you’re not.” She stepped in close, grabbing the pastry box out of his hand. She peered inside and glared up at him in accusation. “And of course. You had to go and eat all three of them, didn’t you?”
He blinked. “But, I paid for them, remember?”
“That’s not the point. You. Ate. Them.”
“Yes,” he said carefully. Maybe Goldilocks liked to spike her morning porridge. “They were delicious?”
Ugh.” She stomped her foot and he tried not to smile. She was irritated, yes, but so damn adorable. Even if she was a little bit odd.
“You shouldn’t have eaten them because you weren’t being honest with me. You’re not just a tourist passing through. You’re the new owner of that.” She pointed to the empty waterfront building that would soon be his fancy new café and restaurant.
“Yes.” He held out his hand and gave her his best smile. “I’m Hunter Kane.”
She frowned back at him, ignoring his hand. “I know who you are. And you should have told me that before I gave you those Sweet Success cupcakes.”
“Because I own Fairy Cakes, and now your business is going to take away all my customers.” She looked so upset that Hunter felt a twinge of pity for her, even though she was being ridiculous. Competition was the name of the game in any industry, and restaurant ownership was no exception. “Look, I’m sorry you feel that way, but it’s just business. And why would my eating your chocolate cupcakes be a problem anyway? It’s not like I’m going to steal the recipe or something.”
“Ha,” she scoffed. “As if you ever could. My cupcakes are special, and everyone on this island knows it.”
“Oh . . . kay.” He still wasn’t quite sure what she was getting at.
“And now you’ve gone and eaten them.” She threw her hands up in the air.
Hunter frowned down at her. “Well, excuse me, ma’am. I thought that was the whole point of buying them.”
She jammed her hands onto her hips. “First of all, I’m twenty-five years old. Don’t call me ‘ma’am.’ Save it for old ladies with lapdogs.”
“Fine, Cupcake.” He shouldn’t have said it. He knew it. But something about her righteous indignation made him want to tease her. She gasped, her eyes narrowing on him like an angry feline. He was so dead.

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About the author...

TARA SHEETS is an award-winning author of contemporary romance and women’s fiction. Her work has earned first place recognition in literary contests nationwide and her debut novel, Don’t Call Me Cupcake, won the 2016 Golden Heart® award sponsored by Romance Writers of America®. Tara began her career as an author in the Pacific Northwest, inspired by the rain and the misty mountains and the rivers of Starbucks coffee.  She now lives in the warm, wonderful South where she can stand outside with no coat on, and she finds that pretty inspiring too.  When not writing, Tara enjoys life with her book-loving family and a book-eating dog named Merlin. She is represented by Sarah Phair at Trident Media Group.

Connect with Tara...
 Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  BookBub

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Special thanks to Cameron at Barclay Publicity LLC for the chance to bring this tour to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, the publisher, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.  This title is set to release April 24th, 2018, so mark your calendar or pre-order your copy today!


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Tara is offering one (1) lucky Grand Prize winner an Alex & Ani cupcake charm bracelet and a paperback ARC of Don’t Call Me Cupcake. Two (2) Runner-Up winners will receive a paperback ARC of Don’t Call Me Cupcake!

To enter, simply CLICK HERE to fill out the Rafflecopter form!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

RABT Book Tours presents... SURVIVAL by Rachel Watts

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today, we're joining RABT Book Tours to shine a spotlight on a new Young Adult title ready and waiting for your wish list.  So, ready or not, here we go....

YA Speculative Fiction
Date Published: March 2018

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Ignorance is cheap. And then it costs you everything.

Perth author Rachel Watts' latest release delivers a devastating vision of a post-climate change world in which governments have collapsed and corporations rule with an iron fist. In this world two young women from different backgrounds find themselves unexpectedly aligned in their pursuit for the truth.

The world has suffered economic collapse and multiple environmental crises. In a flooded city, Ava Murasaki is searching for her activist sister Sophia. Meanwhile, Valerie Newlin lives in the secure complex of the Scylla Corporation, the world's only remaining multinational. There, she finds evidence of something horrifying in the Corporation medical research data. Set in a searingly real near-future, Survival is a story of what people will face for those they love.

Survival is accompanied by four of Watts' previously published dystopian and post-apocalyptic stories.

Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes  |  IndieBound

About the Author

Rachel Watts is an award-winning journalist and a writer of literary and speculative fiction. She holds a Master's Degree in Media and Communication and teaches creative writing to adults and teenagers. Her short stories and non-fiction have been published by Westerly, Island, Kill Your Darlings, Tincture and more.

Rachel Watts lives in Perth, Western Australia.

Contact Links

RABT Book Tours & PR

Special thanks to Cami at RABT Book Tours for the chance to bring this blitz to you.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above.

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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