Are you an avid reader looking for your next "fix"? Can't bear to be without some form of reading material in your spare time? Welcome to my world! Whether you are seeking a new book to "feed your need", or you are an author seeking an unbiased point of view on your own recent masterpiece, this is the place to be. With life as with books, you never know where the next step might take you...

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Silver Dagger Book Tours presents... The RWA Vivian Award: AWARDS DAY EVENT + GIVEAWAY!


The Vivian Contest

The Vivian recognizes excellence in romance writing and showcases author talent and creativity. We celebrate the power of the romance genre with its central message of hope--because happily ever afters are for everyone.
Romance Writers of America will announce the winners of the 2021 Vivian awards at a virtual Awards Ceremony on July 31st, 9pm EST. Caraway Carter will emcee the event, which will be streamed live at
The names of the winners will be posted as they’re announced on the RWA website, Twitter and Facebook pages (hashtag #RWAVivian).
Join us in the celebration!

Tune into the RWA website HERE!

Swing by Facebook HERE!

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Follow the blitz HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$75 Amazon giftcard OR Paypal

RRR presents... CAPTIVATING THE CYNICAL EARL by Catherine Tinley - REVIEW!

HI there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

SO, I'm coming to you today ready to close out the month on a high note having JUST FINISHED reading the title I'm about to feature. What? Don't judge me! I've got a BUSY life, just like the rest of you, and just happen to have a busy reading schedule too! I regret nothing! Anywho...back to today's feature title. It's another Historical Romance (*sigh*) from author Catherine Tinley (*fist pump*) on tour with Rachel's Random Resources (*the crowd goes wild*). It may be demure in content, but don't let that fool you for a moment, because the feelings run deep in this one and part of its AMAZING charm is in the act of uncovering them! Ladies and gents, may I please present today's blog tour guest and book of choice...

Captivating the Cynical Earl
Catherine Tinley

About the book...
The cool, aloof earl
And the enchanting lady

For Jack Beresford, Earl of Hawkenden, emotional entanglements are the path to pain. But when his brother brings his new wife and her best friend to his country home, everything changes. Lady Cecily Thornhill is both vibrant and beautiful, and Jack finds himself increasingly captivated by her sunny nature. Yet he must resist her charms, for in a month she’ll be gone—unless his frozen heart thaws before then…


From the start, Cecily had my heart. She was warm, and kind, but also smart and resilient! She was there for her newly wed friend and supportive despite her groom's own blood not being so. She was basically accosted by them, in fact, and managed to maintain her dignity, let loose a few choice words, and leave with her head held high. Was it the thing to do at the time? Perhaps not with the ton, but no one could (nor did) blame her for her reaction, as the man was beyond rude! The man in question...the Earl of Hawkenden, aka Jack.

Jack has issues that are buried deep and ignored completely, so his well constructed life centered on rebuilding his family's name alongside his brother Tom, suited him perfectly. Leave it to Tom to throw a monkey wrench into the works with a surprise marriage, and claims of love being the reason for his "folly". THAT is one four letter word that the Earl is not as well acquainted with any longer. His father aimed to squash it out of their lives at every turn. His mother tried her best to keep it alive, until she herself was not. His hard lessons continued throughout his life, and yet they helped make him the focused man he is today...or rather was...because a certain young woman has stolen into his thoughts, sneaked under his guard, and even unbeknownst to her, made herself a space in his heart...that he thoroughly refuses to acknowledge! And how long do you think that can last?

In the end, their journey from mistaken identity to housemates to something hard to verbalize, but felt strongly nonetheless is remarkable, enjoyable, and not to be missed. As I said, it's a demure story, so if steamy scenes make your face burn red, fear not...we're more in the land of stolen kisses than stolen virtue...but it is unforgettable just the same!  Trust me, if you're a fan of Historical Romance, this is just the book for you.


About the author...

Catherine Tinley is an award winning author of historical romance. She writes witty, heartwarming Regency love stories for Harlequin Mills & Boon. Her first book, Waltzing with the Earl, won the Rita Award for Best Historical Romance 2018, while Rags-to-Riches Wife won the RoNA Award for Best Historical Romance 2021.

She has loved reading and writing since childhood, and has a particular fondness for love, romance, and happy endings. After a career encompassing speech & language therapy, Sure Start, maternity campaigning and being President of a charity, she now manages a maternity hospital. She lives in Ireland with her husband, children, cats, and dog and can be reached at,on facebook, twitter, and instagram.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this tour, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now via Harlequin Mills & Boon, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy now! Be sure to check out the other sites on the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Friday, July 30, 2021

RRR presents... PLAYING THE DUKE'S Fiancée by Amanda McCabe - REVIEW!

HI guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, I'm pleased as punch to be hosting a stop along this Rachel's Random Resources tour for a NEW Historical Romance title you won't want to miss! It's from author Amanda McCabe whose work you may already be aware of, but if you haven't yet made her acquaintance, you are sorely missing out! Ready to see why? Please...ALLOW ME! Today's blog tour guest and ebook of choice...

Playing the Duke’s Fiancée
Amanda McCabe

About the book...

A pretend proposal
For the unconventional heiress

When American heiress Violet Wilkins crosses paths with William, Duke of Charteris, she has extremely low expectations of the “Duke of Bore.” But when this seemingly stuffy aristocrat offers her escape from a dreadful arranged marriage, she leaps at the chance! To her surprise, the arresting Charles whisks Vi into an exhilarating make-believe romance. And as she gets to know the man behind the title, she can’t help wanting more…



Oh my goodness, this was SUCH a great read!

Catching up with the Wilkins sisters was pure joy! Reliving the connections already built with characters from previous releases was such fun! Getting to know Violet and the "Duke of Bore" was simply delightful! I honestly can't say I was bored for a moment, felt like wandering from the page, or was tempted by other online pastimes that we all generally feel calling away our time. I was simply glued to the epage, every chance I got, and reveled in getting lost in the story.

Violet was a strong woman, happy to pursue her heart's (mind out of the gutter, this is a HISTORICAL Romance...there's generally more couth involved)...despite it being frowned upon by most to do so. I mean, she lived in a time when marriage and an heir was the goal, the standard, the thing to do...but if we learned anything from her sister's story, that's just simply not how the Wilkins girls live! Enter her new neighbor, William...aka the "Duke of Bore". In truth, he's anything but, but reputations are easy to come by and harder to be rid of, so it suited his purpose to leave things as least until he meets Violet. Seen from afar and with no introduction, she already stole into his heart...then we just had to wait for his head to catch up with things! The bargain they strike to meet both their needs temporarily was brilliant, especially since it allowed them more time together to explore what neither could quite acknowledge nor quite deny.

If you're a Historical Romance fan, this is DEFINITELY a MUST READ recommendation from me to you, and if you haven't checked out the author's previous releases, I highly suggest you do.


About the author...

Amanda wrote her first romance at the age of sixteen--a vast historical epic starring all her friends as the characters, written secretly during algebra class (and her parents wondered why math was not her strongest subject...)

She's never since used algebra, but her books have been nominated for many awards, including the RITA Award, the Romantic Times BOOKReviews Reviewers' Choice Award, the Booksellers Best, the National Readers Choice Award, and the Holt Medallion. She lives in Santa Fe with a Poodle, a cat, a wonderful husband, and a very and far too many books and royal memorabilia collections.

When not writing or reading, she loves taking dance classes, collecting cheesy travel souvenirs, and watching the Food Network--even though she doesn't cook.

Amanda also writes as Laurel McKee for Grand Central Publishing, the Elizabethan Mystery Series as Amanda Carmack, and the Manor Cat Mystery Series as Eliza Casey.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you as well as the ecopy for review. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun...

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

RRR presents... THE DEVIL'S TUNE by Fran Kempton - SPOTLIGHT + EXCERPT!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're got Rachel's Random Resources on deck with a stop along their current featuring the work of author Frances Kempton. It's the first release in a planned trilogy and, from the sound of things, it's going to be QUITE the story filled with murder, mystery, magic, and curiosities. Sound like your bag? Great! Let's get in step with today's title in the spotlight...

The Devil’s Tune
Frances Kempton

About the book...
Carlo Gesualdo, prince, composer and murderer has his wife and her lover killed in Naples in 1590. The wife's maidservant,Laura Scala, witnesses the events and vowes to avenge her mistress.

The princess, Donna Maria d'Avalos, rescued Laura in Sicily after she had been raped at the age of thirteen. Laura devotes her life to her saviour and after the murders she spends years of her life trying to be revenged on the musical prince.

The scene moves from Sicily to Naples and Venice, back to Naples and finally to the New World. Laura believes she is carrying a curse. Everyone she becomes involved with appears to suffers misfortune and death.

A Jewish girl in the Venetian ghetto is kidnapped and sold into the Sultan's harem, Laura's daughter is placed in an orphanage without her knowledge, the artist Caravaggio uses Laura as a model and meets a tragic end.

Three beautiful pearls given to Laura by her mistress play a part in the story. Is Laura really cursed - or is it her connection with the murderous prince who dabbles in the occult?

A gypsy woman is burned at the stake, a Venetian gondolier meets a mysterious fate and Laura becomes a skilled herbalist and poisoner by default before the story ends in the New World. The background to these events is the strange and compelling music of Gesualdo.



~~~ EXCERPT ~~~

At the castle the artist Caravaggio urges Laura to do what she has planned to do for years, poison Gesualdo.

   ‘I thought you had more sense, Laura. A man like the prince, a murderer, a sadist, there must be plenty of people who would like to kill him.’…
    It was important to keep your wits about you in that kitchen. Donna Polissena and her German assistant tried out their poisons on the staff, especially on any of the pages who had displeased her. Mostly, they suffered mild stomach upsets. The Germans were not as skilled as the Italians in these matters.
    One day, I heard one of the pages whispering to another that he should place “something from our friend” in the dish that was to be served to the prince and his wife. The something appeared to be a slice of bread covered with a sauce. I thought that the poison must be in the sauce, but in that I was mistaken. There was still the matter of the mysterious soup that Castelvietro had been stirring. I needed to find out what it contained.”

**Thank you for featuring me on your blog.  My pleasure!  :)


About the author...

Frances Kempton is a reclusive writer fleeing from the clutches of Jane Austen.

She has an obsession with Italy. This is the first book in an Italian trilogy


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

RRR presents... HAUNTED by Tessa Buckley - AUTHOR Q&A!

Hi guys! 
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. 

Today, we’ve teamed up with Rachel’s Random Resources to bring you a BOOK SPOTLIGHT and a very special Q&A with author Tessa Buckley! The book sounds SPOOKY-licious and the question answer session was most enlightening, so, if you think you’re ready, let’s get this show on the road! Ladies and gents, today’s title in the spotlight is... 

Tessa Buckley

About the book...
Alex doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he is about to have his beliefs challenged… 

When Jimmy Devlin asks the twins to investigate the strange things that have been happening at The Priory, Alex seizes the opportunity to prove to his sister that there is no such thing as ghosts. However, it soon becomes clear that unquiet spirits are not the only problem facing the Devlin family. 

Are the family servants hiding secrets? Has a valuable ring been stolen, or just mislaid? And what has happened to Jimmy’s missing elder brother, Harry? As the twins and Jimmy try to solve the many mysteries of The Priory, they discover they are dealing with a very dangerous enemy… 



Q&A with Author Tessa Buckley 

How long have you been writing?

I started writing my own stories almost as soon as I could read, but as I got older, life got in the way, and by the time I was working in my first job, the writing tailed off. It was really only when my children were in full time schooling that I decided to start again. It’s definitely easier to write fiction when you are older and have more life experience to draw on.

Do you write non-fiction as well as novels?

Soon after my first child was born, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. At the time, there were no treatments for the disease, but after I discovered the research that had been done on diet and MS, I changed my diet and improved my health dramatically. I then wrote a book about the benefits of nutritional therapy (The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book) and was lucky enough to find a publisher quite quickly. I have since written a lot of articles about nutrition and healthy eating.

What gave you the idea for the Eye Spy series?

One day the voice of Alex, my teen detective, just popped into my head, and I heard him describe his life with his Nan, a school dinner lady, and his eccentric inventor father. It was only later that I realised that he and his twin sister, Donna, were inspired by memories of a brother and sister I knew when I was a child. It wasn’t difficult to choose a setting for the series either – a small seaside town - as I live in a seaside town myself, so it was familiar territory to me.

What are your favourite hobbies?

I do a lot of cooking, but I am also passionate about family history. I am hoping to write a book about my mother’s ancestors, a lot of whom ran successful coaching inns. I’m also researching my husband’s family, who have a very different background in mining, socialism, and trade union activism.

What is it about writing that has given you the most enjoyment?

When I am writing, I can escape into an imaginary world, just as I did as a child when I read Enid Blyton, or the Narnia stories. Today’s children are under a lot more pressure than my generation were, trying to navigate their way through a much more complex and uncertain world, and if my books can provide them with some enjoyable escapism in difficult times, then I will have achieved my goal.


About the author... 

Tessa Buckley was an inveterate scribbler as a child, and spent much of her time writing and illustrating stories. After studying Interior Design, she spent fifteen years working for architects and designers. She took up writing again after her young daughter complained that she couldn’t find enough adventure stories to read. This led, in 2016, to the publication of Eye Spy, the first in a series of detective stories for 9-12 year olds, designed to encourage reluctant readers. The second book in the series, Haunted, was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2017. 

Tessa lives with her husband and a large white cat called Pippa. in a town on the Thames estuary, which inspired the seaside setting for the novels. She also writes about health and nutrition, and family history, which has been her passion for many years. 


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this reveal to you as well as to author Tessa Buckley for indulging my curious mind. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. Be sure to check out the rest of the tour as it makes its way through the blogosphere...

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we're joining HarperCollins Publishers to celebrate the BOOK BIRTHDAY of author Diana Quincy's latest release via Avon Books. It's the second title in her Clandestine Affairs Historical Romance series and features a feisty leading lady at the center of a potential crime, an appreciative leading man with his own agenda, and a chance at something more that neither saw coming. Ready or not, feast your eyes on today's title in the spotlight...

Clandestine Affairs, Book 2
Diana Quincy
Avon Books

About the book...
A seduction that could ruin everything...

Hanna Zaydan has fought to become London’s finest bonesetter, but her darkly appealing new patient threatens to destroy everything she’s worked so hard for. The daughter of Arab merchants is slowly seduced by the former soldier — even though she’s smart enough to know Griff is after more than he’ll reveal. Whatever it is, the bonesetter’s growing desire for the man just might tempt her to give it to him.

An attraction that cannot be denied...

Rumors that he killed his own parents have followed Thomas Ellis, Viscount Griffin, practically since he was a boy. More than a decade after the tragedy, Griff receives a tip about his parents’ killer… one that takes him straight to a captivating bonesetter. Griff is convinced Hanna is a fraud, but the dark-eyed beauty stirs deep feelings in him that he thought had perished along with his family.

Hanna has a gift for fixing fractured people, but can she also mend a broken heart? More importantly, will Griff let her?


About the author...

Bestselling author Diana Quincy is an Emmy-nominated former television journalist who decided she'd rather make up stories where a happy ending is always guaranteed in the Regency world of dashing dukes, irresistible rogues, and the bold women who capture their hearts.

As a U.S. Foreign Service brat, Diana grew up roaming the world, but is now happily settled in Virginia with her husband and two sons. When not bent over her laptop or trying to keep up with laundry, she enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and dreaming up her next travel adventure.

Diana loves to hear from readers. You can follow her on Twitter or visit her website at To learn more about Diana's upcoming books and for sneak previews and other special exclusive giveaways, please consider signing up for her quarterly newsletters at


Special thanks to Julie at HarperCollins Publishers for the eARC for review. (THANK YOU!) For more information on this title, the author, or the publisher, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title just celebrated its book birthday TODAY (*throws confetti*) via Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual retailer of your choosing. STAY TUNED for my review COMING SOON right here on Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

RRR presents... LOVE ME TENDER by Lorraine Mace - SPOTLIGHT + EXCERPT!

Hi guys and gals!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today is a two post sort of day, and up on the docket first is our latest Rachel's Random Resources tour join featuring your next potential must read! It's darker, and a bit scary, but who doesn't like a little fright now and then with a startling who-dun-it just ready and waiting for you? SO, with that in mind, let's get to the intro's, then dive between the pages as we meet today's title in the spotlight...

Love Me Tender
Lorraine Mace

About the book...

A brutal murder . . .
Responding to a tip-off, newly promoted Detective Chief Inspector Paolo Sterling arrives at an apartment block to find the dismembered body of a young woman. And with no indication of a break-in, all signs suggest the killer was known to her.

An abduction in plain sight . . .
Then the victim's friend is snatched with no witnesses and the unanswered questions mount up.

At the same time, Sterling's team are leading the surveillance of a local club, thought to be involved in a drug operation. But when one of his colleagues ends up in hospital close to death, Paolo begins to lose his grip.

A detective on the edge . . .
With the odds stacked against him, and time running out, can DCI Sterling uncover the truth before it's too late? Or will this case finally tip him over the edge?


~~~ EXCERPT ~~~

DCI Paolo Sterling is talking to DS Connors (CC) about a drug case that is ongoing at the same time as the murder investigation.

 CC nodded. “The day shift are watching The Pipe, but I doubt anything will go down in daylight, sir. Once the Chief gave that press conference and announced his intention of shutting down the clubs known to be involved in drug dealing, the people at The Pipe must have realised they were being watched. I can’t help feeling it would have been better to keep quiet and let us get on with the job without alerting the dealers.”
Paolo sighed. “Probably, but the Chief was dealing with political pressure. It’s always the way, you know that. A kid dead from a drug overdose isn’t news, but the daughter of an MP dead from a drug overdose makes the front page. Sally Mendip’s death forced the Chief’s hand. George Mendip is spouting off in the press that we aren’t doing enough to protect innocent victims, so the Chief felt he had to prove we were on the job.”
CC snorted. “Innocent victim? Is he not aware his daughter was a known user and might even have been a dealer herself?”
Paolo shook his head. “No parent who’s lost a child, no matter what the circumstances, sees them in any light other than the best. We know she was dealing, but on autopsy Dr Royston wasn’t able to determine if her overdose was accidental or deliberate. We can’t even be sure she wasn’t murdered. All we know is that The Pipe seems to be at the centre of the bad drugs flooding our streets. I understand George Mendip’s need to rage and want answers, but Sally isn’t our only victim. We’ve lost too many young people in the last few months and I can’t let his grief affect the way we conduct this investigation.”


About the author...

Born and raised in South East London, Lorraine lived and worked in South Africa, on the Island of Gozo and in France before settling on the Costa del Sol in Spain. She lives with her partner in a traditional Spanish village inland from the coast and enjoys sampling the regional dishes and ever-changing tapas in the local bars. Her knowledge of Spanish is expanding. To stop her waistline from doing the same, she runs five times a week.

Author of the D.I. Sterling series of novels, Lorraine has been engaged in many writing-related activities. A columnist for Writing Magazine, she has recently stepped down from writing two columns for Writers’ Forum and also her role as head judge of the magazine’s monthly fiction competitions in order to concentrate on her own writing. She is currently writing two standalone psychological thrillers for Headline Accent.

She also runs her own private critique and author mentoring service.


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

Monday, July 26, 2021


Hi there! 
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. 

Today, we’re playing host to a stop along the latest Rachel’s Random Resources tour staring a book that reminds us to not judge a book by its cover, nor a person by your first impression. Intrigued? GREAT! Here comes today’s title in the spotlight AND a special Guest Post from the author all about Social Media Bullying… 

Sun, Sea and Summer Vibes 
Zoe Allison 

About the book... 
Sometimes first impressions are far from the truth... 
Nina Darwish is a scientist who likes to proceed with caution and careful deliberation. When she arrives at the party destination of Ibiza to play PA for her best friend and international pop sensation Isla Starr, she has trouble adapting to the carefree and easy-going vibe on the island. The situation isn’t aided by Isla’s seemingly surly yet irritatingly attractive music producer, the world-renowned dance DJ Logan Wild, known by his real name—Cameron—to his friends. Plus, Nina’s run-ins with, and repeated rebuttal of, an extremely entitled and very annoying male singer named Zac don’t help to aid her mood. 

Unbeknownst to Nina, Cameron remembers her from the past, when he was a geeky student who admired her from afar. Unfortunately, it’s clear that Nina considers him ill-natured, no doubt due to his natural awkwardness, which he masks using a stage persona. However, even if that weren’t the situation, he’s involved in a dead-end relationship with his celebrity girlfriend Ash. Plus, Nina’s eye appears to have been drawn onto Ash’s no good ex-boyfriend, Zac, therefore there’s no point in believing anything could ever happen between them. 

But despite all of that being the case, for some reason, he just cannot stop thinking about her. 



~~~ GUEST POST from Author Zoe Allison ~~~ 

~~~ Social Media Bullying ~~~ 

 In Sun, Sea, and Summer Vibes Nina’s best friend Isla is a singer who suffers trolling on social media. Make no mistake, trolling is a form of bullying and it surprises me not only that people would be so cruel as to inflict that kind of behaviour upon a fellow human being, but that some people seem to think others are immune to it. As if it doesn’t count when somebody is famous. I think that latter point is something we are all guilty of to some degree.

I have witnessed unpleasant comments on social media towards celebrities from people who would never speak in such a manner not only to people in real life, but to other ‘ordinary’ people on social media. But guess what? We’re all ordinary. All the same human beings no matter how many people know, or don’t know, who we are.

I’ve found in life that people are much more likely to speak up if they feel negatively about something than if they feel positively. Why is that? Surely the end point is that you only end up spreading bad vibes rather than good. I for one believe that, overall in life, you at least want to be fifty-fifty in the kind of energy you put out into the universe. Better still, get your positive to outweigh your negative.

Perhaps a good way to go about things is when you’re tempted to be negative on social media, ask yourself why. Is it going to achieve anything? For example, if there has been a bad experience from a service which is significant and speaking out would help others? Or are you only doing it for the sake of it? If you must pass a negative opinion then remain polite and remember you are still dealing with a human. If you’re criticising a service, often the person you’re speaking directly to isn’t responsible for the issue, merely a representative of said service so make sure you speak to them in the manner in which you would wish to be spoken to yourself.

When it comes to art and artists or creators, often people will want to express their dislike of something. But is that useful? Does it make you feel good? I personally only choose to comment if I have something positive to say because if I dislike something then it just means it’s not for me, not that it’s bad. And there’s certainly no need to personally insult a creator just because their work was not to your taste. Remember that such comments say a lot more about the commentor, than the person they’re directed at.

When navigating social media remember that everyone on there is a real person (except for the bots! LOL) and really think about what you’re commenting. Would you say the same nasty things if they were right in front of you with a hurt look in their eyes? Perhaps with their spouse or children standing with them, wondering why you’re being so horrible to their loved one? If you would still say the same things in that situation, then I think some real soul searching needs to be done on your part and I hope that one day, you can find happiness.


About the author... 

Growing up, Zoe Allison loved stories about falling in love. But rather than being rescued by a knight in shining armour, she imagined herself fighting dragons alongside him, battling supervillains as heroic allies, or teaming up to dive into perilous waters in order to save a loved one from drowning. Once Zoe did grow up, she became a doctor. But as time went on, she craved a creative outlet to counter the soul sapping burnout that her career inflicted upon her, and also to achieve those happy endings that were so often lacking in the real world. She wanted heroes who truly love and value women, who find their true love inspiring, are fascinated by her, want to connect with her as a soulmate and fully open themselves to her on an emotional level. And so, Zoe began to write her romances. 

A Zoe Allison novel promises a heroine who is not only her hero’s equal in ability and intellect, but whose hero equals her in emotional intelligence. Her characters overcome conflict infused with spine tingling sexual tension to forge a deep connection as soul mates as well as lovers, and ultimately, they both rescue each other emotionally. Even if they might begin their journey as enemies… 


Special thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for the chance to bring this tour to you and to author Nikola Scott for the great guest post. (THANKS!) For more information on this title, the author, this promotion, or those on the horizon, feel free to click through the links provided above. This title is available now, so click on over to your favorite online retailer to snag your copy today and be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more bookish fun!

Until next time, remember...if it looks good, READ IT!

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